Monitor information events identifiers for the color subsystem. More...
#include "monevent.h"
Monitor information events identifiers for the color subsystem.
Copyright (C) 2023 Global Graphics Software Ltd. All rights reserved. Global Graphics Software Ltd. Confidential Information.
This file enumerates message identifiers for the color subsystem.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_NOT_EXEC | 0x68060d00, Color space element is not executable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CALSET | 0x68060d01, Calset dictionary is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CALIBRATION_COLORANT | 0x68060d02, Calibration colorant curve array is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CALIBRATION_BUMPUP | 0x68060d03, Calibration BumpUpCurve array is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CALIBRATION_DICT | 0x68060d04, Calibration dictionary parameter to setcalibration is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CALIBRATION_ARRAY | 0x68060d05, Calibration array parameter to setcalibration is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CIEBASEDDEF_TABLE_ELEM | 0x68060d06, CIEBasedDEF Table element is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CIEBASEDDEF_TABLE_3DTABLE_ELEM | 0x68060d07, CIEBasedDEF Table 3D table element is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CIEBASEDDEFG_TABLE_ELEM | 0x68060d08, CIEBasedDEFG Table element not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CIEBASEDDEFG_TABLE_4DTABLE_ELEM | 0x68060d09, CIEBasedDEFG Table 4D table element is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CRD | 0x68060d0a, Color rendering dictionary is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CRD_RENDERTABLE_T_NOT_EXEC | 0x68060d0b, Color rendering dictionary RenderTable T procedure is not executable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CRD_RENDERTABLE_TABLE | 0x68060d0c, Color rendering dictionary RenderTable table is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_CRD_RENDERTABLE_3DTABLE_ELEM | 0x68060d0d, Color rendering dictionary RenderTable table element string is not readable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_INDEXED_LOOKUP_NOT_EXEC | 0x68060d0e, Indexed color space lookup is not executable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_UCRGB_NOT_EXEC | 0x68060d0f, UCRBG procedure object is not executable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_TINTTRANSFORM_NOT_EXEC | 0x68060d10, DeviceN or Separation color space tintTransform object is not executable |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_TRANSFER_NOT_EXEC | 0x68060d11, Color transfer object is not executable |
MON_IOERROR_ALTERNATE_CMM | 0x680b0d00, IO error returned from alternate CMM |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_OPEN | 0x680b0d01, Unable to open ICC profile |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_HEADER | 0x680b0d02, Problem reading ICC profile header |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_TAG_TABLE | 0x680b0d03, Unable to find ICC profile tag table |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_TAG_COUNT | 0x680b0d04, Unable to read ICC profile tag count |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_TAG | 0x680b0d05, Unable to read ICC profile tag |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_TAG_DATA | 0x680b0d06, Unable to find ICC profile tag data |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_TAG_SIGNATURE | 0x680b0d07, Unable to read ICC profile tag signature |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_TAG_XYZ | 0x680b0d08, Problem finding or reading ICC profile XYZType tag data |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_LUT | 0x680b0d09, Problem finding or reading ICC profile lut8Type or lut16Type tag |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_LUT_INPUT_OUTPUT_ENTRIES | 0x680b0d0a, Unable to read ICC profile lut16Type tag number of input or output table entries |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_LUT_AB_BA | 0x680b0d0b, Problem finding or reading ICC profile lutAtoBType or lutBtoAType tag |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_LUT_MATRIX | 0x680b0d0c, Problem finding or reading ICC profile lutAtoBType or lutBtoAType matrix data |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_1D_TRC_CURVE | 0x680b0d0d, Problem finding or reading ICC profile curveType or parametricCurveType tag data |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_1D_TRC_CURVE_SIGNATURE | 0x680b0d0e, Problem reading ICC profile curveType or parametricCurveType tag signature |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_PARAMETRIC | 