Monitor information events identifiers for PostScript interpretation. More...
#include "monevent.h"
Monitor information events identifiers for PostScript interpretation.
Copyright (C) 2023 Global Graphics Software Ltd. All rights reserved. Global Graphics Software Ltd. Confidential Information.
This file enumerates message identifiers for the PS interpreter.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
MON_DICTFULL_DICT | 0x68010800, PS dictionary is full, exceeding a dictionary's maximum size |
MON_DICTSTACKOVERFLOW_NEWSTACKFRAME | 0x68020800, Maximum size of dictionary stack exceeded |
MON_DICTSTACKUNDERFLOW_DICTSTACK | 0x68030800, Dictionary stack has underflowed |
MON_DICTSTACKUNDERFLOW_CLEANDICTSTACK | 0x68030802, Items removed from dictionary stack by a 'clean' sandbox, e.g., unpacking of a PDF font |
MON_EXECSTACKOVERFLOW_NEWSTACKFRAME | 0x68040800, Maximum size of execution stack exceeded |
MON_INTERRUPT_MM_LOWHANDLER | 0x68050801, Low memory handler cancelled due to interrupt |
MON_INTERRUPT_TASK | 0x68050802, Task subsystem interrupted |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_EXECOUTPUTFILE | 0x68060800, File to execute is not an input file |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_HQXFONTDECRYPT | 0x68060801, Font decryption is not enabled |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_DEVICE | 0x68060802, PS device caused invalid object access |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_DEVICE_UNMOUNTABLE | 0x68060803, Attempt to unmount an unmountable device |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_FNTYPE4_EXEC | 0x68060804, Type 4 PS function operand is not executable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_FNEVAL_DICT | 0x68060805, PS function evaluation unable to read dictionary |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_STRINGEQ | 0x68060806, Problem with object access when attempting to compare strings |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_DICT_INSERT | 0x68060807, Problem with object access for key or value during a PS dictionary insert |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_DICT_EXTRACT | 0x68060808, Problem with object access for key or value during a PS dictionary extraction |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_DICT_REMOVE | 0x68060809, Problem with object access for key or value during a PS dictionary remove |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_DICT_MATCH | 0x6806080a, Problem with object access during a PS dictionary match |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_OBJ_REDUCEACCESS | 0x6806080b, Attempt make an inaccessible object read-only |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_OBJ_ARRAYCOPYACCESS | 0x6806080c, Invalid object access during array copy |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_OBJ_STRINGACCESS | 0x6806080d, Invalid object access during string retrieve |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_DATUM | 0x6806080e, Invalid access raised by sw_data_api callback |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_PS_DOALLTHESHOWS | 0x6806080f, Invalid object access in a PS show operator |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_PS_USTROKE | 0x68060810, PS operator ustroke was unable to read one of its operands |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_PS_BARCODE | 0x68060811, PS operator barcode was unable to read one of its operands |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_TILING_PARAMS | 0x68060812, Could not read tiling parameters |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_TILING_METHOD | 0x68060813, Could not access tiling method dictionary |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_TILING_ACTION | 0x68060814, Could not access tiling action |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_TILING_PROTO | 0x68060815, Cannot modify tiling array or dictionary prototype |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_SETTILINGPARAMS | 0x68060816, Could not read settilingparams dictionary |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_MAKETILES_PROC | 0x68060817, Supplied maketiles procedure not executable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_MAKETILES_ARRAY | 0x68060818, Could not modify maketiles array |
MON_INVALIDFILEACCESS_HQXFONTDECRYPT_LEADER | 0x68080800, Problem decrypting font |
MON_INVALIDFONT_PS_GLYPHSHOW | 0x68090800, PS operator glyphshow used on a composite font |
MON_INVALIDFONT_PS_DOALLTHESHOWS | 0x68090801, Invalid font |
MON_IOERROR_EXECCLOSEDFILE | 0x680b0801, Failed to close file after executing |
MON_IOERROR_DEVICE | 0x680b0802, PS device had an I/O error |
MON_IOERROR_DEVICE_DISMOUNT | 0x680b0803, Device error during dismount |
MON_IOERROR_FNTYPE0_DECODE | 0x680b0804, Problem while decoding a Type 0 PS function |
MON_IOERROR_FNTYPE4_DECODE | 0x680b0805, Problem while decoding a Type 4 PS function |
MON_IOERROR_FNEVAL_DECODE | 0x680b0806, Problem decoding while evaluating a PS function |
MON_IOERROR_HTM | 0x680b0807, I/O error in screening module |
MON_LIMITCHECK_PSRECURSION | 0x680c0800, Interpretation has exceeded recursion limit |
MON_LIMITCHECK_DEVICE | 0x680c0801, PS device detected a limit exceeded |
MON_LIMITCHECK_NAMECACHE_LEN | 0x680c0802, Name being created is longer than allowed |
MON_LIMITCHECK_COLORANT_INDICES | 0x680c0803, Too many colorants simultaneously |
MON_LIMITCHECK_PSCALC | 0x680c0804, PS procedure too long for stored PS procedure |
MON_LIMITCHECK_TILING_PARAMS | 0x680c0806, Alias loop in tiling parameters |
MON_LIMITCHECK_HTM | 0x680c0807, Limit exceeded in screening module |
MON_LIMITCHECK_TASK_RESOURCES | 0x680c0808, Band rendering schedule grew too large |
MON_NOCURRENTPOINT_PS_GLYPHSHOW | 0x680d0800, No current point when invoking PS operator glyphshow |
MON_NOCURRENTPOINT_PS_DOALLTHESHOWS | 0x680d0801, No current point in a PS show operator |
