Mako 7.5.0 API
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CBoxTmpl< PointType >Template for a PDF-style box. Similar to a rectangle but specified using a left, bottom, right and top coordinate
 CBoxTmpl< double >
 CJawsMako::CAnnotationBorderA class representing an annotation's border (described in the PDF Specification as BorderStyle). The meaning of a border style depends on the annotation type and not all annotation types will support all attributes of this class, and neither will all PDF versions support all attributes. Please refer to the PDF 1.7 specification for the required styles. JawsMako will only store the attributes that are valid for the given type, but will not signal errors for this case
 CJawsMako::IXAMLGenerator::CAnnotationXAMLClass for receiving XAML generated for annotation appearances in a bulk fashion
 CCClassIDAn object to represent a 128-bit globally unique ID
 CCClassParamsEDL Object Interface
 CJawsMako::IJawsRenderer::CColorSpotHalftoneDescription of spot halftones, using Jaws's default spot function. Used for color halftoned rendering. Analogous to a PostScript Type 2 Halftone; please refer to section 7.4.6 of the PostScript language reference manual. When rendering to RGB, there must be three angles. (Red, Green and Blue respectively). For CMYK output, there must be four (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black respectively)
 CJawsMako::IJawsRenderer::CColorThresholdArrayHalftoneAs per CThresholdArrayHalftone, but for use with color rendering. There is a single width and height, but a threshold array for each color being rendering. One threshold array must be specified for each color being rendered. When rendering to RGB, there must be three thresholds (Red, Green and Blue respectively). For CMYK output, there must be four thresholds (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black respectively)
 CJawsMako::IPDFValidator::CContentErrorA class describing validation errors present in a particular location on a page
 CJawsMako::IJawsRenderer::CEDSHalftoneA halftone representing an error diffusion screen. Allows the production of results containing a variable number of gray levels per channel using a range of error diffusion screens
 CJawsMako::CFieldOptionClass to store form field option array entries
 CJawsMako::IJawsRenderer::CFrameBufferInfoDescription of a frame buffer for use with renderSeparationsToFrameBuffers
 CJawsMako::IPDFValidator::CGeneralErrorA class describing validation errors found in a PDF that are not tied to a location on a page
 CCGlyphsClusterA single cluster generated from the parallel Indices and Unicode strings present in an IDOMGlyphs node. This represents the smallest logical unit of text. Here, a single cluster may represent:
 CCGlyphsClustersA single cluster generated from the parallel Indices and Unicode strings present in an IDOMGlyphs node. This represents the smallest logical unit of text. Here, a single cluster may represent:
 CCIndicesGlyphUtility code allowing the simpler manipulation of glyph glusters represented by the UnicodeString and Indices entries of an IDOMGlyphs object
 CJawsMako::ILayoutFont::CLayoutFontItemAn association of a font and it's font index
 CIDOMShadingPatternType4567Brush::CMeshEntryA entry in the shading pattern's mesh. The interpretation of each entry depends on the shading type, and potentially on per-entry flags. Please see the PDF specification for details
 CJawsMako::IPDFValidator::CPageErrorsA collection of all the errors associated with a page
 CJawsMako::CPDFFarReferenceA simple concrete class representing indirect reference data stored in a remote context, such as (for example) from a different PDF document
 CJawsMako::IPDFInput::CPdfFontInfoInformation about a font in a PDF file, obtained by scanning the PDF font structures
 CJawsMako::CPDFReferenceA simple concrete class representing indirect reference data
 CJawsMako::IPDFInput::CPdfScannedInkBasic information about an ink used in a PDF file, obtained by scanning the PDF page tree
 CJawsMako::IPJLParser::CPjlAttributeValueA captured PJL attribute
 CJawsMako::CQuadPointA representation of a PDF Quadpoint, in DOM coordinates
 CJawsMako::CRectInsetA class which specifies an inset from a rectangle
 CJawsMako::CRenderSpecA base class that describes base rendering properties common to all rendering operations. Not intended to be used directly. Instead, use instances of one of the subclasses that matches the rendering need
 CJawsMako::ISVGGenerator::CResourceEntryResource entry
 CJawsMako::IXAMLGenerator::CResourceEntryResource entry