0x680b0d0f, Problem finding or reading ICC profile parametricCurveType tag data |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_CURVE | 0x680b0d10, Problem finding or reading ICC profile curveType tag data |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_1D_CURVE_DATA | 0x680b0d11, Problem finding or reading ICC profile 1D curve or table data |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_8BIT_1D_TABLE | 0x680b0d12, Problem finding or reading ICC profile 8-bit 1D table data |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_CLUT8 | 0x680b0d13, Problem finding or reading ICC profile CLUT for lut8Type |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_LUT16 | 0x680b0d14, Problem finding or reading ICC profile CLUT for lut16Type |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_LUT_AB_BA_HEADER | 0x680b0d15, Problem finding or reading ICC profile lutAtoBType or lutBtoAType header |
MON_IOERROR_ICC_SEEK | 0x680b0d16, Unable to seek to start of ICC profile |
MON_IOERROR_INDEXED_LOOKUP | 0x680b0d17, Problem with file for Indexed color space lookup |
MON_IOERROR_UCRBG | 0x680b0d18, UCRBG procedure file properties not suitable |
MON_IOERROR_TABLEABCD_TABLE | 0x680b0d19, Problem with Table file for TableABCD color space |
MON_IOERROR_TINTTRANSFORM | 0x680b0d1a, DeviceN or Separation color space tintTransform file properties not suitable |
MON_IOERROR_TRANSFER | 0x680b0d1b, Color transfer file properties not suitable |
MON_LIMITCHECK_COLORANTS_EXCEEDED | 0x680c0d00, Too many colorants for one page |
MON_LIMITCHECK_NEXTDEVICE_DICTIONARIES | 0x680c0d01, Too many nested NextDevice dictionaries |
MON_LIMITCHECK_COLORSPACE_RECURSION | 0x680c0d02, Color space recursion limit exceeded |
MON_LIMITCHECK_RECURSIVE_COLORSPACE | 0x680c0d03, Color space is recursive |
MON_LIMITCHECK_COLORSPACE_CACHE | 0x680c0d04, Requested array for color space cache exceeds maximum PostScript array length |
MON_RANGECHECK_USERPARAM_OVERPRINTBLACK | 0x680e0d00, Invalid value for OverprintBlack user parameter |
MON_RANGECHECK_USERPARAM_TRANSPARENCYHALFTONE | 0x680e0d01, Invalid value for TransparencyHalftone user parameter |
MON_RANGECHECK_USERPARAM_DUPLICATECOLORANTS | 0x680e0d02, Invalid value for DuplicateColorants user parameter |
MON_RANGECHECK_USERPARAM_FASTERCOLORGRIDPOINTS | 0x680e0d04, Invalid value for FasterColorGridPoints user parameter |
MON_RANGECHECK_USERPARAM_MAX | 0x680e0d13, Maximum enumeration value for section RANGECHECK_USERPARAM |
MON_RANGECHECK_PAGEDEVICE_CONTONEMASK | 0x680e0d14, ContoneMask pagedevice parameter is out of range for this device |
MON_RANGECHECK_PAGEDEVICE_CONVERTALLSEPARATION | 0x680e0d15, Invalid value for ConvertAllSeparation pagedevice parameter |
MON_RANGECHECK_PAGEDEVICE_MAX | 0x680e0d27, Maximum enumeration value for section RANGECHECK_PAGEDEVICE |
MON_RANGECHECK_ALTERNATE_CMM_OPEN_TRANSFORM_DIMENSIONS | 0x680e0d28, Alternate CMM open_transform callback returned wrong number of channels |
MON_RANGECHECK_INVALID_CALSET | 0x680e0d29, Unable to find a suitable calibration calset |
MON_RANGECHECK_CALIBRATION_CALTYPE | 0x680e0d2a, Calibration dictionary parameter to setcalibration has invalid CalibrationType |
MON_RANGECHECK_CALIBRATION_COLORANT_SUBDICT_CALTYPE | 0x680e0d2b, Calibration colorant subdictionary has invalid CalibrationType |
MON_RANGECHECK_CALIBRATION_BUMPUP | 0x680e0d2c, Calibration BumpUpCurve values do not cover correct range |
MON_RANGECHECK_CALIBRATION_CURVE | 0x680e0d2d, Calibration curve values do not cover correct range |
MON_RANGECHECK_CALIBRATION_WARNINGS_CRITERIA_INCOMPATIBLE | 0x680e0d2e, Calibration WarningsCriteria are mutually incompatible |
MON_RANGECHECK_UNCALIBRATED_SCREEN | 0x680e0d2f, Screen used for which no calibration is available |
MON_RANGECHECK_CIEBASED_WHITEPOINT | 0x680e0d30, White point in CIEBased color space has invalid value |
MON_RANGECHECK_CIEBASED_REL_WHITEPOINT | 0x680e0d31, Relative white point in CIEBased color space has invalid value |
MON_RANGECHECK_CIEBASED_CONVERTLAB2XYZ | 0x680e0d32, Invalid ConvertLabtoXYZ entry in CIEBased color space |
MON_RANGECHECK_CIEBASEDDEF_TABLE | 0x680e0d33, CIEBasedDEF Table array contains inconsistent entries |
MON_RANGECHECK_CIEBASEDDEFG_TABLE | 0x680e0d34, CIEBasedDEFG Table array contains inconsistent entries |
MON_RANGECHECK_NEUTRALMAPPING_WHITEPOINT | 0x680e0d35, Invalid white point while setting up neutral mapping |
MON_RANGECHECK_HQNPROFILE_COLORSPACE | 0x680e0d36, Invalid color space while setting up transform from Harlequin profile |
MON_RANGECHECK_HQNPROFILE_PROFILETYPE | 0x680e0d37, Harlequin profile has invalid ProfileType |
MON_RANGECHECK_CRD_COLORRENDERINGTYPE | 0x680e0d38, Color rendering dictionary has invalid ColorRenderingType |