MON_RANGECHECK_CALENDAR_DEVICE | 0x680e0800, Calendar device detected an out-of-range error |
MON_RANGECHECK_DEVICE_OSD | 0x680e0801, Device ObeySearchDevice parameter is out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_TASK_MAXTHREADS | 0x680e0802, Task subsystem MaxThreads out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_TASK_TASKHELPERSTARTTHRESHOLD | 0x680e0804, Task subsystem internal tuning parameter out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE0_INDIMENSION | 0x680e0806, Type 0 PS function has an input dimensions which is <= zero |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE0_ARRAYLEN | 0x680e0807, Type 0 PS function Size array length does match Domain length |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE0_BITSPERSAMPLE | 0x680e0808, Type 0 PS function has unsupported bits per sample |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE0_INTERPOLATION | 0x680e0809, Type 0 PS function has invalid order of the interpolation functions |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE0_ENCODE | 0x680e080a, Type 0 PS function input dimension is incompatible with the encode array length |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE0_DECODE | 0x680e080b, Type 0 PS function output dimension is incompatible with the decode array length |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE0_DATASOURCE | 0x680e080c, Type 0 PS function has string in DataSource which is the wrong length |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE2_INDIMENSION | 0x680e080d, Type 2 PS function has an input dimensions which is not equal to one |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE2_RANGE | 0x680e080e, Type 2 PS function Range does not match C0 |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE2_OUTDIMENSION | 0x680e080f, Type 2 PS function output dimension is incompatible with range or is incorrect |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE2_ARRAYLEN | 0x680e0810, Type 2 PS function C0 or C1 array length does not have expected length |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE2_DOMAIN | 0x680e0811, Type 2 PS function domain allows undefined arithmetic |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE3_INDIMENSION | 0x680e0812, Type 3 PS function has an input dimensions which is not equal to one |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE3_FUNCTIONS | 0x680e0813, Type 3 PS function has no functions in function array |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE3_BOUNDS | 0x680e0814, Type 3 PS function Bounds is the wrong length |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE3_DOMAIN | 0x680e0815, Type 3 PS function domain allows undefined arithmetic |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE3_ENCODE | 0x680e0816, Type 3 PS function input dimension is incompatible with the encode array length |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE3_OUTDIMENSION | 0x680e0817, Type 3 PS function components have different output dimensions |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNTYPE4_OUTDIMENSION | 0x680e0818, Type 4 PS function output dimension is incompatible with number of parameters |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_HQNSPREADMETHOD | 0x680e0819, HqnSpreadMethod found to be invalid during PS function creation |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_SPREADFACTOR | 0x680e081a, HqnSpreadFactor found to be invalid during PS function creation |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_DOMAIN | 0x680e081b, Domain of wrong length during PS function creation |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_RANGE | 0x680e081c, Range of wrong length during PS function creation |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_FNTYPE | 0x680e081d, FunctionType invalid during PS function creation |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_TRANSFER | 0x680e081e, Transfer function has invalid Domain or Range |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_BG | 0x680e081f, BG function has invalid Domain or Range |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_UCR | 0x680e0820, UCR function has invalid Domain or Range |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_SPOT | 0x680e0821, Spot function has invalid Domain or Range |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_SHADING | 0x680e0822, Shading function has invalid Domain or Range |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_SHOPACITY | 0x680e0823, Shading opacity function has invalid Domain or Range |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_TINT | 0x680e0824, Tint transform has invalid Domain or Range |
MON_RANGECHECK_FNEVAL_MIXTRANSITION | 0x680e0825, Mix TransitionFunction has invalid Domain or Range |
MON_RANGECHECK_OBJ_NUMERICARRAYLEN | 0x680e0827, Expected array length is wrong while trying to retrieve a numeric array |
MON_RANGECHECK_OBJ_ARRAYMAX | 0x680e0828, Requested array length exceeds maximum allowed array length |
MON_RANGECHECK_OBJ_ARRAYMIN | 0x680e0829, Requested array length is less than zero |
MON_RANGECHECK_OBJ_ARRAYCOPYLEN | 0x680e082a, Array lengths do not match during array copy |
MON_RANGECHECK_OBJ_STRINGMAX | 0x680e082b, Requested string length exceeds maximum allowed string length |
MON_RANGECHECK_OBJ_STRINGMIN | 0x680e082c, Requested string length is less than zero |
MON_RANGECHECK_DATUM | 0x680e082d, Out-of-range error raised by sw_data_api callback |
MON_RANGECHECK_PS_FONTMAP88 | 0x680e082e, Ran out of bytes in 8/8 font mapping |
MON_RANGECHECK_PS_FONTMAP97 | 0x680e082f, Ran out of bytes in 9/7 font mapping |
MON_RANGECHECK_PS_MAPSUBS | 0x680e0830, Font subs vector mapping out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_PS_CHARRUNLENGTH | 0x680e0831, Font character run length is out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_PS_CHARINDEX | 0x680e0832, Font character index is out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_PS_CHARADJUSTSIZE | 0x680e0833, Font character adjust size is out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_PS_ENCODINGVECTOR | 0x680e0834, Font has too few entries in encoding vector |
