Monitor information events identifiers for TIFF images. More...
#include "monevent.h"
Monitor information events identifiers for TIFF images.
Copyright (C) 2023 Global Graphics Software Ltd. All rights reserved. Global Graphics Software Ltd. Confidential Information.
This file enumerates message and error identifiers for TIFF images.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
MON_INVALIDACCESS_TIFF_DICT | 0x68060300, TIFF decode filter dictionary is wrong |
MON_IOERROR_TIFF_DECODE | 0x680b0300, Problem decoding TIFF stream |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_IFDOFFSET | 0x680e0300, Invalid offset to IFD |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_IFDSIZE | 0x680e0301, IFD array entry has wrong size |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_IFDENTRY | 0x680e0302, IFD array entry has invalid value or is out of range |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_DEFAULTRESOLUTIONARRAY | 0x680e0303, DefaultResolution has incorrect array length |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_DEFAULTRESOLUTION | 0x680e0304, DefaultResolution xres or yres is less than zero |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_SUBIMAGE | 0x680e0305, TIFF SubImage is less than zero |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_NUMIMAGES | 0x680e0306, TIFF number of images is zero |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_TOOMANYCHANNELS | 0x680e0307, Too many channels in TIFF color space |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_QTABLES | 0x680e0308, TIFF JPEG QTables array size is not the same as the samples per pixel |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_WHITEPOINT | 0x680e0309, WhitePoint IFD Entry has wrong number of values |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_CHROMATICITY | 0x680e030a, Invalid WhitePoint chromaticity value |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_FORMAT | 0x680e030b, TIFF file format not supported |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_INVALIDRESOLUTION | 0x680e030c, No valid image resolution found |
MON_RANGECHECK_TIFF_BADORIENTATION | 0x680e030d, Bad orientation |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_TIFF | 0x68100300, TIFF filter missing arguments on stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_TIFF_ICC | 0x68100301, Failed to read ICC profile header from stack |
MON_STACKUNDERFLOW_TIFF_REVERSEBYTE | 0x68100302, reversebyte missing arguments on stack |
MON_TYPECHECK_TIFF_IFDUNKNOWN | 0x68130300, Unknown IFD entry type |
MON_TYPECHECK_TIFF_IFD | 0x68130301, IFD entry value is wrong |
MON_TYPECHECK_TIFF_DICT | 0x68130302, TIFF filter paramater is not a dictionary |
MON_TYPECHECK_TIFF_NOTFILE | 0x68130303, TIFF filter paramater is not a file |
MON_TYPECHECK_TIFF_ARGS | 0x68130304, TIFF filter stack arguments are incorrect |
MON_TYPECHECK_TIFF_REVERSEBYTE | 0x68130305, reversebyte argument is not a string |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_IFDOFFSET | 0x68140300, Invalid offset to first IFD |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_IFDALIGNMENT | 0x68140301, IFD offset is not word aligned |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_IFDENTRIES | 0x68140302, IFD has no entries |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_IFDSEQUENCE | 0x68140303, IFD entries are out of sequence |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_IFDTAG | 0x68140304, Unknown IFD entry tag |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_IFDMANDATORY | 0x68140305, Mandatory IFD entry missing from IFD file |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_IFDNOTLOADED | 0x68140306, IFD entry not loaded so cannot validate |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_BILEVEL | 0x68140307, Cannot use TIFF image as a mask if it is not bilevel |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_COLORSPACE | 0x68140308, Current color space is incompatible with TIFF image |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_PHOTOMETRICINTERPRETATION | 0x68140309, Unknown PhotometricInterpretation encountered in TIFF image |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_NOCONTEXT | 0x6814030a, No TIFF context present |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_CONTEXT | 0x6814030b, No underlying filter, can not initialise context |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_BASE | 0x6814030c, No TIFFbase filter under new TIFFchannel |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_ENDIAN | 0x6814030d, TIFF endian check bytes not present |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_MAGIC | 0x6814030e, TIFF file check value not present |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_IMAGEINDEX | 0x6814030f, TIFF image index is to big for this file |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_INKS | 0x68140310, Number of inks in separated TIFF image not correct |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_INKNAMES | 0x68140311, Too many ink names in separated TIFF image |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_NUMINKNAMES | 0x68140312, Number of ink names in separated TIFF image not correct |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_SAMPLES | 0x68140313, Inconsistent samples per pixel information |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_PERPIXEL | 0x68140314, SamplesPerPixel and BitsPerSample count are not the same |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_BITSPERSAMPLEVALUES | 0x68140315, BitsPerSample array values are not all the same |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_IMAGEBITS | 0x68140316, Unable to handle image bits per sample |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_COMPCCITT | 0x68140317, CCITT compression defined but image is not bilevel |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_COMPJPEG | 0x68140318, JPEG compression defined but IFD does not include QTables |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_COMPFLATE | 0x68140319, Non-standard Flate compression mode for TIFF 6 image |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_YCBCR | 0x6814031a, YCbCr inks only supported for JPEG compressed TIFF |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_DOTRANGE | 0x6814031b, Insufficient values in DotRange |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_PALETTECOLOR | 0x6814031c, Bits per sample wrong for palette-color TIFF image |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_COMPPALETTECOLOR | 0x6814031d, Non-standard compression mode for palette-color TIFF image |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_PALETTEMISSING | 0x6814031e, Palette missing for TIFF image |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_PALETTESIZE | 0x6814031f, Palette size wrong for TIFF image |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_ROWSPERSTRIP | 0x68140320, TIFF image RowsPerStrip entry is zero |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_COMPMISSINGSTRIPBYTECOUNTS | 0x68140322, Missing StripByteCounts in a compressed file |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_MULTIMISSINGSTRIPBYTECOUNTS | 0x68140323, Missing StripByteCounts in a multi-strip file |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_STRIPOFFSETSBYTECOUNTS | 0x68140324, Number of strip offsets and byte counts are different |
MON_UNDEFINED_TIFF_STRIPOFFSETSNUMBER | 0x68140325, Wrong number of strip offsets for planar image data or image data |
MON_TYPE_TIFFBADCOLOR | 0x48000300, Unable to find color for a particular TIFF channel |
MON_TYPE_TIFFIFDUNALIGNED | 0x48000301, IFD offset is not word aligned |
MON_TYPE_TIFFDIFFERENTBITS | 0x48000302, SamplesPerPixel and BitsPerSample count are not the same |
MON_TYPE_TIFFNONBILEVELFLIPPED | 0x48000303, Non-bilevel image data is byte flipped - results not predictable |
MON_TYPE_TIFFBILEVELPLANAR | 0x48000304, Planar configuration specified for bilevel/grayscale image - ignored |
MON_TYPE_TIFFCOMPRESSIONFLIPPED | 0x48000305, Non-bilevel image data is byte flipped - results not predictable |
MON_TYPE_TIFFDOTRANGE | 0x48000306, More than two entries in DotRange entry - using first two only |
MON_TYPE_TIFFCOMPRESSIONINDEXED | 0x48000307, Non-standard compression mode for palette-color TIFF image |
MON_TYPE_TIFFRESOLUTIONPARTIAL | 0x48000308, x and/or y resolution undefined |
MON_TYPE_TIFFRESOLUTIONUNIT | 0x48000309, TIFF resolution has no units |
MON_TYPE_TIFFRESOLUTIONBAD | 0x4800030a, invalid TIFF resolution |
MON_TYPE_TIFFIMAGEORIENTATION | 0x4800030b, invalid TIFF orientation |
MON_TYPE_TIFFICCPROFILE | 0x4800030c, ignoring TIFF image ICC profile |
MON_TYPE_TIFFTAGSEQUENCE | 0x4800030d, IFD entry Tag out of sequence |
MON_TYPE_TIFFTAGUNKNOWNTYPE | 0x4800030e, Unknown IFD entry Type for Tag |
MON_TYPE_TIFFTAGUNKNOWN | 0x4800030f, IFD entry Tag unknown |
MON_TYPE_TIFFTAGINCORRECTTYPE | 0x48000310, IFD entry has incorrent type |
MON_TYPE_TIFFUNVERIFIED | 0x48000311, non-integer IFD entry not being verified |
MON_TYPE_TIFFSTRIPSTART | 0x68000300, Failed to seek to the start of an image strip - file truncated? |
MON_TYPE_TIFFSTRIPEND | 0x68000301, Failed to seek to end of an image strip - file truncated? |
MON_TYPE_TIFFFILEFORMAT | 0x68000302, TIFF file format not supported |
MON_TYPE_TIFFTAGMISSING | 0x68000303, IFD has an entry missing |
MON_TYPE_TIFFTAGWRONGTYPE | 0x68000304, IFD has an entry with the wrong type |
MON_TYPE_TIFFARRAYSIZE | 0x68000305, IFD has an entry which has the wrong array size |
MON_TYPE_TIFFINVALIDARRAYVALUE | 0x68000306, IFD has an array entry which has the wrong value |
MON_TYPE_TIFFVALUECOUNT | 0x68000307, IFD has an entry where the value count is not 1 |
MON_TYPE_TIFFINVALIDVALUE | 0x68000308, IFD has an entry which has an invalid value |
MON_TYPE_TIFFINSTALLICCPROFILE | 0x30000300, Attempting to install an ICC profile |
MON_TYPE_TIFFLISTIFD | 0x30000301, Sending information about an IFD entry |