A transform for color conversion, converting all appropriate DOM contents to a desired target color space.
virtual void | setTargetSpace (const IDOMColorSpacePtr &targetSpace)=0 |
| Set the desired target space for conversion. The default is DeviceRGB. Indexed or DeviceN color spaces cannot be used as a target space.
virtual IDOMColorSpacePtr | getTargetSpace ()=0 |
| Get the target space for conversion.
virtual void | setTargetProfile (const IDOMICCProfilePtr &profile)=0 |
| Set the desired target space using an ICC profile.
virtual void | setSWOPTargetSpace ()=0 |
| Set the desired target space to the default SWOP color profile.
virtual void | setOverrideRenderingIntent (eRenderingIntent intent)=0 |
| Sets an override rendering intent. By default this is not set. If set, this intent is used instead of any DOM resident information.
virtual void | useDOMRenderingIntents (bool use)=0 |
| Set whether or not to use explicit rendering intents in the DOM when performing conversion. The PDF input for example can set explicit rendering intents for individual nodes in the DOM, and these will be ignored if this property is set to false. The default is true; that is to honour the explicit rendering intent information in the DOM. This is ignored if an overriding rendering intent has been set by setOverrideRenderingIntent();.
virtual void | setBlackPreservation (bool preserveForText, bool preserveForOther)=0 |
| Enable/control 100% black preservation.
virtual void | setConvertOnlyDeviceIndependentColors (bool convert)=0 |
| Sets whether or not only device-independent colors should be converted. Useful for cases where device independent color spaces are not allowed, or will not produce reliable results. The default is false.
virtual void | setConvertIndependentToSimilarDeviceSpace (bool convert)=0 |
| If setConvertOnlyDeviceIndependentColors() has been set to true, this controls the conversion behaviour for affected spaces. If set to true, the converter will convert to the most "similar" Device space; for example 3 channel colors will be converted to DeviceRGB and so forth. If false, the target space will be used. The default is false.
virtual void | setInspectDeviceNAlternateSpace (bool inspect)=0 |
| If setShouldConvertForSpaceType() sets IDOMColorSpace::eDeviceN to false then normally it will not do color conversion. However if setInspectDeviceNAlternateSpace(true) was invoked then the alternate colorspace is also inspected to see if it will trigger a color conversion. The default is false.
virtual void | setInspectDeviceNColorantsAlternateSpace (bool inspect)=0 |
| If setInspectDeviceNAlternateSpace() is true and applies, and this parameter is set to true, then the alternate colorspace(s) in any colorant(s) (if present) are all inspected to see if they would trigger a color conversion. If false, the colorant(s) colorspace(s) are not inspected. The default is true.
virtual void | setKeepDeviceN (bool keep)=0 |
| If a DeviceN color results in a color conversion into the target space, setting this to true results in reencapsulating the transformed color into a DeviceN color. The original colorant names are reused but the alternate colorspace is now the target colorspace. This is not possible for multitone DeviceN color spaces in which case this setting will be ignored. The default is false.
virtual void | setIgnoreImagesWithSimilarColorSpaces (bool ignore)=0 |
| Sets whether or not images can be ignored if their color space is deemed to be similar to the target space (see IDOMColorSpace::similar() for details about the similarity test). This is useful to avoiding needing to be re-encode images in some situations. The default is false.
virtual void | setIgnoreRenderedImages (bool ignore)=0 |
| Sets whether or not images can be ignored if they are the result of the IRendererTransform. Typically such images are already converted to an eventual target space, and as such should not be transformed, particularly to any page group color space. The default is false.
virtual void | setForceImageSampleConversion (bool force)=0 |
| Sets whether or not color conversion of image samples should be forced, even for cases where the source image color space is considered similar to the target space. The default is false; that is, if an image's color space is similar to the target then the individual color samples will not be color converted. In both cases the target color space will be applied to the resulting image.
virtual void | setShouldConvertForSpaceType (IDOMColorSpace::eColorSpaceType type, bool convert=true)=0 |
| Set whether or not objects using a certain color space type should be converted. The default for all is true, although use of setConvertOnlyDeviceIndependentColors() and setInspectDeviceNAlternateSpace() may affect this.
virtual bool | wouldConvertForSpaceType (IDOMColorSpace::eColorSpaceType type)=0 |
| Get whether or not objects using a certain color space type would be converted.
