Monitor information events identifiers for the fileio subsystem. More...
#include "monevent.h"
Monitor information events identifiers for the fileio subsystem.
Copyright (C) 2023 Global Graphics Software Ltd. All rights reserved. Global Graphics Software Ltd. Confidential Information.
This file enumerates message identifiers for the file IO subsystem.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_ASCII85_DICT | Fileio INVALIDACCESS causes. 0x68060c00, ASCII85 decode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_ASCIIHEX_DICT | 0x68060c01, ASCIIHEX decode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_EEXEC_DICT | 0x68060c02, EExec decode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_FILEIO_DEVICE | 0x68060c03, File IO base file not closed |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_FILEIO | 0x68060c04, File IO attempted to read/write or seek on a non-file object |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_FILTER_TYPE | 0x68060c05, Filter type specification is wrong length |
MON_INVALIDFILEACCESS_FILTER_INVALID | 0x68060c06, Filter type specification is not read or write |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_FILTER_READ | 0x68060c07, Filter is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_FILTER_WRITE | 0x68060c08, Filter is not writable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_FLATE_ENCODE_DICT | 0x68060c09, Flate encode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_FLATE_DECODE_DICT | 0x68060c0a, Flate decode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_GENERIC_DICT | 0x68060c0b, Generic decode or encode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_INTERLEAVE_DICT | 0x68060c0c, Interleave decode or encode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_INTERLEAVE_READ | 0x68060c0d, Interleave decode filter is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_LZW_DICT | 0x68060c0e, LZW decode or encode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_NULL_DICT | 0x68060c0f, NULL decode or encode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_RSD_DICT | 0x68060c10, RSD decode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_RUNLEN_DICT | 0x68060c11, Run-length filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_STRING_READ | 0x68060c12, String filter is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_STRING_WRITE | 0x68060c13, String filter is not writable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_SUBFILE_READ | 0x68060c14, Sub-file decode filter is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_SUBFILE_DICT | 0x68060c15, Sub-file decode dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_UNICODE_DICT | 0x68060c16, Unicode encode dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_BLOB_READ | 0x68060c17, Blob trying to read from non-readable stream |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_BLOB_WRITE | 0x68060c18, Blob trying to write to non-writable stream |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_PFB_DICT | 0x68060c19, PFB decode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_BLOB | 0x68060c1a, Blob invalid access error |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_LICDECRYPT_DICT | 0x68060c1b, LicensedDecrypt decode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_IOERROR_ASCII85_DECODE | Fileio IOERROR causes. 0x680b0c00, Problem decoding ASCII85 stream |
MON_IOERROR_ASCII85_ENCODE | 0x680b0c01, Problem encoding ASCII85 stream |
MON_IOERROR_ASCIIHEX_DECODE | 0x680b0c02, Problem decoding ASCIIHEX stream |
MON_IOERROR_ASCIIHEX_ENCODE | 0x680b0c03, Problem encoding ASCIIHEX stream |
MON_IOERROR_EEXEC_DECODE | 0x680b0c04, Problem decoding EExec stream |
MON_IOERROR_EEXEC_ENCODE | 0x680b0c05, Problem encoding EExec stream |
MON_IOERROR_FILEIO_CLOSE | 0x680b0c06, Problem closing a file IO instance |
MON_IOERROR_FILTER_TYPE | 0x680b0c07, Decode filter not readable or Encode filter not writable |
MON_IOERROR_FILTER_CLOSED | 0x680b0c08, Trying to attach filter to an already closed file |
MON_IOERROR_FILTER_NOTOPEN | 0x680b0c09, Filter error during open |
MON_IOERROR_FILTER_OPEN | 0x680b0c0a, Filter error during open |
