Harlequin RIP SDK

This header file provides definitions for the BLOB (Binary Large Object) factory used by the Binary large object callback API. More...

#include "ripcall.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "swapi.h"
#include "swdevice.h"
#include "swblobapi.h"

Data Structures

struct  sw_blob_factory_instance
 An instance of the blob factory implementation. More...
struct  sw_blob_factory_api
 A structure containing callback functions to create BLOBs from named entities. More...


typedef struct sw_blob_factory_api sw_blob_factory_api
 Type definition of the blob factory implementation.
typedef struct sw_blob_factory_instance sw_blob_factory_instance
 An instance of the blob factory implementation. More...


enum  { SW_BLOB_FACTORY_API_VERSION_20071116 = 1 }
 Version numbers defined for the blob API. More...

Detailed Description

This header file provides definitions for the BLOB (Binary Large Object) factory used by the Binary large object callback API.

The BLOB factory is used by modules that need to initiate access to blobs independently of the core RIP.

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