MON_RANGECHECK_PS_BARCODE | 0x680e0835, PS operator barcode operand is out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_PSCALC_COPY | 0x680e0836, Negative operand for stored PS procedure copy operator |
MON_RANGECHECK_PSCALC_INDEX | 0x680e0837, Negative operand for stored PS procedure index operator |
MON_RANGECHECK_PSCALC_ROLL | 0x680e0838, Negative 2nd operand for stored PS procedure roll operator |
MON_RANGECHECK_PSCALC_EXEC | 0x680e0839, Stored PS procedure returned the wrong number of values |
MON_RANGECHECK_BLANKPAGE_ACTION | 0x680e083a, Invalid blank page action name in configuration |
MON_RANGECHECK_BLANKPAGE_CHANGE | 0x680e083b, Invalid blank page action returned from output device |
MON_RANGECHECK_BLANKPAGE_OMITSEPARATIONS | 0x680e083c, Invalid action for blank page with all separations omitted |
MON_RANGECHECK_TILING_ALIAS | 0x680e083d, Invalid tiling alias |
MON_RANGECHECK_TILING_PARAMS | 0x680e083e, Invalid tiling parameter |
MON_RANGECHECK_MAKETILES_ARRAY | 0x680e083f, Array operand for maketiles is too short |
MON_RANGECHECK_TILING_DICT | 0x680e0840, Invalid tiling Action dict length |
MON_RANGECHECK_TILING_ARRAY | 0x680e0841, Invalid tiling Action array length |
MON_RANGECHECK_TILING_ACTION_RETURN | 0x680e0842, Tiling Action procedure did not return /Add or /Discard |
MON_RANGECHECK_ABSENT_COLORANT | 0x680e0843, Colorant alias must use an existing colorant |
MON_RANGECHECK_ALIAS_EXISTS | 0x680e0844, Colorant alias already exists |
MON_RANGECHECK_TASK_TASKHELPERRATENUMBER | 0x680e0845, Task subsystem internal tuning parameter out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_TASK_TASKHELPERRATEWINDOW | 0x680e0846, Task subsystem internal tuning parameter out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_HTM | 0x680e0847, Value range error in screening module |
MON_RANGECHECK_TASK_RESOURCES | 0x680e0848, Task resources cannot be added when running |
MON_STACKOVERFLOW_NEWSTACKFRAME | 0x680f0800, Maximum size of operand stack exceeded |
MON_STACKOVERFLOW_PSCALC | 0x680f0801, Maximum size of operand stack exceeded in a stored PS procedure |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_FNTYPE4_PARAMS | 0x68100800, Type 4 PS function missing operands |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_FNEVAL_PARAMS | 0x68100801, PS function evaluation by evalfunc missing operands |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_STACK_NUMERIC | 0x68100802, Not enough items on stack for requested number of numeric values |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_PS_GLYPHSHOW | 0x68100803, PS operator glyphshow missing operands |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_PS_DOALLTHESHOWS | 0x68100804, Missing operands for a PS show operator |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_PS_USERPATHFILL | 0x68100805, User path fill function missing operands |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_PS_USTROKE | 0x68100806, PS operator ustroke missing operands |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_PS_BARCODE | 0x68100807, PS operator barcode missing operands |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_PSCALC | 0x68100808, Operand stack underflow in a stored PS routine |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_SETTILINGPARAMS | 0x68100809, PS operator settilingparams missing operands |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_MAKETILES | 0x6810080a, PS operator maketiles missing operands |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_TILING_ACTION_RETURN | 0x6810080b, No value returned by tiling Action procedure |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_CLEAN | 0x6810080c, Items removed from operand stack by a 'clean' sandbox, e.g., unpacking of a PDF font |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_DATUM | 0x68110800, Syntax error raised by sw_data_api callback |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_JSON | 0x68110801, JSON syntax error |
MON_TYPECHECK_HQXFONTDECRYPT_NOTFILE | 0x68130800, Trying to decrypt a non-file stream |
MON_TYPECHECK_DEVICE_OSD | 0x68130801, Device ObeySearchDevice parameter is wrong |
MON_TYPECHECK_TASK_MAXTHREADS | 0x68130802, Task subsystem MaxThreads is wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_FNTYPE0_OUTPUTDIM | 0x68130803, Type 0 PS function has zero output dimension |
MON_TYPECHECK_FNTYPE0_INPUTDIM | 0x68130804, Type 0 PS function has input dimension not equal to one |
MON_TYPECHECK_FNTYPE0_NOTINTEGER | 0x68130805, Type 0 PS function has an input dimensions which is not an integer |
MON_TYPECHECK_FNTYPE4_OUTPUTDIM | 0x68130806, Type 4 PS function has zero output dimension |
MON_TYPECHECK_FNTYPE4_PROC | 0x68130807, Type 4 PS function PS procedures are not arrays |
MON_TYPECHECK_FNEVAL_DICT | 0x68130808, Function parameter to evalfunc is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_FNEVAL_TYPE4 | 0x68130809, May not use evalfunc on type 4 PS function |
MON_TYPECHECK_FNEVAL_FILEORDICT | 0x6813080a, PS function object is not a file nor a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_FNEVAL_TYPE04 | 0x6813080b, No Range for type 0 or 4 PS function |
MON_TYPECHECK_DICT_NULLKEY | 0x6813080d, Trying to insert/extract/remove a NULL key from a PS dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_DICT_MATCH | 0x6813080e, Dictionary entry matched but has wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_OBJ_REDUCEACCESS | 0x6813080f, Cannot make a gstate exec-only |
MON_TYPECHECK_OBJ_OBJECT | 0x68130810, Invalid object type for reducing access levels |
MON_TYPECHECK_OBJ_NOTNUMERIC | 0x68130811, Object is not numeric while trying to retrieve a numeric value |