MON_RANGECHECK_CRD_RENDERTABLE_M | 0x680e0d39, Color rendering dictionary RenderTable output dimension m has invalid value |
MON_RANGECHECK_CRD_RENDERTABLE | 0x680e0d3a, Color rendering dictionary RenderTable array contains inconsistent entries |
MON_RANGECHECK_CRD_CONVERTXYZTOLAB | 0x680e0d3b, CRD conversion from XYZ to Lab must use either WhitePoint or RelativeWhitePoint |
MON_RANGECHECK_CRD_WHITEPOINT | 0x680e0d3c, Color rendering dictionary has invalid WhitePoint value |
MON_RANGECHECK_CRD_REL_WHITEPOINT | 0x680e0d3d, Color rendering dictionary has invalid RelativeWhitePoint value |
MON_RANGECHECK_CRD_RANGEABC | 0x680e0d3e, Color rendering dictionary RangeABC value is invalid |
MON_RANGECHECK_COLORANTS_FOREGROUND_BACKGROUND | 0x680e0d3f, Unexpected mix of foreground and background colorants |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTERCEPTCOLORSPACE | 0x680e0d40, Intercept color space has unexpected number of dimensions |
MON_RANGECHECK_SETREPRODUCTION_SOURCEINTENT | 0x680e0d42, SourceIntent parameter to setreproduction has invalid value |
MON_RANGECHECK_INTENTMAPPINGS | 0x680e0d43, IntentMappings dictionary intent has invalid value |
MON_RANGECHECK_SETMISCOBJECTMAPPINGS | 0x680e0d44, Parameter to setmiscobjectmappings has invalid value |
MON_RANGECHECK_CURRENTMISCOBJECTMAPPINGS | 0x680e0d45, The currentmiscobjectmappings operator is not implemented |
MON_RANGECHECK_PATTERN_UNDERLYING_COLORSPACE | 0x680e0d46, Invalid or missing underlying color space for Pattern |
MON_RANGECHECK_ALTERNATE_CMM_UNDERLYING_COLORSPACE | 0x680e0d47, Invalid underlying color space for alternate CMM colorspace |
MON_RANGECHECK_PATTERN_UNDERLYING_COLORSPACE_VALUES | 0x680e0d48, Problem setting color values for underlying color space for Pattern |
MON_RANGECHECK_INDEXED_UNDERLYING_COLORSPACE | 0x680e0d49, Invalid or missing underlying color space for Indexed space |
MON_RANGECHECK_ICCBASED_COLORSPACE | 0x680e0d4a, ICC profile has invalid color space |
MON_RANGECHECK_INDEXED_HIVAL | 0x680e0d4b, Unable to get valid hival from Indexed color space |
MON_RANGECHECK_INDEXED_LOOKUP | 0x680e0d4c, Lookup for Indexed color space is wrong length |
MON_RANGECHECK_LAB_WHITEPOINT | 0x680e0d4d, WhitePoint in Lab color space has invalid value |
MON_RANGECHECK_LAB_RANGE | 0x680e0d4e, Lab color space Range values are the wrong way round |
MON_RANGECHECK_LAB_REL_WHITEPOINT | 0x680e0d4f, RelativeWhitePoint in Lab color space has invalid value |
MON_RANGECHECK_CALRGB_WHITEPOINT | 0x680e0d50, White point in CalRGB color space dictionary has invalid value |
MON_RANGECHECK_CALRGB_REL_WHITEPOINT | 0x680e0d51, Relative white point in CalRGB color space dictionary has invalid value |
MON_RANGECHECK_COLORSPACE_CACHE | 0x680e0d52, Requested array length for color space cache is negative |
MON_RANGECHECK_TABLEABCD_TABLESIZE_ELEM | 0x680e0d53, TableABCD color space ArraySize element has invalid value |
MON_RANGECHECK_TABLEABCD_DIMENSIONS | 0x680e0d54, TableABCD color space has mismatch between dimensions and underlying dimensions |
MON_RANGECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGEA | 0x680e0d55, TableABCD color space RangeA values are the wrong way round |
MON_RANGECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGEE | 0x680e0d56, TableABCD color space RangeE values are the wrong way round |
MON_RANGECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGEABC | 0x680e0d57, TableABCD color space RangeABC values are the wrong way round |
MON_RANGECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGEEFG | 0x680e0d58, TableABCD color space RangeEFG values are the wrong way round |
MON_RANGECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGEABCD | 0x680e0d59, TableABCD color space RangeABCD values are the wrong way round |
MON_RANGECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGEEFGH | 0x680e0d5a, TableABCD color space RangeEFGH values are the wrong way round |
MON_RANGECHECK_TABLEABCD_DATA_FORMAT | 0x680e0d5b, TableABCD data HNA format key is invalid |
MON_RANGECHECK_ALTERNATIVE_COLORSPACE | 0x680e0d5c, DeviceN or Separation color space has invalid alternativeSpace |
MON_RANGECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_NAME_ARRAY | 0x680e0d5e, Color replacement color space names array element has invalid length |
MON_RANGECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_VALUES_LENGTH | 0x680e0d5f, Color replacement color values array has wrong length |
MON_RANGECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_NO_COLORS | 0x680e0d60, Color replacement had no colors added |
MON_RANGECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_ID | 0x680e0d61, Color replacement identifier has invalid value |
