Mako 7.5.0 API
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CBoxTmplTemplate for a PDF-style box. Similar to a rectangle but specified using a left, bottom, right and top coordinate
 CCClassIDAn object to represent a 128-bit globally unique ID
 CCClassParamsEDL Object Interface
 CCGlyphsClusterA single cluster generated from the parallel Indices and Unicode strings present in an IDOMGlyphs node. This represents the smallest logical unit of text. Here, a single cluster may represent:
 CCGlyphsClustersA single cluster generated from the parallel Indices and Unicode strings present in an IDOMGlyphs node. This represents the smallest logical unit of text. Here, a single cluster may represent:
 CCIndicesGlyphUtility code allowing the simpler manipulation of glyph glusters represented by the UnicodeString and Indices entries of an IDOMGlyphs object
 CCTransformMatrixMatrix class - special 3x2 matrix
 CEDLIFStreamAn ifstream that can deal with UTF8 file names on all platforms
 CEDLOFStreamAn ofstream that can deal with UTF8 file names on all platforms
 CEDLQNameImplementation of qualified name class
 CIAbortA simple class to signal an abort in processing
 CIColorManagerPublic interface to the EDL color manager. There is only one instance of the color manager for each factory. It can be retrieved using the IEDLFactory::getSingleton method, or by using the get() static function
 CIDOMActionArrayIDOMActionArray interface
 CIDOMActionLaunchIDOMActionLaunch interface
 CIDOMArcSegmentInterface to Arc Segment element
 CIDOMAudioFileIDOMAudioFile interface
 CIDOMBrushInterface to the brush element
 CIDOMCachedImageInterface to a class that when overlayed over an image will cache portions of its output. Useful for cases where images are repeatedly and are relatively expensive to process, and where the source image is certain to never change
 CIDOMCanvasA canvas is a special form of an isolated, non-knockout, normal blended transparency group
 CIDOMCatalogIDOMCatalog interface The IDOMCatalog serves as a catalog for addressable DOM nodes, where a DOM node ID is used as the address of the node
 CIDOMCharPathGroupIDOMCharPathGroup interface Interface to DOM node representing Group Elements that consist of stroked text
 CIDOMColorHolds a single color value. The color values themselves are held as floating point values for all color spaces. For some spaces (such as indexed color spaces) the values will be integral, but still stored as floats
 CIDOMColorSpaceIDOMColorSpace interface
 CIDOMColorSpaceDeviceCMYRepresents the default CMY color space. NOTE: Currently for internal use only; Do not use this color space in your own applications
 CIDOMColorSpaceDeviceCMYKRepresents the default CMYK color space
 CIDOMColorSpaceDeviceGrayIDOMColorSpaceDeviceGray interface
 CIDOMColorSpaceDeviceNThis color space is analogous to the PostScript/PDF DeviceN/Separation color spaces
 CIDOMColorSpaceDeviceRGBIDOMColorSpaceDeviceRGB interface
 CIDOMColorSpaceICCBasedRepresents a color space described by an ICC profile
 CIDOMColorSpaceIndexedThis color space is analogous to the PostScript/PDF Indexed color space
 CIDOMColorSpaceLABThis color space is as described in section 4.5.4 of the PDF 1.7 Reference Manual
 CIDOMColorSpacescRGBRepresents the scRGB color space
 CIDOMColorSpacesGrayRepresents a gray color space using the sRGB gamma and WhitePoint
 CIDOMColorSpacesRGBRepresents the RGB color space
 CIDOMCompositeImageInterface to a class representing a image made up of separate images joined together vertically, appearing as a single image. All images must use the same color space, depth, width, and the same number of channels
 CIDOMDePremultiplyFilterAn image filter that presents an image with premultiplied alpha as a plain image with plain alpha. It can be applied to any source image, and will do nothing if not required
 CIDOMDeviceNColorantThis class enables the specification of colorant information for PDF style NChannel variants of DeviceN color spaces
 CIDOMExponentialFunctionInterface for exponential functions. See section 3.9.2 of the PDF 1.7 Reference. Default values are as per described in that reference. There can be only one input for this function type
 CIDOMExternalTargetIDOMExternalTarget interface
 CIDOMFilteredImageIDOMFilteredImage interface. Provides a method for filtering of an underlying image without requiring converted image data to be stored. It maintains a list of filters that are successively applied