MON_TYPECHECK_OBJ_NOTNUMERICARRAY | 0x68130812, Object is not a numeric array while trying to retrieve a numeric array |
MON_TYPECHECK_OBJ_NOTSTRING | 0x68130813, Object is not a string while trying to retrieve a string value |
MON_TYPECHECK_STACK_NOTINTEGER | 0x68130814, Requested integer from stack is not an integer object |
MON_TYPECHECK_DATUM | 0x68130815, Type error raised by sw_data_api callback |
MON_TYPECHECK_PS_GLYPHSHOW | 0x68130816, Operand for PS operator glyphshow has wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_PS_DOALLTHESHOWS | 0x68130817, Operand for a PS show operator has wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_PS_BARCODE | 0x68130818, PS operator barcode had an operand of wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_PSCALC_ARGS | 0x68130819, Stored PS procedure operand has wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_PSCALC_IFELSE | 0x6813081a, Stored PS procedure operand for ifelse operator is wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_PSCALC_FOR | 0x6813081b, Stored PS procedure operand for 'for' operator is wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_PSCALC_OUTPUT | 0x6813081c, Stored PS procedure output is not numeric |
MON_TYPECHECK_BLANKPAGE_ACTION | 0x6813081d, Invalid blank page action type in configuration |
MON_TYPECHECK_TILING_METHOD | 0x6813081e, Wrong type for tiling method |
MON_TYPECHECK_TILING_PARAMS | 0x6813081f, Wrong type for tiling parameters |
MON_TYPECHECK_TILING_ACTION | 0x68130820, Wrong type for tiling Action |
MON_TYPECHECK_MAKETILES | 0x68130821, Wrong type for maketiles operand |
MON_TYPECHECK_TILING_DICT | 0x68130822, Wrong type for tiling Action dict |
MON_TYPECHECK_TILING_ARRAY | 0x68130823, Wrong type for tiling Action array |
MON_TYPECHECK_TILING_ACTION_RETURN | 0x68130824, Wrong type returned by tiling Action procedure |
MON_TYPECHECK_JSON_ARRAY | 0x68130825, JSON type error; array expected |
MON_TYPECHECK_JSON_STRING | 0x68130826, JSON type error; string expected |
MON_TYPECHECK_HTM | 0x68130827, Type error in screening module |
MON_TYPECHECK_PSCALC_CODE | 0x68130828, Only arrays are supported as stored PS procedures |
MON_TYPECHECK_PSCALC_LITERAL | 0x68130829, Non-numeric literals not supported in stored PS procedure |
MON_UNDEFINED_CALENDAR_DEVICE | 0x68140800, Calendar device not returning all date/time parameters |
MON_UNDEFINED_NOHQX | 0x68140801, HQX font decryption is not available |
MON_UNDEFINED_TASK | 0x68140802, Undefined error in task subsystem |
MON_UNDEFINED_FNTYPE0_DATASOURCE | 0x68140803, Type 0 PS function has no DataSource |
MON_UNDEFINED_FNTYPE0_DOMAIN | 0x68140804, Type 0 PS function has domain bounds in wrong order |
MON_UNDEFINED_FNTYPE2_DOMAIN | 0x68140805, Type 2 PS function has domain bounds in wrong order |
MON_UNDEFINED_FNTYPE3_DOMAIN | 0x68140806, Type 3 PS function has domain bounds in wrong order |
MON_UNDEFINED_DICT_MATCH | 0x68140808, PS dictionary match did not find required entry |
MON_UNDEFINED_DATUM | 0x68140809, Undefined error raised by sw_data_api callback |
MON_UNDEFINED_PS_COLORIMAGE | 0x6814080a, PS operator colorimage used in a mono context |
MON_UNDEFINED_PS_BARCODE | 0x6814080b, PS operator barcode unspecified error |
MON_UNDEFINED_FNINTERNALISE_GID | 0x6814080c, Unexpected gstate level following callout from PS procedure |
MON_UNDEFINED_PSCALC_NAME | 0x6814080e, Only operators are supported in stored PS procedures |
MON_UNDEFINED_PSCALC_OP | 0x6814080f, Unsupported operator in stored PS procedure |
MON_UNDEFINED_FNTYPE4_DOMAIN | 0x68140811, Type 4 PS function has domain bounds in wrong order |
MON_UNDEFINED_TILING_METHOD | 0x68140812, Tiling method not found |
MON_UNDEFINED_TILING_PARAMS | 0x68140813, Required tiling parameter not found |
MON_UNDEFINED_CALIBRATION_HANDLER | 0x68140814, Missing calibration event handler |
MON_UNDEFINED_NAMEDCOLOR_HANDLER | 0x68140815, Missing named color event handler |
MON_UNDEFINED_HTM_INSTANCE | 0x68140816, Screening module instance undefined |
MON_UNDEFINEDFILENAME_DEVICE | 0x68150800, PS device caused undefined filename error |
MON_UNDEFINEDFILENAME_DEVICE_FIND | 0x68150801, Device dismount could not find device name |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_FNTYPE0_DOMAIN | 0x68160800, Type 0 PS function has domain bounds in wrong order |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_FNEVAL_RECURSE | 0x68160801, PS function evaluation recursion limit exceeded |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_PS_DOALLTHESHOWS | 0x68160802, Non-invertible matrix in a PS show operator |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_PSCALC_ATAN | 0x68160803, Stored PS procedure atan operator undefined result |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_PSCALC_DIV | 0x68160804, Stored PS procedure div operator undefined result |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_PSCALC_EXP | 0x68160805, Stored PS procedure exp operator undefined result |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_PSCALC_IDIV | 0x68160806, Stored PS procedure idiv operator undefined result |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_PSCALC_LN | 0x68160807, Stored PS procedure ln operator undefined result |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_PSCALC_LOG | 0x68160808, Stored PS procedure log operator undefined result |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_PSCALC_MOD | 0x68160809, Stored PS procedure mod operator undefined result |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_PSCALC_SQRT | 0x6816080a, Stored PS procedure sqrt operator undefined result |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_FNTYPE2_DOMAIN | 0x6816080b, Type 2 PS function has domain bounds in wrong order |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_FNTYPE3_DOMAIN | 0x6816080c, Type 3 PS function has domain bounds in wrong order |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_FNTYPE4_DOMAIN | 0x6816080d, Type 4 PS function has domain bounds in wrong order |