MON_RANGECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_ACCURACY | 0x680e0d62, Color replacement accuracy has invalid value |
MON_STACKOVERFLOW_REPLACECOLOR_AUTO | 0x680f0d00, Color replacement NamedColor generation left more objects on stack than expected |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_PS_CALLOUT | 0x68100d00, PostScript callout from color operator will result in stack underflow |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_CRD | 0x68100d01, Stack underflow error due to empty stack where color rendering dictionary object expected |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_EQUIV_COLOR | 0x68100d02, Stack underflow while calculating equivalent color for Roam |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_EQUIV_NAMEDCOLOR | 0x68100d03, Stack underflow while finding equivalent for named color |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_EQUIV_TINTTRANSFORM | 0x68100d04, Stack underflow while finding equivalent color from tintTransform |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_EQUIV_COLORANTS_DICT | 0x68100d05, Stack underflow while finding equivalent color from Colorants dict |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_COLORSPACE | 0x68100d06, Stack underflow error due to empty stack where colorspace expected |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_COLORVALUES | 0x68100d07, Stack underflow error due to fewer color values on stack than expected |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_PATTERN_COLORSPACE | 0x68100d08, Stack underflow error due to empty stack where Pattern color space expected |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_CUSTOM_CONVERSION | 0x68100d09, Stack underflow error due to custom color conversion leaving fewer values than expected |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_UCRBG | 0x68100d0a, Stack underflow error due to empty stack where UCRGB procedure object expected |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_NAMEDCOLOR_LOOKUP | 0x68100d0b, Stack underflow error due to empty stack following NamedColor lookup |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_TRANSFER | 0x68100d0c, Stack underflow error due to fewer objects than expected for color transfer |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_REPLACECOLOR | 0x68100d0d, Stack underflow error due to fewer objects than expected for color replacement |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_REPLACECOLOR_AUTO | 0x68100d0e, Color replacement NamedColor generation removed more objects from stack than expected |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_REPLACECOLOR_ACCURACY | 0x68100d0f, Stack underflow error while setting color replacement accuracy |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_INVALID_PROFILE | 0x68110d00, ICC profile header is such that the profile is invalid |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ALTERNATE_CMM | 0x68110d01, Syntax error returned from alternate CMM |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_HEADER_ACSP | 0x68110d02, ICC profile header has invalid profile file signature |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_TAG_XYZ_SIZE | 0x68110d03, ICC profile XYZType tag size too small |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_LUT_SIZE | 0x68110d04, ICC profile tag table lut8Type or lut16Type tag size too small |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_LUT_SIGNATURE | 0x68110d05, ICC profile lut8Type or lut16Type tag has incorrect type signature |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_LUT_AB_BA_SIZE | 0x68110d06, ICC profile tag table lutBtoAType or lutAtoBType tag size too small |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_LUT_AB_BA_SIGNATURE | 0x68110d07, ICC profile tag table lutBtoAType or lutAtoBType tag has incorrect type signature |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_PARAMETRIC_SIGNATURE | 0x68110d08, ICC profile parametricCurveType tag has incorrect type signature |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_PARAMETRIC_FUNCTION | 0x68110d09, ICC profile parametricCurveType tag has invalid function type |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_CURVE_SIGNATURE | 0x68110d0a, ICC profile curveType tag has incorrect type signature |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_COLORSPACE | 0x68110d0b, ICC profile has invalid color space or PCS color space |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_DEVICELINK_PCS | 0x68110d0c, ICC devicelink profile has invalid PCS color space |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_CLUT8_POINTS | 0x68110d0d, ICC