 CIDOMFixedPageRepresents <FixedPage> element
 CIDOMFontIDOMFont Base Class
 CIDOMFontOpenTypeIDOMFontOpenType interface
 CIDOMFontOTFTrueTypeOpentype Font
 CIDOMFontPCL5IDOMFontPCL5 (PCL5 Truetype) derived from an OpenType font source
 CIDOMFontPCLXLThis class models PCL XL TrueType and bitmap fonts derived from an OpenType font source
 CIDOMFontSourceThe font source for the class IDOMFont. This class describes the different ways fonts are constructed
 CIDOMFontSourceFromStreamThe source for IDOMFont when sourced from an existing stream
 CIDOMFontSourceObfuscationConverterInterface for a font sourced from a converter that performs obfuscation and deobfuscation
 CIDOMFontSourceStreamFilterAn abstract interface for fonts sourced from a font stream filter
 CIDOMFormInterface to DOM node representing PDF-style Form XObjects
 CIDOMFormInstanceIDOMFormInstance interface. This describes an instance of an IDOMForm in a DOM tree
 CIDOMFunctionBase class for PDF/PS Style functions All function instances throw IEDLError exceptions on failure
 CIDOMGlyphAbstract class modelling a single character from a font
 CIDOMGlyphIDEnumeratorDOM GlyphID Enumerator
 CIDOMGlyphsAn abstract class providing an interface to a "Glyphs" node. Glyphs nodes are used to represent a run of uniformly formatted text from a single font. Text runs are broken by line advances and formatting changes. When a text run is broken, a new Glyphs node will be created to describe the text from the change point onwards
 CIDOMGradientBrushA common interface for both IDOMLinearGradient and IDOMRadialGradient. Provides straightforward access to common attributes
 CIDOMGradientStopIDOMGradientStop defines the ramp of colors to use on a gradient
 CIDOMGroupInterface to DOM node representing Group Elements
 CIDOMGroupingFunctionInterface to encapsulate an array of x-input-1-output functions
 CIDOMHashableAbstract interface for objects that can be hashed
 CIDOMICCProfileIDOMICCProfile interface
 CIDOMImageThe base class describing an image. This class is subclassed to create a number of more specific image types. Instances of these objects may throw IEDLError exceptions on failure
 CIDOMImageBitScalerFilterAn image filter that presents an image as an image with a different bits per sample
 CIDOMImageBleederFilterAn image filter that presents an image with the edge pixels repeated. Useful for cases where consumers may interpolate pixels at the edge, creating unwanted artifacts
 CIDOMImageBrushProvides an interface to a DOM image brush object
 CIDOMImageChannelSelectorFilterAn image filter that presents optionally an image stripped of alpha, or alternatively a Gray image representing the extra channel (ie Alpha or Mask) or a device color space channel
 CIDOMImageColorConverterFilterAn image filter that presents a color converted version of an image
 CIDOMImageColorKeyFilterAn image filter that presents a masked image where colors within a given range are masked out, analogous to a green screen. The source image must not have a mask or alpha channel
 CIDOMImageColorSpaceSubstitutionFilterAn image filter that presents an identical image, just with the colorspace substituted
 CIDOMImageDecodeFilterAn image filter that applies a PDF/PS style Decode array to the image contents. For details on decode arrays, please see "Decode Arrays" on page 344 of the PDF Reference, version 1.7. The bit depth of the result may be promoted to eight or 16 bits per component depending on the situation
 CIDOMImageDeindexerFilterAn image filter that presents an image with an Indexed color space as a simple eight bit image
 CIDOMImageDeviceNToBaseFilterAn image filter that presents an image with a DeviceN color space as a simple image in the alternate space
 CIDOMImageDownsamplerFilterAn image filter that presents a downsampled version of an image
 CIDOMImageInverterFilterAn image filter that presents a bitwise inverted form of the source image
 CIDOMImageMaskExpanderFilterAn image filter that presents a image source and color combination as a plain image with an alpha channel, with all pixels colored with the given color. Useful for simplifying an IDOMMaskedBrush where the brush masked by the image is a solid color
