Mako 7.4.0 API
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JawsMako::IDistiller Class Referenceabstract

An instance of the JawsMako Distiller class. More...

#include <distiller.h>

Inheritance diagram for JawsMako::IDistiller:

Public Types

enum  ePDFVersion {
 Supported PDF versions. More...
enum  eTransferFunctionMethod { eTRApply , eTRRemove , eTRPreserve }
 Enumeration for transfer function methods. More...
enum  eImageCompression {
  eICNone , eICAuto , eICFlate , eICFlatePredict ,
 Image compression formats. More...
enum  eJpegQuality { eJQLow , eJQMedium , eJQHigh , eJQUser }
 JPEG-equivalent quality factors (QFactor) More...
enum  eImageDownsamplingMethod { eIDNone , eIDSubsample , eIDAverage , eIDBicubic }
 Image downsampling methods. More...
enum  eDocumentInfo {
  eDIAuthor = 0 , eDISubject , eDITitle , eDICreator ,
 Document Information types. More...
enum  eThumbnailType { eTHNone = 0 , eTHColor , eTHMono }
 PDF Thumbnail types. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void setParameter (const U8String &param, const U8String &value)=0
 Apply a key-value pair output parameter with a string value. The parameter name is case insensitive. Please refer to the supplied documentation for the details of the available parameters and their ranges.
virtual void setPdfVersion (ePDFVersion version)=0
 Set the PDF version to generate.
virtual void setCompressPages (bool compressPages)=0
 Set whether or not compression should be applied to page content. The default is true.
virtual void setAutoRotatePages (bool autoRotatePages)=0
 Set whether pages should be automatically rotated. The default is false.
virtual void setSubsetFonts (bool subset)=0
 Set whether embedded fonts should be subset or not. The default is true.
virtual void setEmbedFonts (bool embed)=0
 Set whether fonts should be forcibly embedded. The standard 14 fonts are not affected by this. The default is true.
virtual void setEmbedBase14Fonts (bool embed)=0
 Set whether the base 14 PDF fonts should be forcibly embedded. Only the standard 14 fonts are not affected by this; use setEmbedFonts() to affect other fonts. The default is false.
virtual void setEmbedDiskBasedCidFonts (bool embed)=0
 Set whether CID fonts obtained from resources (i.e, disk based CID fonts) can be embedded. This setting is only effective if the "EmbedFonts" parameter is set to true.
virtual void setResolution (float resolution)=0
 Set the target resolution for the output, in dots per inch. The default is 288. Equivalent to calling setParameter with the parameter name "Resolution".
virtual void setTransfers (eTransferFunctionMethod transfers)=0
 Set the desired method to for controlling transfer functions.
virtual void setColorImageCompression (eImageCompression compression)=0
 Set the image compression for color images. The default is eICFlate.
CCITT is not allowed for color images.
virtual void setGrayImageCompression (eImageCompression compression)=0
 Set the image compression for gray images. The default is eICFlate.
CCITT is not allowed for gray images.
virtual void setMonoImageCompression (eImageCompression compression)=0
 Set the image compression for monochrome images. The default is eICCCITT.
JPEG/DCT and auto are not allowed for mono images.
virtual void setColorJPEGQuality (eJpegQuality quality)=0
 Set the JPEG quality to use when compressing color images in DCT format. Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "ColorJPEGQuality" enumeration value as a string ("Low", "Medium", "High" or "User"). The default is eJQLow.
virtual void setColorQFactor (float qfactor)=0
 Set the QFactor to use when compressing color images in DCT format. Applies only when setting the JPEG quality to eJQUser with setColorJPEGQuality().
virtual void setGrayJPEGQuality (eJpegQuality quality)=0
 Set the JPEG quality to use when compressing gray images in DCT format. Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "GrayJPEGQuality" enumeration value as a string ("Low", "Medium", "High" or "User"). The default is eJQLow.
virtual void setGrayQFactor (float qfactor)=0
 Set the QFactor to use when compressing gray images in DCT format. Applies only when setting the JPEG quality to eJQUser with setColorJPEGQuality().
virtual void setColorImageDownsampling (eImageDownsamplingMethod method)=0
 Set the desired downsampling method for color images. The default method is eIDNone (no downsampling).
virtual void setGrayImageDownsampling (eImageDownsamplingMethod method)=0
 Set the desired downsampling method for gray images. The default method is eIDNone (no downsampling).
virtual void setMonoImageDownsampling (eImageDownsamplingMethod method)=0
 Set the desired downsampling method for monochrome images. The default method is eIDNone (no downsampling).
virtual void setColorImageResolution (float resolution)=0
 Set the desired resolution for color images when downsampling. The default is 72.
virtual void setGrayImageResolution (float resolution)=0
 Set the desired resolution for gray images when downsampling. The default is 72.
virtual void setMonoImageResolution (float resolution)=0
 Set the desired resolution for monochrome images when downsampling. The default is 72.
virtual void setConvertCMYKImagesToRGB (bool convert)=0
 Set whether to convert CMYK images to RGB. The default is false.
virtual void setProlog (const IInputStreamPtr &prolog)=0
 Set a prolog stream to be consumed by the PostScript interpreter before the input stream is processed, or NULL to clear.