profile lut8Type CLUT has too few points |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_CLUT16_POINTS | 0x68110d0e, ICC profile lut16Type CLUT has too few points |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_AB_BA_DIMENSION | 0x68110d0f, ICC profile lutBtoAType or lutAtoBType has unexpected number of channels |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_LUT8_16_DIMENSION | 0x68110d10, ICC profile lut8Type or lut16Type has unexpected number of channels |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_LUT8_16_INPUT_POINTS | 0x68110d11, ICC profile lut8Type or lut16Type has too few input table points |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_LUT8_16_TABLE_POINTS | 0x68110d12, ICC profile lut8Type or lut16Type table has too few points |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_LUT8_16_OUTPUT_POINTS | 0x68110d13, ICC profile lut8Type or lut16Type has too few output table points |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_3D_MATRIX_PCS | 0x68110d14, PCS color space invalid for 3-component matrix-based ICC profile |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_MISSING_TAG | 0x68110d15, ICC profile lacks one or more necessary tags |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_COLORANTS | 0x68110d16, Unable to find colorantTable or colorantTableOut tag in ICC profile |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICCBASED | 0x68110d17, ICCBased color space name is not ICCBased |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_ICC_TAG_XYZ_WRONGTYPE | 0x68110d18, XYZType tag has incorrect type signature in ICC profile |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_REPLACECOLOR | 0x68110d19, Incorrect sequence of color replacement operators |
MON_SYNTAXERROR_CXF_STREAM | 0x68110d1a, Error reading CxF/X-4 stream |
MON_TYPECHECK_PS_CALLOUT | 0x68130d00, PostScript function for color callout has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_SEPARATION_COLORANT | 0x68130d01, Separation color space colorant has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_DEVICEN_COLORANT | 0x68130d02, DeviceN colorant is not a name or string |
MON_TYPECHECK_COLORANTS | 0x68130d03, Expected colorant or colorants object to be a name a string or a non-zero length array |
MON_TYPECHECK_XUID | 0x68130d04, Color space XUID is not an integer |
MON_TYPECHECK_NOT_EXEC_ARRAY | 0x68130d05, Color space element is not an executable array |
MON_TYPECHECK_ALTERNATE_CMM_CUSTOM_COLORSPACE | 0x68130d06, Custom color space implemented in alternate CMM is not a string |
MON_TYPECHECK_CALSET_DICT | 0x68130d07, Calset is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_CALIBRATION_DICT_ENTRY | 0x68130d08, Calibration dictionary entry has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_CALIBRATION_ARRAY | 0x68130d09, Array style setcalibration parameter has invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_CALIBRATION_COLORANT | 0x68130d0a, Calibration colorant curve is not array |
MON_TYPECHECK_CALIBRATION_BUMPUP | 0x68130d0b, Calibration BumpUpCurve is not array |
MON_TYPECHECK_SETCALIBRATION | 0x68130d0c, Parameter to setcalibration has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_CALIBRATION_CURVE | 0x68130d0d, Calibration curve is not an array or has wrong number of elements |
MON_TYPECHECK_CAL_WARNINGS_HWRESOLUTION | 0x68130d0e, Calibration warnings HWResolution array is wrong length |
MON_TYPECHECK_CAL_WARNINGS_FREQUENCY | 0x68130d0f, Calibration warnings Frequency array is wrong |
MON_TYPECHECK_CIEBASEDA_COLORSPACE_DICT | 0x68130d10, CIEBasedA color space element is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_CIEBASEDABC_COLORSPACE_DICT | 0x68130d11, CIEBasedABC color space element is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_CIEBASED_COLORSPACE_DICT | 0x68130d12, CIEBased color space element not dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_CIEBASEDDEF_COLORSPACE_DICT | 0x68130d13, CIEBasedDEF color space element is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_CIEBASEDDEF_TABLE | 0x68130d14, CIEBasedDEF Table array has invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_CIEBASEDDEF_TABLE_ELEM | 0x68130d15, CIEBasedDEF Table array element has wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_CIEBASEDDEF_TABLE_3DTABLE_ELEM | 0x68130d16, CIEBasedDEF Table 3D table element has wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_CIEBASEDDEFG_COLORSPACE_DICT | 0x68130d17, CIEBasedDEFG color space element is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_CIEBASEDDEFG_TABLE | 0x68130d18, CIEBasedDEFG Table array has invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_CIEBASEDDEFG_TABLE_ELEM | 0x68130d19, CIEBasedDEFG Table array element has wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_CIEBASEDDEFG_TABLE_4DTABLE_ELEM | 0x68130d1a, CIEBasedDEFG Table 4D table element has wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_CRD_DICT | 0x68130d1b, Color rendering dictionary object is not dictionary type |