MON_UNREGISTERED_NOERROR | 0x68180800, An error was raised without an error code |
MON_UNREGISTERED_CALENDAR_DEVICE | 0x68180801, Invalid return value from get params in calendar device |
MON_UNREGISTERED_FNTYPE0 | 0x68180802, Type 0 PS function in unexpected state |
MON_UNREGISTERED_OBJECTEQ | 0x68180803, Unknown PS object type when attempting to compare objects |
MON_UNREGISTERED_DATUM | 0x68180804, Unspecified error raised by a sw_data_api callback |
MON_UNREGISTERED_PS_DOALLTHESHOWS | 0x68180805, Internal failure defining a composite font |
MON_UNREGISTERED_TILING_DATUM | 0x68180806, Tiling data API not found |
MON_UNREGISTERED_TILING_INTERNAL | 0x68180807, Tiling internal configuration corrupt |
MON_UNREGISTERED_TILING_API | 0x68180809, Tiling API call unspecified failure |
MON_UNREGISTERED_TILING_DICT | 0x6818080a, Tiling action dict not found |
MON_UNREGISTERED_TILING_ARRAY | 0x6818080b, Tiling action array not found |
MON_UNREGISTERED_HTM | 0x6818080c, Unspecified screening module error |
MON_UNREGISTERED_PSTHREAD | 0x78180800, Serious threading failure |
MON_VMERROR_PS_MAX | 0x6819081b, Maximum enumeration value for section VMERROR_PS |
MON_VMERROR_TRANSPARENCYWITHPARTIALPAINT | 0x6819081c, Transparency incompatible with earlier partial paint |
MON_DISKVMERROR | 0x681a0800, Insufficient disk workspace |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_ABORTINGSEP | 0x681b0800, Aborting separation of pre-separated / gray job |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_NOCALENDAR | 0x681b0801, No Calendar device |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_CIETABLECOLORSPACE | 0x681b0802, Illegal use of devicelink CIETable color space |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_CMMUNSUPPORTED | 0x681b0803, Unsupported CMM configuration |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_CMMVERSION | 0x681b0804, CMM callback API version is insufficient |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_NOALTERNATECMM | 0x681b0805, CMM color space with no AlternateCMM in pagedevice |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_CUSTOMCOLORSPACE | 0x681b0806, CMM unknown custom color space |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_CUSTOMINPUTCOLORSPACE | 0x681b0807, CMM custom color space has invalid input color space |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_CUSTOMOUTPUTCOLORSPACE | 0x681b0808, CMM custom color space has invalid output color space |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HQNPROFILECRDS | 0x681b0809, Harlequin profile contains incompatible CRDs |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HQNPROFILERENDERING | 0x681b080a, Harlequin profile does not contain a rendering |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HQNPROFILEDLCOLORSPACE | 0x681b080b, Harlequin profile contains devicelink color space |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HQNPROFILECOLORSPACE | 0x681b080c, Harlequin profile contains incompatible color space |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_OVERPRINTPREVIEW | 0x681b080d, Invalid value for OverprintPreview |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_NEXTDEVICEDEPTH | 0x681b080f, Max depth of NextDevice dictionaries exceeded |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_INPUTCOLORSPACE | 0x681b0810, Missing Profile or InputColorSpace |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_OUTPUTTABLE | 0x681b0811, No output table in output profile |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_DEVICELINK | 0x681b0812, Invalid use of devicelink profile |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_DIFFERENTDEVICESPACES | 0x681b0815, Multiple profile with different device spaces |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_INPUTCOLORSPACENEXTDEVICE | 0x681b0816, InputColorSpace is only allowed in NextDevice dictionaries |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_INPUTCOLORSPACECHANNELS | 0x681b0818, InputColorSpace is inconsistent |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_EXCESSKEYS | 0x681b0819, Unknown key in a configuration dictionary |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_ICCCOLORSPACE | 0x681b081a, Unable to handle color space in ICC profile |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_ICCPROFILEVERSION | 0x681b081b, ICC profile version not supported |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_ICCPROFILETYPE | 0x681b081c, ICC profile type not supported |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_PCS2LAB | 0x681b081d, Problem handling output profile PCS to LAB mapping |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_LAB2PCS | 0x681b081e, Problem handling input profile LAB to PCS mapping |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_PROFILEID | 0x681b081f, Problem handling profile ID |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_ICCPROFILEOUTPUTTABLE | 0x681b0820, ICC profile doesn't contain an output table |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_CIETABLECOLORANTS | 0x681b0821, Too many colorants in CIETable color space |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_MODULARHALFTONESRLE | 0x681b0822, Modular halftones not compatible with RLE output |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_INTERLEAVETYPE1 | 0x681b0823, ImageMultipleSources option incompatible with InterleaveType 1 masked image |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_INTERLEAVETYPE2 | 0x681b0824, ImageMultipleSources option incompatible with InterleaveType 2 masked image |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_IDLOMCOLORDICT | 0x681b0825, Disallowed key in a HDLT Group-Color dictionary |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_IDLOMDICTKEY | 0x681b0826, Unknown key in an HDLT