 CIDOMImagePermuteFilterAn image filter that takes images using a given color space and presents a new image with a different color space where the components are permuted into a different position, and with undefined components filled with 0. This can be useful for mapping DeviceN components into process components where this does not require a conversion to a base component
 CIDOMImagePropertiesThe IDOMImageProperties interface provides access to an underlying implementation which stores miscellaneous information about the associated image
 CIDOMImageSpotMergerFilterAn image filter that merges selected spot components into the process components of an image. This is conceptually similar to IDOMImageDeviceNToBaseFilter, but:
 CIDOMInternalTargetThe IDOMInternalTarget interface describes the targets of hyperlinks that are in the same document but not on the current page
 CIDOMJobTkRepresents an EDL JobTicket
 CIDOMJobTkContentRepresents the content element of the JobTicket
 CIDOMJobTkGenericCharacterDataInterface to the IDOMJobTkGenericCharacterData node
 CIDOMJobTkGenericNodeInterface to the IDOMJobTkGenericNode node
 CIDOMJobTkNodeRepresents a Job Ticket Node
 CIDOMJobTkOwnerInterface to the IDOMJobTkOwner node
 CIDOMJobTkValueRepresents a Job Ticket value element
 CIDOMJPEGImageInterface to a class representing a JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) image
 CIDOMLinearGradientBrushIDOMLinearGradientBrush interface. A linear gradient brush is used to specify a gradient along a vector
 CIDOMMaskedBrushIDOMMaskedBrush interface, this describes a generalization of a masked image. The sub-brush (set by getBrush()/setBrush()) is painted through a mask specified by the image. Importantly, the sub-brush is not subject to the IDOMImageBrush render transform. Tiling is not supported for this brush type
 CIDOMMatrixDefines the render transform matrix
 CIDOMMatteRemoverFilterAn image filter that removes a Matte and undoes premultiplication for a PDF Matte'd image and soft mask. The resulting image does not have alpha, and can be used with the mask to generate the desired result
 CIDOMMetadataThe IDOMMetadata interface provides access to the metadata attached to the DocumentSequence node. The IDOMMetadata interface is designed to be flexible enough to represent different types of metadata
 CIDOMNodeAbstract class providing the interface to basic DOM node functionality. IDOMNode is the base class for many of the other DOM node types, and defines many of the basic functions of DOM nodes. Exceptions of type IEDLError are thrown on outright failures
 CIDOMNodeFlagsA collection of bit flags used to signal various conditions of the node. For example, the eNodeRenderFlag flag identifies nodes that require rendering
 CIDOMNullBrushIDOMNullBrush provides a way of representing the default marking brush in a Type3 postscript glyph definition or a tiling pattern with paintType 2. This is more of a placeholder that gets replaced when the Type3 glyph or paintType 2 tiling pattern is actually invoked
 CIDOMOutlineRepresents the outline of the document, which is the collection of bookmarks for the document
 CIDOMOutlineEntryRepresents an index to a specific location in the document or a specific location external to the document
 CIDOMPageRectTargetIDOMPageRectTarget nodes are used to describe hyperlinks on a page rectangle to targets on the same page
 CIDOMPageTargetIDOMPageTarget nodes are used to describe hyperlinks on a page to targets on the same page
 CIDOMPathFigureInterface to the path figure element. A path figure is a single shape comprised of continuous path segments. One or more path figures collectively define an entire path geometry. A path geometry may define the fill algorithm to be used on the component path figures. Instances of this type use exceptions of IEDLError for error handling
 CIDOMPathGeometryInterface to a path geometry node
 CIDOMPathGeometryBuilderInterface to a path geometry builder
 CIDOMPathNodeInterface to an EDL path node. A path node specifies a geometry that can be filled or stroked with a brush
 CIDOMPathSegmentInterface to path segment element. The path segment is the smallest unit in a path geometry
 CIDOMPCLImageInterface to a class representing an image extracted from a PCLXL file
 CIDOMPDFAlternateImageAn encapsulation of a PDF alternate image, which may be referenced from an image or mask brush
 CIDOMPDFImageInterface to a class representing an image extracted from a PDF file. Intended to be only used with the JawsMako APIs
 CIDOMPNGImageInterface to a class representing a PNG (.png) image
