Harlequin RIP SDK

File name modification and manipulation functions. More...

#include "file.h"


 PostScript 'directory' separator, as a character.
 PostScript device prefix and delimiter.


uint32 PSPrefixAndFilenameToPlatform (uint8 *pPlatform, uint8 *ptbzPSPrefix, uint8 *ptbzPSRelative)
 Converts a PostScript device name and prefix and a relative filename to a platform dependent filename. More...
uint8PlatformSkipPathElement (uint8 *ptbzInput)
 Returns a pointer to the next element of a Platform filename. More...
uint32 PlatformPathElementToPS (uint8 *pOutput, const uint8 **ppszInput)
 Converts a platform specific path element to a PostScript path element. Input is terminated by the platform directory separator DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR or zero. More...
uint8PlatformFilenameSkipToLeafname (uint8 *ptbzPlatform)
 Returns a pointer to the leafname part of a Platform filename. More...
uint32 PlatformFilenameRootToPS (uint8 *pOutput, const uint8 **pptbInput)
 Converts the root part (if any) of a platform specific filename to a PostScript device name. More...
uint32 PlatformFilenameToPS (uint8 *pszOutput, const uint8 *pszInput)
 Converts a platform specific filename to its PostScript equivalent. More...
uint8PSFilenameSkipToLeafname (uint8 *ptbzPS)
 Returns a pointer to the leafname part of a PostScript filename. More...
uint8PSFilenameSkipDevice (uint8 *ptbzPS)
 Skips the device name part (if any) of a PostScript filename. More...
uint32 PSFilenameToDevice (uint8 *pszOutput, uint8 *pszInput)
 Extracts the device name part (if any) of a PostScript filename. More...
HqBool PlatformIsLeadByte (uint8 b)
 Determines if a byte is a lead byte of a platform-specific double-byte character encoding. More...

Detailed Description

File name modification and manipulation functions.

Copyright (C) 2023 Global Graphics Software Ltd. All rights reserved. This example is provided on an "as is" basis and without warranty of any kind. Global Graphics Software Ltd. does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or results of use of this example.