dictionary |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_TIFFNOIMAGES | 0x681b0827, TIFF file has no images in it |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_TIFFSAMPLESPERPIXEL | 0x681b0828, TIFF file has too few samples per pixel for color space |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_TIFFLANGUAGELEVEL | 0x681b0829, TIFF input requires language level 2 or greater |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_AESKEY | 0x681b082c, Problem setting AES key |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HVDCACHEID | 0x681b082d, Using eHVD with iHVD's cache ID |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HVDCONNECT | 0x681b082e, Problem connecting to HVD cache ID |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_COLORANTINDEX | 0x681b0831, Failed to get colorant index in rcbshfil.c |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_NOCHANNELS | 0x681b0832, No channels mapped to colorants |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_FRAMEBUFFER | 0x681b0834, Invalid band allocation requirement, or changed between interpretation and rendering |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_OBJECTMAPANTIALIASING | 0x681b0836, Object map not supported with antialiasing |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_BANDHEIGHTPRINTERBUFFER | 0x681b0837, BandHeight doesn't fit into printer buffer |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_MAXBANDMEMORY | 0x681b0838, MaxBandMemory limit too small |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HUGEPATTERN | 0x681b0839, Not enough space for a huge pattern |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_MASKBANDSFROMBASEMAP | 0x681b083a, The BaseMapSize system parameter is not large enough for this band size |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_RUNOVERLAP | 0x681b083b, RunOverlap must be true for RunLength output |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_RUNCACHENUMBER | 0x681b083c, RunCacheNumber must not be negative |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_RUNCACHESIZE | 0x681b083d, RunCacheSize must not be negative |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_RLEMODULARSCREENS | 0x681b083f, Modular screens not compatible with RLE output |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_TRAPPINGTRANSPARENCYSTRATEGY | 0x681b0840, Trapping with single-pass rendering |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_TRAPPINGSURFACESET | 0x681b0841, Trapping is not supported with this output configuration |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_COLORPROLICENSE | 0x681b0842, ColorPro license required |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_PARAMCONFIGERROR | 0x681b0843, Setting a device parameter raised a configurationerror |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_RESAMPLINGFACTOR | 0x681b0844, ResamplingFactor pagedevice key invalid |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_SCALING | 0x681b0845, Scaling pagedevice key invalid |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_VIRTUALDEVICESPACE | 0x681b0846, VirtualDeviceSpace pagedevice key invalid |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_NOSURFACE | 0x681b0847, Pagedevice output configuration not supported |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_MONOCHROMEONESEPARATION | 0x681b0848, Monochrome output only supported with one separation |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_MONOCHROMEINTERLEAVINGSTYLE | 0x681b0849, Monochrome interleaving not supported with colored separations, progressives or composite output |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_MONOCHROMEINTERLEAVINGCHANNELS | 0x681b084a, Monochrome interleaving not supported with multiple channel output |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_PIXELINTERLEAVEDHALFTONE | 0x681b084b, Halftoned output cannot be pixel-interleaved |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_PIXELINTERLEAVEDSINGLECHANNEL | 0x681b084c, Pixel interleaving not supported with single channel output |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_PIXELINTERLEAVEDCHANNELS | 0x681b084d, Too many channels in pixel-interleaved render setup |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HTMCONFIGURATIONERROR | 0x681b084e, Configuration error in screening module |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HTMBITDEPTH | 0x681b084f, Screening module does not support bit depth |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HTMVERSION | 0x681b0850, Screening module version not supported |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_OBJECTMAPMODULARHALFTONES | 0x681b0851, Object map channel not supported for modular halftones |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_PIXELINTERLEAVEDMODULARHALFTONES | 0x681b0852, Pixel interleaving not supported for modular halftones |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HTMREFERENCE | 0x681b0854, Screening module returned the new instance as a cached one |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HTMINVALID | 0x681b0855, Screening module returned an invalid instance |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_OBJECTMAPMODULARSCREEN | 0x681b0856, Object map for modular screen not supported |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_INTERRELATEDCHANNELS | 0x681b0857, Interrelated channels halftones not yet supported |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_MODULARHALFTONINGSURFACE | 0x681b0858, Modular halftoning not supported in this output configuration |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_MODULARHALFTONINGDEPTHSURFACE | 0x681b0859, Modular halftoning depth not supported in this output configuration |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HTMBITDEPTHDIFFERS | 0x681b085a, The source bit depth must be the same for all halftone modules |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_LANGUAGELEVEL | 0x681b085d, Invalid LanguageLevel param value |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_SETG | 0x681b085f, Corrupted gstate tag |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_RENDERPARAMCONFIGERROR | 0x681b0860, Pagebuffer device rejected parameter with ParamConfigError |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_RENDERPIXELINTERLEAVEDMODULARHALFTONES | 0x681b0861, Can't do modular halftones pixel-interleaved |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_PIXELINTERLEAVEDSEPOMISSION | 0x681b0862, Too few channels for pixel interleaved after blank separation omission |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HTMDOHALFTONE | 0x681b0863, Error from a DoHalftone() method of a screening module |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_RLEDUPLICATECHANNELS | 0x681b0864, Duplicate color channels not supported in RLE output |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_SETTEESTREAMWMRIP | 0x681b0865, Use of setteestream in WaterMark RIP |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HVDIMPOSITION | 0x681b0867, HVD and in-RIP imposition can't be used together |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HVDEARLYMARK | 0x681b0868, Marks before HVD can add to the DL are not allowed |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HVDPAGENOTREADY | 0x681b0869, Error in Page Ready event |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_OBJECTMAP | 0x681b086a, Object map not compatible with antialiasing |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_IDNEXTDEVICE | 0x681b086b, ID is only allowed in NextDevice dictionaries |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_NONMATCHINGCOLORANTS | 0x681b086c, Named color resource with ID doesn't match the colorants of the NextDevice |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_MISSINGNEXTDEVICEID | 0x681b086d, No NextDevice with matching ID for named color resource |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_BACKDROPAUTOSEPARATIONSOFF | 0x681b086e, Named color resource with ID requires BackdropAutoSeparations=true |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_CATMATRIX | 0x681b0870, Unrecognised name for CATMatrix |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_PSTINTTRANSFORMILLEGAL | 0x681b0871, Cannot execute illegal tint transform PS procedure |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_PROFILETYPE | 0x681b0872, Profile should be a file or dictionary |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_FNINTERNALISE | 0x681b0873, PS function used unsupported feature |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_COLORSPACEMAPPING | 0x681b0874, Invalid color space mapping |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_OBJECTMAPKEY | 0x681b0875, ObjectMap key now defunct. Please use a colorant family with an object type colorant instead. |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_BANDORDER | 0x681b0876, Invalid band order requirement, or change between interpretation and rendering |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_TILING_PARAMS | 0x681b0877, Tiling configuration sets no methods |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_TILING_METHOD | 0x681b0878, Tiling method parameter validation failed |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_TILING_COUNTMISMATCH | 0x681b0879, Mismatch in number of tiles from count_tiles and get_tiles |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_TILING_API | 0x681b087a, Tiling API call parameter failure |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_TILING_IHVDELEMENT | 0x681b087b, HVDElement tiling cannot be used with iHVD |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HTMINCONSISTENTLEVELS | 0x681b087c, ScreenLevels for modular halftones not equal |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_BANDLINESIZE | 0x681b087d, Band line stride too large |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HALFTONE | 0x681b087e, Halftone pagedevice key invalid |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_NOTMODULARSCREENING | 0x681b087f, Modular screening is not enabled |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_HTMINITIALISATIONERROR | 0x681b0880, Screening module initialisation failed |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_MISSINGPROCESSCOLORANT | 0x681b0883, Process colorant missing from colorant set dictionary |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_EXTRAPROCESSCOLORANT | 0x681b0884, Too many process colorants in colorant set dictionary |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_SCRATCHSIZE | 0x681b0886, Scratch size request increased between interpretation and rendering |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_PARTIALSTORE | 0x681b0887, Invalid partial paint store requirement, or change between interpretation and rendering |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_EMPTYBANDS | 0x681b0888, Invalid empty band requirement, or change between rendering phases |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_OUTPUTCOPIES | 0x681b0889, Output copies requirement changed between rendering phases |
MON_TYPE_PSFLATECHECKSUMMISMATCH_deprecated | Job control information
MON_TYPE_OMITSEPARATIONS | 0x38000801, Separation omission |
MON_TYPE_PSINITIALRIPVM | 0x38000802, Interpreter initial memory reporting |
MON_TYPE_FLUSHINGJOB | Serious failure warnings 0x58000800, Job has stopped early and the remainder is being flushed |
MON_TYPE_AUTOSEPARATING | 0x48000801, Detected ... when auto-separating |
MON_TYPE_NONSEPARABLEBLENDMODE | 0x48000802, Overriding non-separable blend mode |
MON_TYPE_ERRORINENDPAGE | 0x48000803, Error in EndPage procedure |
MON_TYPE_BANDSIZEPRINTERBUFFER | 0x48000804, Band size reduced to fit printer buffer |