MON_IOERROR_FILTER_CLOSE | 0x680b0c0b, Filter error during close |
MON_IOERROR_FILTER_SEEK | 0x680b0c0c, Filter error during seek |
MON_IOERROR_FLATE_DECODE | 0x680b0c0d, Problem decoding Flate stream |
MON_IOERROR_FLATE_ENCODE | 0x680b0c0e, Problem encoding Flate stream |
MON_IOERROR_INTERLEAVE_DECODE | 0x680b0c0f, Problem decoding Interleave stream |
MON_IOERROR_LZW_DECODE | 0x680b0c10, Problem decoding LZW stream |
MON_IOERROR_LZW_ENCODE | 0x680b0c11, Problem encoding LZW stream |
MON_IOERROR_NULL_ENCODE | 0x680b0c12, Problem encoding NULL stream |
MON_IOERROR_RSD_DECODE | 0x680b0c13, Problem decoding RSD stream |
MON_IOERROR_RUNLEN_DECODE | 0x680b0c14, Problem decoding Run-length stream |
MON_IOERROR_RUNLEN_ENCODE | 0x680b0c15, Problem encoding Run-length stream |
MON_IOERROR_TSTREAM_COPY | 0x680b0c16, T-stream filter has problem writing to tee file |
MON_IOERROR_UNICODE_ENCODE | 0x680b0c17, Problem encoding unicode stream |
MON_IOERROR_PFB_DECODE | 0x680b0c18, Problem decoding PFB stream |
MON_IOERROR_BLOB | 0x680b0c19, Blob IO error |
MON_IOERROR_LICDECRYPT_DECODE | 0x680b0c1a, Problem decoding LicensedDecrypt stream |
MON_IOERROR_BLOB_WRITE | 0x680b0c1b, Blob IO error while writing |
MON_LIMITCHECK_FILEIO_FILENAME_TOOLONG | Fileio LIMITCHECK causes. 0x680c0c00, Filename too long |
MON_RANGECHECK_PREDICTOR | Fileio RANGECHECK causes. 0x680e0c00, Differencing predictor for PNG, Flate etc. is wrong |
MON_RANGECHECK_FILEIO_FILENAME_PARSE | 0x680e0c01, Unable to parse filename |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERLEAVE_INPUTBITS | 0x680e0c02, Interleave filter InputBits is out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERLEAVE_SAMPLES | 0x680e0c03, Interleave filter no samples for InterleaveDecode |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERLEAVE_BITSBEFORE | 0x680e0c04, Interleave filter BitsBefore out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERLEAVE_BITSAFTER | 0x680e0c05, Interleave filter BitsAfter out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERLEAVE_INPUTALIGNREPEAT | 0x680e0c06, Interleave filter InputAlignRepeat out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERLEAVE_INPUTALIGNBITS | 0x680e0c07, Interleave filter InputAlignBits out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERLEAVE_OUTPUTBITS | 0x680e0c08, Interleave filter OutputBits out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERLEAVE_OUTPUTALIGNREPEAT | 0x680e0c09, Interleave filter OutputAlignRepeat out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERLEAVE_OUTPUTALIGNBITS | 0x680e0c0a, Interleave filter AlignBits out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERLEAVE_REPEAT | 0x680e0c0b, Interleave filter Repeat out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERLEAVE_MAPPING | 0x680e0c0c, Interleave filter Mapping invalid |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERLEAVE_DATASOURCE | 0x680e0c0d, Interleave filter DataSource invalid |
MON_RANGECHECK_LZW_UNITLENGTH | 0x680e0c0e, LZW filter UnitLength or EarlyChange invalid |
MON_RANGECHECK_RSD_INTENT | 0x680e0c10, RSD filter Intent invalid |
MON_RANGECHECK_RSD_ARRAY | 0x680e0c11, RSD filter array length invalid |
MON_RANGECHECK_RUNLEN_RECORDSIZE | 0x680e0c12, Run-length filter record size out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_SUBFILE_EODCOUNT | 0x680e0c13, Sub-file decode filter EOD unexpected |
MON_RANGECHECK_UNICODE_CONVERTER | 0x680e0c14, Unicode encode filter unable to open converter |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_ASCII85 | Fileio STACKUNDERFLOW causes. 