virtual void | setConvertICCColorsWithNumComponents (uint8 numComponents, bool convert=true)=0 |
| Set whether objects with ICC color spaces with the given number of components should be converted. The default is true for all. numComponents is from 1 to EDL_CMM_MAX_COMPONENTS Calling setShouldConvertForSpaceType(IDOMColorSpace::eICCBased, true) however will cause all possibilities to be true. Likewise calling setShouldConvertForSpaceType(IDOMColorSpace::eICCBased, false) will cause all possibilities to be false.
virtual void | setConvertICCSpacesWithProfileVersionGreaterThan (uint8 majorVersion, uint8 minorVersion)=0 |
| Set the maximum allowed version of ICC Profiles allowed. Anything with a higher version will be converted to the target space. The default is 0.0, which disables this feature.
virtual void | setConvertColorsInsideLuminositySoftMasks (bool convert=true)=0 |
| Set whether the contents of Luminosity Soft Masks should be converted or not.
virtual void | setConvertThroughTransparencyGroupColorSpaces (bool useGroups=true)=0 |
| Set whether or not the page group and isolated transparency group color spaces should be used when converting.
virtual void | setKeepOverprintMode (bool keep=true)=0 |
| Set whether or not to drop the overprint mode when converting color spaces.
virtual void | setDeviceNHandling (bool convertProcess=true, bool mergeSpots=true, const IDOMColorSpaceDeviceN::CColorantInfoVect &spotsToMerge=IDOMColorSpaceDeviceN::CColorantInfoVect(), const CSpotColorNames &spotsToRetain=CSpotColorNames(), const CSpotColorNames &spotsToDrop=CSpotColorNames(), bool knockoutDroppedSpots=true)=0 |
| Control handling of DeviceN color spaces.
virtual IDOMBrushPtr | transform (const IDOMBrushPtr &brush, eBrushUsage usage=eBUGeneral, const CTransformState &state=CTransformState())=0 |
| Apply the transform to the given brush, if applicable. These transforms are thread safe.
virtual IDOMImagePtr | transform (const IDOMImagePtr &image, const CTransformState &state=CTransformState())=0 |
| Apply the transform to the given image, if applicable. These transforms are thread safe.
virtual IDOMColorPtr | transform (const IDOMColorPtr &color, const CTransformState &state=CTransformState())=0 |
| Apply the transform to the given color, if applicable. These transforms are thread safe.
virtual IDOMColorSpacePtr | transform (const IDOMColorSpacePtr &colorSpace, const CTransformState &state=CTransformState())=0 |
| Apply the transform to the given colorspace, if applicable. These transforms are thread safe.
virtual IDOMNodePtr | transform (const IDOMNodePtr &node, bool &changed, bool transformChildren=true, const CTransformState &state=CTransformState())=0 |
| Apply the transform to the given node, if applicable. These transforms are thread safe, providing no other transforms are being applied to the same nodes at the same time.
virtual void | transformPage (const IPagePtr &page, bool transformContent=true, bool transformAnnotations=true)=0 |
| Apply the transform to the given page, if applicable. These transforms are thread safe, providing no other transforms are being applied to the same nodes at the same time. The transform will also apply to the annotations appearances.
virtual void | flushCaches ()=0 |
| Flush the caches used by the transform. Most transforms cache recently transformed results to improve the performance of repeated transformations of equivalent results. However, it is possible that some cached results may point to entities that no longer exist, such as content inside an XPS file that no longer exists. If you are deleting or replacing files where transforms have been used, it is advisable to invoke this routine to clear the caches.
virtual void | setProgressMonitor (const IProgressMonitorPtr &progressMonitor)=0 |
| Set the IProgressMonitor object for this transform to allow for monitoring the progress of the transform.
virtual void | addRef () const =0 |
| Increases the reference count of the actual object pointed to. This would take place during an assignment or copying.
virtual bool | decRef () const =0 |
| Decreases the reference count of the actual object pointed to. When the reference count falls to Zero, it deletes the actual object pointed to.
virtual int32 | getRefCount () const =0 |
| Retrieve the current reference count of the actual object pointed to.
A transform for color conversion, converting all appropriate DOM contents to a desired target color space.
Conversion for individual color space types can be enabled or disabled. This is useful for example for consumers who only support a subset of the JawsMako supported color space set.
When handling objects using indexed color spaces, instances of this transform may opt to use a modified indexed color space rather than actually convert the underlying color. This is usually much faster. An IComplexColorSimplifierTransform can be applied after this transform if required.