MON_TYPECHECK_CRD_RENDERTABLE | 0x68130d1c, Color rendering dictionary RenderTable array has invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_CRD_RENDERTABLE_M | 0x68130d1d, Color rendering dictionary RenderTable output dimension m has wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_CRD_RENDERTABLE_NANBNC | 0x68130d1e, Color rendering dictionary RenderTable lookup table dimension has wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_CRD_RENDERTABLE_T_NOT_EXEC_ARRAY | 0x68130d1f, Color rendering dictionary RenderTable procedure T is not an executable array |
MON_TYPECHECK_CRD_RENDERTABLE_TABLE | 0x68130d20, Color rendering dictionary RenderTable table is not an array |
MON_TYPECHECK_CRD_RENDERTABLE_3DTABLE_ELEM | 0x68130d21, CRD RenderTable table element is not a string |
MON_TYPECHECK_DEVICEN_ATTRIBS_DICT | 0x68130d22, DeviceN attributes dictionary has wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_DEVICEN_COLORANTS_DICT | 0x68130d23, DeviceN attributes Colorants dictionary has wrong type |
MON_TYPECHECK_INTERCEPTCOLORSPACE_DICT | 0x68130d24, Parameter to setinterceptcolorspace is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_INTERCEPTCOLORSPACE_NAMEDCOLOR_DB | 0x68130d25, NamedColor database in setinterceptcolorspace dictionary not name or string |
MON_TYPECHECK_INTERCEPTCOLORSPACE_NAMEDCOLOR | 0x68130d26, NamedColor setinterceptcolorspace entry has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_ASSOCIATED_COLORSPACE | 0x68130d27, Parameter to setassociatedcolorspace is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_SETRENDERINGINTENT | 0x68130d28, Parameter to setrenderingintent is not a name |
MON_TYPECHECK_SETREPRODUCTION_DICT | 0x68130d29, Parameter to setreproduction is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_SETMISCOBJECTMAPPINGS_DICT | 0x68130d2a, Parameter to setmiscobjectmappings is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_COLORSPACE_ARRAY | 0x68130d2b, Color space array has invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_COLORSPACE_NAME | 0x68130d2c, Color space name is not a name |
MON_TYPECHECK_COLORSPACE | 0x68130d2d, Color space type is invalid |
MON_TYPECHECK_DEVICEN_COLORANT_ARRAY | 0x68130d2e, DeviceN colorant array has wrong type or invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_PATTERN_DICT | 0x68130d2f, Pattern dictionary is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_PATTERN_DICT_MATCH | 0x68130d30, Pattern dictionary is invalid |
MON_TYPECHECK_PATTERN_DICT_ACCESS | 0x68130d31, Pattern dictionary has unexpected access attributes |
MON_TYPECHECK_PATTERN_IMPLEMENTATION | 0x68130d32, Pattern dictionary Implementation entry missing or invalid |
MON_TYPECHECK_PATTERN_PAINTTYPE | 0x68130d33, Pattern dictionary PaintType entry missing |
MON_TYPECHECK_COLORSPACE_COMPONENTS | 0x68130d34, Parameter to getcurrentcolorspacerange is not integer |
MON_TYPECHECK_ICCBASED_COLORSPACE | 0x68130d35, ICCBased color space has wrong type or length or color space element has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_INDEXED_HIVAL | 0x68130d36, Indexed color space hival has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_INDEXED_LOOKUP_NOT_EXEC | 0x68130d37, Lookup array for Indexed color space is not executable |
MON_TYPECHECK_INDEXED_LOOKUP | 0x68130d38, Lookup for Indexed color space is invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_DICT_KEY | 0x68130d39, Expected dictionary key to be a name for color related user parameter |
MON_TYPECHECK_LAB_COLORSPACE_DICT | 0x68130d3a, Lab color space element not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_CALRGB_DICT | 0x68130d3b, CalRGB color space element is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_UCRBG_NOT_EXEC | 0x68130d3c, Array for UCRBG procedure is not executable |