0x68100c00, ASCII85 filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_ASCIIHEX | 0x68100c01, ASCIIHEX filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_EEXEC | 0x68100c02, EExec filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_FLATE | 0x68100c03, Flate filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_GENERIC | 0x68100c04, Generic filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_INTERLEAVE | 0x68100c05, Interleave filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_LZW | 0x68100c06, LZW filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_NULL | 0x68100c07, NULL filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_RSD | 0x68100c08, RSD filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_RUNLEN | 0x68100c09, Run-length filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_STRING | 0x68100c0a, String filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_SUBFILE | 0x68100c0b, Sub-file decode filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_UNICODE | 0x68100c0c, Unicode encode filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_PFB | 0x68100c0d, PFB filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_LICDECRYPT | 0x68100c0e, LicensedDecrypt filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_TYPECHECK_FILEIO_CLOSE_NOTFILE | Fileio TYPECHECK causes. 0x68130c00, File IO attempted to close a non-file object |
MON_TYPECHECK_FILTER_DICT | 0x68130c01, Filter dictionary is not a name or string |
MON_TYPECHECK_FILTER_NOTDICT | 0x68130c02, Filter object is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_FILTER_CLOSE | 0x68130c03, Filter dict CloseSource or CloseTarget is not boolean |
MON_TYPECHECK_INTERLEAVE_DICT | 0x68130c04, Interleave filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_TYPECHECK_INTERLEAVE_INPUTBITS | 0x68130c05, Interleave filter InputBits is wrong |
MON_TYPECHECK_INTERLEAVE_INPUTALIGNREPEAT | 0x68130c06, Interleave filter InputAlignRepeat is wrong |
MON_TYPECHECK_INTERLEAVE_INPUTALIGNBITS | 0x68130c07, Interleave filter InputAlignBits is wrong |
MON_TYPECHECK_RSD_PARAMS | 0x68130c08, RSD filter parameters are wrong |
MON_TYPECHECK_RUNLEN_PARAMS | 0x68130c09, Run-length filter parameters are wrong |
MON_TYPECHECK_STRING_PARAMS | 0x68130c0a, String filter parameters are wrong |
MON_TYPECHECK_SUBFILE_PARAMS | 0x68130c0b, Sub-file decode filter parameters are wrong |
MON_TYPECHECK_UNICODE_PARAMS | 0x68130c0c, Unicode encode filter parameters are wrong |
MON_TYPECHECK_BLOB_INVALIDTYPE | 0x68130c0d, Blob being opened on invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_LICDECRYPT_PARAMS | 0x68130c0e, LicensedDecrypt decode filter parameters are wrong |
MON_UNDEFINED_FILEIO_OPEN_RENDER | Fileio UNDEFINED causes. 0x68140c00, Attempting to open a file whilst rendering |
MON_UNDEFINED_FILTER_OPEN_RENDER | 0x68140c01, Attempting to open a filter whilst rendering |
MON_UNDEFINED_FILTER_FIND | 0x68140c02, Could not find filter |
MON_UNDEFINED_RSD_FIND | 0x68140c03, RSD filter could not find filter |
MON_UNDEFINED_RSD_STORE | 0x68140c04, RSD filter called from PS |
MON_UNDEFINED_SUBFILE_COUNT | 0x68140c05, Sub-file decode filter count is wrong |
MON_UNDEFINED_SUBFILE_STRING | 0x68140c06, Sub-file decode filter string is wrong |
MON_UNDEFINED_BLOB | 0x68140c07, Blob undefined error |
MON_UNDEFINEDFILENAME_FILEIO_NOTFOUND | Fileio UNDEFINEDFILENAME causes. 0x68150c00, File not found on any device |
MON_UNDEFINEDFILENAME_FILEIO_DISABLED | 0x68150c01, Device disabled or not relative |
MON_UNDEFINEDFILENAME_FILEIO_DEVICE | 0x68150c02, Could not find device |
MON_UNDEFINEDFILENAME_BLOB_NOTFILE | 0x68150c03, Blob not using a real file |
MON_UNDEFINEDFILENAME_BLOB_FILENAME | 0x68150c04, Unable to parse Blob filename |
MON_UNDEFINEDFILENAME_BLOB_DEVICE | 0x68150c05, No device found for blob |
MON_UNDEFINEDFILENAME_BLOB_DEVICEENABLED | 0x68150c06, Device not enabled for blob |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_BLOB | 0x68160c00, Blob reference invalid |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_BLOB_EXPIRED | 0x68160c01, Blob reference expired |
MON_UNREGISTERED_FILEIO | Fileio UNREGISTERED causes. 0x68180c00, Unknown return value when parsing filenamem |
MON_UNREGISTERED_FILTER_DECODE | 0x68180c01, Filter decode error |
MON_UNREGISTERED_FILTER_ENCODE | 0x68180c02, Filter encode error |
MON_UNREGISTERED_FILTER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | 0x68180c03, FilterDecodeInfo method is not defined or has not been implemented for this filter |
MON_UNREGISTERED_IMSTORE_DECODE | 0x68180c04, Image store decode error |
MON_UNREGISTERED_BLOB | 0x68180c05, Blob unregistered error |