 CIDOMShape::CShapeDetailsProvides a view into the regions that comprise the shape. A region consists of a series of spans, each representing a series of rectangles that share the same y span
 CIDOMShape::CShapeDetails::CSpanRepresentation of a series of rectangles sharing the same y span
 CJawsMako::IJawsRenderer::CSpotHalftoneDescription of a simple spot halftone, at 45 degrees, using Jaws's default spot function. Used for monochrome rendering
 CJawsMako::CTemporaryStoreParametersAllows the temporary storage parameters to be optionally overridden
 CJawsMako::IJawsRenderer::CThresholdArrayHalftoneDescription of a Type 3 8-bit threshold array halftone for use with monochrome rendering. Please refer to section 7.4.5 of the PostScript language reference manual, 3rd edition
 CJawsMako::IJawsRenderer::CThresholdHalftoneA halftone representing a simple threshold. Used for monochrome rendering
 CCTransformMatrix< TItem >Matrix class - special 3x2 matrix
 CCTransformMatrix< double >
 CJawsMako::CTransformStateClass for tracking the graphics state leading to the point where a transform is applied
 CJawsMako::CXFAPacketA class encapsulating an entry in an XFA array
 CJawsMako::IAnnotationUtils::CXMLResourceSimple class for tracking streams associated with XML generated by generateXMLForDocument()
 CEDLIFStreamAn ifstream that can deal with UTF8 file names on all platforms
 CEDLOFStreamAn ofstream that can deal with UTF8 file names on all platforms
 CEDLQNameImplementation of qualified name class
 CIDOMDePremultiplyFilterAn image filter that presents an image with premultiplied alpha as a plain image with plain alpha. It can be applied to any source image, and will do nothing if not required
 CIDOMFontOTFTrueTypeOpentype Font
 CIDOMHashableAbstract interface for objects that can be hashed
 CIDOMMatteRemoverFilterAn image filter that removes a Matte and undoes premultiplication for a PDF Matte'd image and soft mask. The resulting image does not have alpha, and can be used with the mask to generate the desired result
 CIDOMNodeFlagsA collection of bit flags used to signal various conditions of the node. For example, the eNodeRenderFlag flag identifies nodes that require rendering
 CIEDLClassFactoryEDL Factory Interface allows one part of the EDL infrastructure to register class creation methods identified by either GUIDs and /or names (strings) and then another part of the EDL infrastructure to request the creation of instances of one or more of these classes by quoting the same GUID or name
 CIEDLErrorAn abstract class for EDL exceptions
 CIFrameA frame, into which text can be flowed by the layout engine
 CJawsMako::IHashableSimple interface to provide a consistent hashing method for Mako objects
 CJawsMako::ICustomTransform::IImplementationCallback interface that provides methods for actually doing the work. Override the cases for the objects you wish to edit or are otherwise interested in
 CIInputEnum< typename T >Iterator template class to allow iteration over a collection of instances of type <T>
 CIInputEnumRC< typename T >Reference-counted iterator template class to allow iteration over a collection of instances of type <T>
 CJawsMako::IMediaHandlerInterface allowing users of supported input types to monitor/handle unsatisfied media requests. For input interfaces that support this feature, use setMediaHandler() to install subclasses of this type
 CJawsMako::IPCLXLAttributeHandlerInterface allowing users to monitor/handle illegal PCL/XL operator attributes
 CJawsMako::IPSCommentMonitorInterface allowing users to monitor comments in PostScript input. Use setCommentMonitor() to install subclasses of this type
 CJawsMako::IPSInjectorInterface allowing users of IPSOutput to inject raw PostScript directly into the output stream at strategic points in the output process. Use IPSOutput::setInjector() to install subclasses of this type
 CIPushbackStreamAbstract base class (for input streams only) that provides a "push back" mechanism. When used with random access streams, the pushback buffer is invalidated by setPos()
 CIRAStreamAbstract base class for "Random-Access" streams i.e. streams that can be arbitrarily re-positioned
 CIRCObjectBase class Interface for all Reference Counted objects
 CIteratorA convenience interator-like class for iterating through the contents of a dictionary
 CPointTmpl< PointType >Geometry primitives including: point, rectangle and matrix types supporting both integer and floating point values within
 CPointTmpl< double >
 CPointTmpl< TItem >
 CPValueStores a "property" value that is tagged with an enumeration value that indicates the underlying type
 CSignatureIDOpentype table signatures