Enumerator |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_BMP_DICT | 0x68062000, Bitmap decode filter dictionary is wrong
MON_IOERROR_BMP_STREAM | 0x680b2000, Problem reading from bitmap stream
MON_IOERROR_BMP_IMAGE_DATA_OFFSET | 0x680b2001, Bad image data byte offset in bitmap stream
MON_IOERROR_BMP_ICC_PROFILE | 0x680b2002, Problem reading ICC profile from bitmap stream
MON_IOERROR_BMP_ICC_PROFILE_OFFSET | 0x680b2003, Bad ICC profile byte offset in bitmap stream
MON_IOERROR_BMP_INFO | 0x680b2004, Problem reading bitmap info header
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_DIMENSIONS | 0x680e2000, Bitmap has invalid dimensions
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_BITCOUNT | 0x680e2001, Bitmap contains an invalid bit count
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_CLRUSED | 0x680e2002, Index into bitmap color table is out of range
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_REPEAT_CLRUSED | 0x680e2003, Index into bitmap color table is out of range for RLE repeat
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_RLE8_CLRUSED | 0x680e2004, Index into bitmap color table is out of range for RLE 8-bit
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_RLE4_CLRUSED | 0x680e2005, Index into bitmap color table is out of range for RLE 4-bit
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_124_CLRUSED | 0x680e2006, Index into bitmap color table is out of range for 1, 2 or 4-bit data
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_8_CLRUSED | 0x680e2007, Index into bitmap color table is out of range for 8-bit data
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_RLE8_INVALID | 0x680e2008, Bitmap RLE 8-bit encoding requires 8-bit data
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_RLE4_INVALID | 0x680e2009, Bitmap RLE 4-bit encoding requires 4-bit data
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_HUFFMAN_UNSUPPORTED | 0x680e200a, Huffman encoded data in bitmap is not supported
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_BITFIELDS_BITCOUNT_INVALID | 0x680e200b, Bitfield encoded data in bitmap requires 16 or 32-bit data
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_RLE24_UNSUPPORTED | 0x680e200c, RLE 24-bit encoding in bitmap is not supported
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_JPEG_UNSUPPORTED | 0x680e200d, JPEG pass-through in bitmap is not supported
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED | 0x680e200e, PNG pass-through in bitmap is not supported
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_CMYK_UNSUPPORTED | 0x680e200f, CMYK color space in bitmap is not supported
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_COMPRESSION_INVALID | 0x680e2010, Invalid compression method in bitmap
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_BITFIELD_NONCONTIGUOUS | 0x680e2011, Bitmap bitfield is non-contiguous
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_BITFIELDS_OVERLAP | 0x680e2012, Bitmap bitfields overlap
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_BITFIELDS_TOO_MANY_BITS | 0x680e2013, Too many bits set in bitmap bitfield
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_XRESOLUTION | 0x680e2014, Bitmap x resolution is invalid
MON_RANGECHECK_BMP_YRESOLUTION | 0x680e2015, Bitmap y resolution is invalid
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_BMP | 0x68102000, Bitmap filter missing arguments on stack
MON_UNDEFINED_BMP_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION | 0x68142000, Unsupported bitmap version