 CIDOMPolyBezierSegmentInterface to a path segment node describing a set of cubic Bézier curves
 CIDOMPolyLineSegmentInterface to a polyline segment node. A polyline segment describes a polygonal drawing containing an arbitrary number of individual vertices. The Points attribute defines the vertices
 CIDOMPolyQuadraticBezierSegmentInterface to a polyqualdratic Bézier segment. A polyqualdratic Bézier segment describes a set of quadratic Bézier curves from the starting point defined in the IDOMPathFigure, or from the end point of the previous segment, through a set of vertices, using specified control points. The Points attribute stores an off-curve control point (x2n-1, y2n-1) followed by the end point (x2n, y2n) for each quadratic Bézier curve (where n represents the quadratic Bézier curve)
 CIDOMPostScriptCalculatorFunctionInterface for PostScript calculator functions. See section 3.9.4 of the PDF 1.7 Reference. Default values are as per described in that reference
 CIDOMPrintTicketIDOMPrintTicket interface
 CIDOMPSDImageIDOMPSDImage interface
 CIDOMPublicKeyPDFSecurityInfoRepresents security information from PDF public key (certificate based) security handling. Inherits from IDOMStandardPDFSecurityInfo, from which it diverges in a modest fashion
 CIDOMRadialGradientBrushIDOMRadialGradientBrush interface. A radial gradient brush defines an ellipse to be filled with the gradient. The ellipse is defined by its center, x radius, and y radius. Independently, a gradient origin is specified for the brush. The gradient origin defines the center of the gradient; a gradient stop with an offset at 0.0 defines the color at the gradient origin. The outer bound of the ellipse defines the end "point" of the gradient; that is, a gradient stop with an offset at 1.0 defines the color at the circumference of the ellipse, and all other gradient stops define their offsets relative to the radial distance between the gradient origin and the circumference
 CIDOMRawDataFileIDOMRawDataFile interface
 CIDOMRawImageInterface to a class representing a raw image
 CIDOMRecombineAlphaImageSimilar to IDOMRecombineImage, but instead combines an image comprising the color components of the image, with a single-channel image that represents the mask or alpha channel. The images must have the same, dimensions, but may have different dimensions. The resolution information will be taken from the color image. Images with Indexed color spaces will be converted to the base spaces
 CIDOMRecombineImageInterface to a class representing a image made up of separate single channel images (each with the same bps, dimensions and resolution) each representing a single component of the entire image, or a mask channel
 CIDOMResourceProvides an interface to an EDL DOM node representing a generalised resource. A resource represents non-markup document content such as images, fonts and profiles. Resources are generally stream based. This class provides the base class for interfaces to more specialized resource node types
 CIDOMResourceDictionaryInterface to the EDL DOM's resource dictionary. The resource dictionary is a document resource that is shared between page markups. It holds a reference list of non-markup content that is shared between multiple pages of the document
 CIDOMSampledFunctionInterface for sampled functions. See section 3.9.1 of the PDF 1.7 Reference. Default values are as per described in that reference
 CIDOMSecurityInfoBase DOM security class
 CIDOMShadingPatternBrushIDOMShadingBrush provides a way of representing a PS style shading pattern
 CIDOMShadingPatternType1BrushIDOMShadingBrush provides a way of representing a PS style type 1 shading pattern
 CIDOMShadingPatternType2BrushIDOMShadingBrush provides a way of representing a PS style type 2 shading pattern
 CIDOMShadingPatternType3BrushIDOMShadingPatternType3Brush provides a way of representing a PS style type 2 shading pattern
 CIDOMShadingPatternType4567BrushIDOMShadingPatternType4567Brush provides a way of representing a PS style type 4 shading pattern
 CIDOMShapeInterface to an IDOMShape
 CIDOMSoftMaskBrushIDOMSoftMaskBrush provides a way of representing a PDF style soft mask in it's entirity. The soft mask brush contains a suitable IDOMTransparency group, as well as the necessary soft mask details. See section 7.5.4 of the PDF 1.7 specification. These are only allowed for OpacityMask entries