MON_TYPECHECK_UCRBG | 0x68130d3d, UCRBG procedure object has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_DICT | 0x68130d3e, TableABCD color space dictionary element is not dictionary type |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_TABLESIZE | 0x68130d3f, TableABCD color space has wrong TableSize array length |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_TABLESIZE_ELEM | 0x68130d40, TableABCD color space TableSize array element has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGETABLE_DIMENSIONS | 0x68130d41, TableABCD color space RangeTable has wrong length |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_EXTRA_ELEM | 0x68130d42, TableABCD color space has unexpected element |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGEA | 0x68130d43, TableABCD color space RangeA has invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGEE | 0x68130d44, TableABCD color space RangeE has invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGEABC | 0x68130d45, TableABCD color space RangeABC has invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGEEFG | 0x68130d46, TableABCD color space RangeEFG has invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_MATRIXABC | 0x68130d47, TableABCD color space MatrixABC has invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGEABCD | 0x68130d48, TableABCD color space RangeABCD has invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_RANGEEFGH | 0x68130d49, TableABCD color space RangeEFGH has invalid length |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_TRANSFER_DIMENSIONS | 0x68130d4a, TableABCD TransferInput or TransferOutput has wrong length |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_TRANSFER_ELEM | 0x68130d4b, TableABCD TransferInput or TransferOutput element is not array type |
MON_TYPECHECK_TABLEABCD_DATA_FORMAT | 0x68130d4c, TableABCD Table data HNA format key not found |
MON_TYPECHECK_NAMEDCOLOR_LOOKUP | 0x68130d4d, PostScript callout for NamedColor lookup left wrong object type on stack |
MON_TYPECHECK_TINTTRANSFORM_NOT_EXEC | 0x68130d4e, DeviceN or Separation color space tintTransform array is not executable |
MON_TYPECHECK_TINTTRANSFORM | 0x68130d4f, DeviceN or Separation color space tintTransform object has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_TRANSFER_NOT_EXEC | 0x68130d50, Color transfer array is not executable |
MON_TYPECHECK_TRANSFER | 0x68130d51, Color transfer object has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_NAME_ARRAY | 0x68130d52, Color replacement color space names array element has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_NAME | 0x68130d53, Color replacement color space name has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_SPACE | 0x68130d54, Color replacement color space not replaceable |
MON_TYPECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_VALUES_ARRAY | 0x68130d55, Color replacement color values array has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_ID | 0x68130d56, Color replacement identifier has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_VALUES_NAME | 0x68130d57, Color replacement removal name is not All |
MON_TYPECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_AUTO | 0x68130d58, Color replacement NamedColor generation returned invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_REPLACECOLOR_ACCURACY | 0x68130d59, Color replacement accuracy has invalid type |
MON_TYPECHECK_CUSTOMCOLORSPACE_HINTS | 0x68130d5a, CMM custom color space Hints must be a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_CUSTOMCOLORSPACE_INDEPENDENT_SPOTS | 0x68130d5b, IndependentSpots must be a name or string |
MON_UNDEFINED_PS_CALLOUT_GID | 0x68140d00, Unexpected gstate level following PostScript callout from color operator |
MON_UNDEFINED_CMM_COLORSPACE | 0x68140d03, Unexpected color space when creating CMM transform |
MON_UNDEFINED_CMM_PCS | 0x68140d04, Unexpected PCS color space when creating CMM transform |
MON_UNDEFINED_NAMEDCOLOR_NULL | 0x68140d05, Internal running of PostScript string while finding NamedColor equivalent failed |
MON_UNDEFINED_COLORSPACE | 0x68140d07, Color space is not defined |
MON_UNDEFINED_PATTERN_PAINTTYPE | 0x68140d08, Pattern color space PaintType is undefined |
MON_UNDEFINED_PATTERNTYPE | 0x68140d09, Pattern color space PatternType is undefined |
MON_UNDEFINED_COLOR_CHAIN_FOR_PATTERN_COLORSPACE | 0x68140d0a, Color chain for Pattern color space is undefined |
MON_UNDEFINED_ICC_XYZ | 0x68140d0b, ICC profile tag table entry for XYZType tag not found |
MON_UNDEFINED_ICC_LUT | 0x68140d0c, ICC profile tag table entry for lut8Type or lut16Type not found |
MON_UNDEFINED_ICC_LUT_AB_BA | 0x68140d0d, ICC profile tag table entry for lutAtoBType or lutBtoAType not found |
MON_UNDEFINED_ICC_TRC | 0x68140d0e, ICC profile tag table entry for TRC tag not found |
MON_UNDEFINED_LUMINOSITY | 0x68140d0f, Unsuitable color space for extracting luminosity |
MON_UNDEFINED_UCRBG_CONTEXT | 0x68140d10, UCR or BG defined in a non-output context |
MON_UNDEFINED_TABLEABCD | 0x68140d11, TableABCD color space has undefined Table, TransferInput and TransferOutput |
MON_UNDEFINED_TABLEABCD_TABLESIZE | 0x68140d12, TableABCD color space TableSize is undefined |