MON_TYPE_BANDSIZEBANDHEIGHT | 0x48000805, Unable to make band size a multiple of band height |
MON_TYPE_BANDSIZERESAMPLINGFACTORBANDHEIGHT | 0x48000806, Unable to make band size a multiple of resampling factor and band height |
MON_TYPE_BANDSIZERESAMPLINGFACTOR | 0x48000807, Unable to make band size a multiple of resampling factor |
MON_TYPE_TRAPHIGHLIGHTSPHOTOINK | 0x48000809, TrapPro cannot apply trap highlights when outputting to a PhotoInk device |
MON_TYPE_UNICODEENCODINGCONVERTER | 0x4800080a, Unable to open Unicode encoding filter |
MON_TYPE_ICCBADMEDIAWHITEPOINT | 0x4800080b, Missing default calibrations |
MON_TYPE_ICCNOMEDIAWHITEPOINT | 0x4800080c, Media white point tag not found - using illuminant instead |
MON_TYPE_ICCD65ILLUMINANT | 0x4800080d, D65 illuminant used in ICC profile |
MON_TYPE_ICCBADILLUMINANT | 0x4800080e, Invalid ICC profile illuminant - used D50 instead |
MON_TYPE_ICCUNKNOWNILLUMINANT | 0x4800080f, Unknown illuminant used in ICC profile |
MON_TYPE_ICCMCURVESNOMATRIX | 0x48000810, M curves should only be used when the matrix is present |
MON_TYPE_NODEFAULTCALIBRATION | 0x48000811, Missing default calibrations |
MON_TYPE_NODEFAULTCAL_DEVICECURVE | 0x48000812, Reports information about device curve |
MON_TYPE_NODEFAULTCAL_TONECURVE | 0x48000813, Reports information about tone curve |
MON_TYPE_NODEFAULTCAL_INTENDEDPRESSCURVE | 0x48000814, Reports information about intended press curve |
MON_TYPE_NODEFAULTCAL_ACTUALPRESSCURVE | 0x48000815, Reports information about actual press curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVESINCOMPATIBLE | 0x48000816, Calibration curves are incompatible |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLERESOLUTION | 0x48000817, Reports incompatible resolution |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLERESOLUTION_DEVICECURVE | 0x48000818, Reports incompatible resolution in device curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLERESOLUTION_TONECURVE | 0x48000819, Reports incompatible resolution in tone curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLERESOLUTION_INTENDEDPRESSCURVE | 0x4800081a, Reports incompatible resolution in intended press curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLERESOLUTION_ACTUALPRESSCURVE | 0x4800081b, Reports incompatible resolution in actual press curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEEXPOSURE | 0x4800081c, Reports incompatible exposure |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEEXPOSURE_DEVICECURVE | 0x4800081d, Reports incompatible exposure in device curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEEXPOSURE_TONECURVE | 0x4800081e, Reports incompatible exposure in tone curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEEXPOSURE_INTENDEDPRESSCURVE | 0x4800081f, Reports incompatible exposure in intended press curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEEXPOSURE_ACTUALPRESSCURVE | 0x48000820, Reports incompatible exposure in actual press curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLENEGATIVE | 0x48000821, Reports incompatible negative |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLENEGATIVE_DEVICECURVE | 0x48000822, Reports incompatible negative in device curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLENEGATIVE_TONECURVE | 0x48000823, Reports incompatible negative in tone curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLENEGATIVE_INTENDEDPRESSCURVE | 0x48000824, Reports incompatible negative in intended press curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLENEGATIVE_ACTUALPRESSCURVE | 0x48000825, Reports incompatible negative in actual press curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEDOTSHAPE | 0x48000826, Reports incompatible dot shape |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEDOTSHAPE_DEVICECURVE | 0x48000827, Reports incompatible dot shape in device curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEDOTSHAPE_TONECURVE | 0x48000828, Reports incompatible dot shape in tone curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEDOTSHAPE_INTENDEDPRESSCURVE | 0x48000829, Reports incompatible dot shape in intended press curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEDOTSHAPE_ACTUALPRESSCURVE | 0x4800082a, Reports incompatible dot shape in actual press curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEFREQUENCY | 0x4800082b, Reports incompatible frequency |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEFREQUENCY_DEVICECURVE | 0x4800082c, Reports incompatible frequency in device curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEFREQUENCY_TONECURVE | 0x4800082d, Reports incompatible frequency in tone curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEFREQUENCY_INTENDEDPRESSCURVE | 0x4800082e, Reports incompatible frequency in intended press curve |
MON_TYPE_CALCURVES_INCOMPATIBLEFREQUENCY_ACTUALPRESSCURVE | 0x4800082f, Reports incompatible frequency in actual press curve |
MON_TYPE_REQUIREDSCREEN | 0x48000830, Reports required screen |
MON_TYPE_REQUIREDSCREEN_DETAILS | 0x48000831, Reports required screen details |
MON_TYPE_UNCALIBRATEDSCREENS | 0x48000832, Reports uncalibrated screens |
MON_TYPE_UNCALIBRATEDSCREEN_FREQUENCIES | 0x48000833, Reports uncalibrated frequencies |
MON_TYPE_UNCALIBRATEDSCREEN_FREQUENCY | 0x48000834, Reports uncalibrated frequency |
MON_TYPE_UNCALIBRATEDSCREEN_DETAILS | 0x48000835, Reports uncalibrated screen details |
MON_TYPE_CRITERIAINCOMPATIBLE | 0x48000837, Calibration/Warnings criteria incompatible |
MON_TYPE_NO_CAL_MATCH | 0x48000838, No suitable calibration found |
MON_TYPE_NOMATCH | 0x48000839, Calset does not match criteria |
MON_TYPE_PSTINTTRANSFORMPIPELINE | 0x4800083a, Tint transform PS procedure requires disabling of pipelining for this page |
MON_DICT_LARGE | 0x4800083b, Large dictionary - RIP may slow down |
MON_TYPE_RECOMBINENOPROCESSEQUIVALENT_deprecated | Informational messages
MON_TYPE_TRAPPING | 0x30000801, Trapping information |