Harlequin RIP SDK
interface Directory Reference


file  apis.h
 This header file defines Types of RDR_CLASS_API, used to identify APIs exposed through the RDR system.
file  barcodeapi.h
 Header file defining the Barcode Generation API.
file  copyrite.h
 Harlequin rip copyright information.
file  dlliface.h
 Header file defining the Core RIP Dynamic Link Library Interface.
file  eventapi.h
 Header file defining the Events system, built on RIP Data Resource (RDR) System.
file  eventerrors.h
 Header file defining the Events system result translation.
file  expatapi.h
 Header file defining the Expat XML parser interface API.
file  expatrdr.h
 Functions to register and deregister the Expat API.
file  hhrcore.h
 Combined include file for all headers in Harlequin RIP core interfaces.
file  hq32x2.h
 Compatibility support for 64-bit integer types.
file  hqassert.h
 Harlequin standard "assert" and "trace" macros.
file  hqatomic.h
 Macros implementing atomic operations for multi-thread variable access.
file  hqbitops.h
 Common byte and bitwise operations with optimised versions for various architectures.
file  hqbitvector.h
 Macros implementing bit vectors.
file  hqcstass.h
 "Custom" Assert and Trace functions (called from HqAssert and HqTrace). Each platform should define its own version of these functions.
file  hqexcept.h
 Harlequin standard code for handling exceptions and signals.
file  hqmemcmp.h
 Interface to memory compare utility.
file  hqmemcpy.h
 Two entry points for copying blocks of memory, closely shadowing the ANSI functions memcpy and memmove.
file  hqmemset.h
 Functions for setting a blocks of memory to a fixed value, providing a uniform alternative to the C functions memset/memfill/bzero.
file  hqncall.h
 Calling convention for functions provided by Global Graphics libraries and DLLs.
file  hqsimd.h
 Macros implementing SIMD operations.
file  hqspin.h
 Spinlocks implemented using atomic operations.
file  hqstr.h
 Harlequin C-String utilities for zero-terminated strings.
file  hqtypes.h
 Harlequin C language standard types.
file  hqwindows.h
 Wrapper for windows.h.
file  hsiehhash32.h
 Paul Hsieh's SuperFastHash implemented as inline functions for 32-bit input datatypes.
file  htevents.h
 Defines the event messages associated with halftone usage events.
file  hvdblit.h
 Interface for HVD element blitters.
file  hvdcache.h
 eHVD cache for raster backends.
file  hvdevmon.h
 eHVD event monitor and responder.
file  hvdlib.h
 Common definitions for HVD library.
file  hvdtracker.h
 HVD page and element define tracker.
file  hvdutil.h
 Utility functions for manipulating HVD elements.
file  inputsapi.h
 Header file defining the Input queue and source API.
file  inputserrors.h
 Header file defining the Input queue and source API result translation.
file  jpegapi.h
 Header file defining the JPEG integration API.
file  libbarcodezint.h
 Functions for registering and deregistering the libzint adapter for the Barcode Generation API.
file  libjpegapi.h
 Header file defining the LibJPEG library integration API.
file  libjpegrdr.h
 Functions for registering and deregistering the LibJPEG API instances.
file  libpngapi.h
 Header file defining the LibPNG interface API.
file  libpngrdr.h
 Functions to register and deregister the LibPNG API.
file  monany.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for non-specific causes.
file  monbackdrop.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for backdrop rendering.
file  monbmp.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for the bitmap images.
file  monccittfax.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for CCITTFax streams.
file  moncolor.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for the color subsystem.
file  monevent.h
 Header file defining the Monitor information events and messages.
file  monfileio.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for the fileio subsystem.
file  monfont.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for fonts.
file  monhdlt.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for the HDLT subsystem.
file  monht.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for halftone generation.
file  monhvd.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for the HVD system.
file  monimgfilter.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for image filtering.
file  moninterface.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for the core interface.
file  monjbig.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for JBIG images.
file  monjob.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for core job control.
file  monjpeg.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for JPEG images.
file  monjpeg2k.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for JPEG2000 images.
file  monlibhvd.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for libHVD
file  monpdf.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for PDF interpretation.
file  monpng.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for the PNG images.
file  monps.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for PostScript interpretation.
file  monrender.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for the render subsystem.