MON_UNDEFINED_TINTTRANSFORM_PS_CALLOUT_GID | 0x68140d13, Unexpected gstate level following PostScript callout for tintTransform |
MON_UNDEFINED_NAMEDCOLOR_LOOKUP | 0x68140d14, PostScript NamedColor lookup failed or left wrong number of objects on stack |
MON_UNDEFINED_COLORSPACE_FOR_ICCPROFILE | 0x68140d15, Missing or invalid color space for conversion to ICC profile |
MON_UNDEFINED_TRANSFER_CONTEXT | 0x68140d16, Setting color transfers in a non-output context |
MON_UNDEFINED_REPLACECOLOR_AUTO | 0x68140d17, Replacement color NamedColor creation failed |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_NEUTRALMAPPING_CAT_MATRIX | 0x68160d00, Unable to invert chromatic adaptation matrix |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_CRD_PQR | 0x68160d01, Unable to invert color rendering dictionary PQR matrix |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESULT_ICC_MATRIX | 0x68160d02, Unable to invert ICC profile matrix |
MON_UNREGISTERED_OUTPUT_COLORSPACE | 0x68180d00, Unsupported transform output color space |
MON_UNREGISTERED_LINK | 0x68180d01, Unexpected or invalid color chain link type |
MON_UNREGISTERED_ALTERNATE_CMM | 0x68180d02, Unexpected or invalid return code from alternate CMM |
MON_UNREGISTERED_DEVICEN_COLORANTS | 0x68180d03, Unexpected number of DeviceN colorants |
MON_UNREGISTERED_SEPARATION_COLORANT | 0x68180d04, Not given exactly one Separation colorant |
MON_UNREGISTERED_COLORSPACE | 0x68180d05, Unsupported color space |
MON_UNREGISTERED_COLORSPACE_ID | 0x68180d06, Invalid color space ID |
MON_UNREGISTERED_COLORSPACE_FOR_SETCOLOR | 0x68180d07, Invalid color space when setting color values |
MON_UNREGISTERED_PATTERN_COLORSPACE_FOR_SETCOLOR | 0x68180d08, Invalid Pattern color space for setting color values |
MON_UNREGISTERED_TABLEABCD_DIMENSION | 0x68180d0b, Invalid dimension for TableABCD color space |
MON_UNREGISTERED_TABLEABCD_DATA_FORMAT | 0x68180d0c, Unexpected TableABCD color space data format |
MON_UNREGISTERED_ALTERNATE_CMM_FALLBACK | 0x68180d0d, Alternate CMM invoke_transform callback returned SW_CMM_SUCCESS_USE_BUILTIN when fallback_to_builtin_cmm is FALSE |
MON_UNREGISTERED_ALTERNATE_CMM_MISMATCHED_BUILTIN | 0x68180d0e, Alternate CMM open_transform callback inconsistent with builtin transform |
MON_UNREGISTERED_ALTERNATE_CMM_PROFILE_HANDLE | 0x68180d0f, Alternate CMM open_profile failed to return valid handle |
MON_UNREGISTERED_ALTERNATE_CMM_COLORSPACE_HANDLE | 0x68180d10, Alternate CMM open_custom_colorspace failed to return valid handle |
MON_UNREGISTERED_ALTERNATE_CMM_TRANSFORM_HANDLE | 0x68180d11, Alternate CMM open_transform failed to return valid handle |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_REPLACECOLOR_UNKNOWN | 0x681b0d00, Replacement color space channel not fully fledged |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_REPLACECOLOR_DUPLICATE | 0x681b0d01, Replacement color space channels repeated |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_REPLACECOLOR_NAMEDCHANNELS | 0x681b0d02, Cannot use NamedColor to replace more than one channel |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_REPLACECOLOR_PRESERVE | 0x681b0d03, Replacement color space cannot preserve number of components |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_CUSTOMCONVERSION_INVALID | 0x681b0d04, Invalid custom conversion PS procedure |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_INDEPENDENTSPOTS_NOT_DEVICEN | 0x681b0d05, IndependentSpots requires its CMM custom color space to have a DeviceN input space |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_INDEPENDENTSPOTS_INPUT_COLORSPACE | 0x681b0d06, DeviceN input space in a CMM custom color space must contain IndependentSpots |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_INDEPENDENTSPOTS_SEPARATIONCOLORNAMES | 0x681b0d07, SeparationColorNames must contain IndependentSpots |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_CMYKPASSTHROUGH_INPUTCOLORSPACE | 0x681b0d08, CMM custom color space has invalid CMYKPassThrough input color space |
MON_CONFIGURATIONERROR_CMYKPASSTHROUGH_OUTPUTCOLORSPACE | 0x681b0d09, CMM custom color space has invalid CMYKPassThrough output color space |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESOURCE_RECOMBINE | 0x681c0d00, Setting of Recombine NamedColorOrder resource failed |
MON_UNDEFINEDRESOURCE_NAMEDCOLOR_DB | 0x681c0d01, Setting of NamedColor database resource failed |
MON_TYPE_CMYKPASSTHROUGH_IGNORING | 0x48000d00, Detected an invalid CMYKPassThrough setting - ignoring |
MON_TYPE_INDEPENDENTSPOTS_IGNORING | 0x48000d01, Detected an invalid IndependentSpots setting - ignoring |
MON_TYPE_DUPLICATECOLORANTS | 0x48000d02, Color space contains duplicate colorant names |