 CIDOMSolidColorBrushA solid color brush is used to fill defined geometric regions with a solid color. If there is an alpha component of the color, it is combined in a multiplicative way with the corresponding opacity attribute
 CIDOMStandardPDFSecurityInfoRepresents security information from PDF Standard encryption handler
 CIDOMStitchingFunctionInterface for stitching functions. See section 3.9.3 of the PDF 1.7 Reference. Default values are as per described in that reference. There can only be one input for this function, and the functions contained therein must also handle one input
 CIDOMTargetBase class for defining hyperlink targets in a document
 CIDOMTIFFImageIDOMTIFFImage interface
 CIDOMTilingPatternBrushIDOMTilingPatternBrush provides a way of representing a PS style tiling pattern
 CIDOMTransformableBrushAbstract interface for a brush to which a render transform may be applied
 CIDOMTransparencyGroupIDOMTransparencyGroup interface. Analogous to PDF Transparency groups
 CIDOMTrivialImageInterface for a "trivial" image
 CIDOMType3FontRepresentation of a PostScript/PDF Type 3 Font. At present, the stream cannot be set, only retrieved
 CIDOMVisualBrushA visual brush is used to fill a region with a vector drawing
 CIDOMVisualRootIDOMVisualRoot interface
 CIDOMWMPImageIDOMWMPImage interface
 CIEDLClassFactoryEDL Factory Interface allows one part of the EDL infrastructure to register class creation methods identified by either GUIDs and /or names (strings) and then another part of the EDL infrastructure to request the creation of instances of one or more of these classes by quoting the same GUID or name
 CIEDLErrorAn abstract class for EDL exceptions
 CIEDLNamespaceInterface to EDL Namespace class
 CIEDLObjectIEDLObject is an abstract base class that is used by all classes that are intended to be created via an EDL class factory
 CIEDLStreamGeneric stream. Abstract base class for EDL stream subsystem
 CIEDLTempStoreA self-cleaning area for storage of temporary data in the form of streams. One per session, obtainable from an ISession. Exceptions of type IEDLError are thrown on failures
 CIEDLTempStoreObjectA mechanism for storing and accessing temporary data for use with Jaws Mako
 CIEDLTimeInterface to EDL date-time class
 CIFontHeaderWriteSegmentBlockEnumeratorIFontHeaderWriteSegmentBlockEnumerator Enumerates over the PCLXL Font Header block items for the XL ReadFontHeader operator
 CIFontPCL5WriteSegmentBlockEnumeratorIFontPCL5WriteSegmentBlockEnumerator Enumerates over the PCL5 font blocks
 CIFrameA frame, into which text can be flowed by the layout engine
 CIImageDecoderIImageDecoder returns IImageFrame objects as requested by the client. This object knows about the imageformat internals and knows how to unpack the image
 CIImageEncoderIImageEncoder accepts IImageFrame objects and streams it out to an image format
 CIImageFrameIImageFrame encapsulates an EDL image with its details
 CIImageFrameWriterIImageFrameWriter writes an image from an imageframe
 CIInputEnum< typename T >Iterator template class to allow iteration over a collection of instances of type <T>
 CIInputEnumRC< typename T >Reference-counted iterator template class to allow iteration over a collection of instances of type <T>
 CIInputPushbackStreamInput Stream with pushback support
 CIInputStreamGeneric input stream. Abstract base class for all input streams
 CIOutputStreamGeneric output stream. Abstract base class for output streams
 CIPushbackStreamAbstract base class (for input streams only) that provides a "push back" mechanism. When used with random access streams, the pushback buffer is invalidated by setPos()
 CIRAInputPushbackStreamRandom-access Input Stream with pushback support
 CIRAInputStreamRandom Access Input Stream
 CIRAOutputStreamRandom Access Output Stream
 CIRAStreamAbstract base class for "Random-Access" streams i.e. streams that can be arbitrarily re-positioned
 CIRCObjectBase class Interface for all Reference Counted objects
 CIRunnableInterface to filter's runnable classes
 CISessionEDL session class
 CIteratorA convenience interator-like class for iterating through the contents of a dictionary
 CPointTmplGeometry primitives including: point, rectangle and matrix types supporting both integer and floating point values within
 CPValueStores a "property" value that is tagged with an enumeration value that indicates the underlying type
 CSignatureIDOpentype table signatures