file  monscalablerip.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for Scalable RIP.
file  monsec.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for security.
file  monskinkit.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for the skinkit SDK.
file  montiff.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for TIFF images.
file  montrapping.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for the trapping subsystem.
file  monxml.h
 Monitor information events identifiers for the XML subsystem.
file  murmurhash3.h
 Inline block and incremental versions of Austin Appleby's MurmurHash3 hash function.
file  osprotos.h
 Define prototypes for "standard" functions.
file  pdfxerrors.h
 PDF/X error numbers.
file  pjwhash.h
 Peter Weinberger's non-cryptographic hash implemented as an inline function.
file  platform.h
 Platform-dependent defines. These definitions are used to turn on or off features in the code. Products should use abstract definitions to turn features on or off, rather than using compiler, processor or platform tests directly. The abstract feature definitions are set in this file.
file  pngusr.h
 Platform and configuration definitions for libpng in Harlequin.
file  proto.h
 Harlequin Generic Prototype Definitions.
file  pserrors.h
 PostScript error numbers.
file  rasterstoreapi.h
 Header file defining the Raster store interface.
file  rbthuff.h
 Huffman code generated from a red-black tree.
file  rbtree.h
 A generally useful Red-Black binary tree implementation.
file  rdrapi.h
 Header file defining the RIP Data Resource (RDR) System.
file  rdrerrors.h
 Header file defining the RIP Data Resource (RDR) System result translation.
file  rdrmetrics.h
 This header file defines how metrics are published through RDR.
file  rhhashmap.h
 A generally useful Robin Hood hash map implementation.
file  ripapiversn.h
 This header file provides definitions of the versions of the pervasive RDR-discoverable APIs used by this core RIP build.
file  ripcall.h
 Defines calling convention macros for RIP-exported APIs.
file  ripversn.h
 Harlequin RIP version information.
file  rmoutputapi.h
file  rrevents.h
 This file defines the Event interface for HVD (aka Retained Raster).
file  skindevs.h
 API to the skin "device" error subsystem.
file  std.h
 Standard types and definitions for use in all C/C++ products.
file  swapi.h
 Header file defining Core module interface definitions.
file  swblobapi.h
 Header file defining the Binary large object callback API.
file  swblobfactory.h
 This header file provides definitions for the BLOB (Binary Large Object) factory used by the Binary large object callback API.
file  swbuildversn.h
 Get RIP build version string.
file  swcmm.h
 Header file defining the Color management module interface.
file  swcopyf.h
 Header file defining String formatting functions.
file  swdataapi.h
 Header file defining the Structured data callback API.
file  swdevdata.h
 Header file defining the Structured data callback API.
file  swdevice.h
 Header file defining the DEVICE interface.
file  swevents.h
 Defines the core and skin external event numbers used for the Events system.
file  swfrip.h
 Header file defining the Farm RIP API.
file  swhtm.h
 Header file defining the Halftone module interface.
file  swmemapi.h
 Header file defining the Memory allocation callback API.
file  swoften.h
 This file contains definitions necessary to incorporate SwOften macros in OEM code.
file  swraster.h
 Header file definition Core raster delivery control and interface.
file  swrle.h
 This file provides the information needed to interpret run-length output from the pagebuffer device.
file  swsrip.h
 Header file defining the Scalable RIP controller API.
file  swstart.h
 Low-level entry points for Harlequin Core RIP.
file  swtimelines.h
 Defines the core's externally visible timelines.
file  swtrace.h
 This header file provides access to the Lightweight tracing API.
file  swtracegroups.h
 This header file defines the default core trace groups, for the Lightweight tracing API.
file  swvalues.h
 This header file simply defines some value limits.
file  threadapi.h
 Header file defining the Threads interface.
file  tileapi.h
 Header file defining the Tiling method API.
file  timelineapi.h
 Header file defining the Timeline API.
file  timelineerrors.h
 Header file defining the Timeline API result translation.
file  timer.h
 Defines functions to start and end the Timed callback system.
file  timerapi.h
 Header file defining the Timed callback system.
file  warnings.h
 Macros and such used primarily to eliminate compiler warnings.
file  zlibapi.h
 Header file defining the ZLIB interface API.
file  zlibrdr.h
 Functions to register and deregister the ZLIB API.