virtual void setEpilog (const IInputStreamPtr &epilog)=0
 Set a epilog stream to be consumed by the PostScript interpreter after the input stream is processed, or NULL to clear.
virtual void setDefaultPanoseStyle (const U8String &defaultPanoseStyle)=0
 Sets the default Panose style to be used when emitting a CID font that is not in the Panose list, or NULL to clear. The Panose style must be a 12-byte hexadecimal string as described in the PDF reference, for example "010502020300000000000000".
virtual void setPanose (const IInputStreamPtr &panose)=0
 Sets a stream that refers to a list of CID font names and their associated Panose styles.
virtual void getFontNames (const U8String &font, CU8StringVect &names)=0
 Gets a list of font names from a given file.
virtual void addFont (const U8String &font)=0
 Adds a font.
virtual void addFonts (const CU8StringVect &fonts)=0
 Adds fonts.
virtual void removeFont (const U8String &fontName)=0
 Removes a named font.
virtual void setFontDevicePath (const U8String &path)=0
 Sets the font device path.
virtual void setResourceDevicePath (const U8String &path)=0
 Sets the resource device path.
virtual void setTrimToBBox (bool trimToBBox)=0
 Set whether to use the BoundingBox DSC comment for the page size. The default is false.
virtual void setCropToBBox (bool cropToBBox)=0
 Set whether to use the BoundingBox DSC comment for the PDF CropBox. The default is false.
virtual void setHiResBBox (bool hiResBBox)=0
 Set whether to use the HiResBoundingBox DSC comment if present.
virtual void setCompressObjects (bool compressObjects)=0
 Set whether or not to compress individual objects.
virtual void setPageFilterLow (uint64 pageLow)=0
 Set lower page limit.
virtual void setPageFilterHigh (uint64 pageHigh)=0
 Set upper page limit.
virtual void setPageFilterRange (uint64 pageLow, uint64 pageHigh)=0
 Set page range.
virtual void setDocumentInformationString (eDocumentInfo key, const U8String &value)=0
 Set PDF Document Information string.
virtual void setEncryption (const U8String &ownerPassword, const U8String &userPassword="", uint32 permissions=0)=0
 Set the encryption for the output PDF.
virtual void setOverprint (bool overprint)=0
 Set whether overprinting should be preserved. The default is false.
virtual void setOverprintMode (bool overprintMode)=0
 Set the overprint mode. The default is true, which sets non-zero overprint mode (/OPM 1).
virtual void setHalftone (bool halftone)=0
 Set whether halftone information should be preserved. The default is false.
virtual void setOPI (bool opi)=0
 Set whether OPI comments should be preserved. The default is false.
virtual void setAscii85EncodePages (bool ascii85EncodePages)=0
 Set whether to ASCII85-encode streams. The default is false.
virtual void setLinearize (bool linearize)=0
 Set whether the output should be linearized. The default is false.
virtual void setJobTicket (bool jobTicket)=0
 Set whether to add a job ticket object to the output. The default is false.
virtual void setThumbnails (eThumbnailType thumbnails)=0
 Set the PDF thumbnail type.
virtual void setUseDeviceDependentColor (bool useDeviceDependentColor)=0
 Set whether to convert device independent colors to device dependent colors The default is false.
virtual void setCommentMonitor (IPSCommentMonitor *commentMonitor)=0
 Set a comment monitor.
virtual void distill (const IInputStreamPtr &inputStream, const IOutputStreamPtr &outputStream, const IProgressMonitorPtr &progressMonitor=IProgressMonitorPtr())=0
 Convert (distill) an input PostScript stream to PDF.
- Public Member Functions inherited from IRCObject
virtual void addRef () const =0
 Increases the reference count of the actual object pointed to. This would take place during an assignment or copying.
virtual bool decRef () const =0
 Decreases the reference count of the actual object pointed to. When the reference count falls to Zero, it deletes the actual object pointed to.
virtual int32 getRefCount () const =0
 Retrieve the current reference count of the actual object pointed to.

Static Public Member Functions

static JAWSMAKO_API IDistillerPtr create (const IJawsMakoPtr &jawsMako)
 Create an IDistiller interface.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from IRCObject
virtual ~IRCObject ()
 Virtual destructor.

Detailed Description

An instance of the JawsMako Distiller class.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ eDocumentInfo

Document Information types.


The document author.


The document subject.


The document title.


The document creator.


The number of Document Information types.

◆ eImageCompression

Image compression formats.




Automatic selection of appropriate compression method.


Flate (zip), a lossless compression method.


Flate with predictor (which can improve compression at the cost of additional processing)


Discrete Cosine Transform, a lossy form of compression used for color or grayscale images, defined by the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG).


LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch), a lossless compression method.


A method for compressing monochrome images, defined by Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique et Télégraphique (ITU-T),.

◆ eImageDownsamplingMethod

Image downsampling methods.


No downsampling.




Average downsampling.


Bicubic downsampling.

◆ eJpegQuality

JPEG-equivalent quality factors (QFactor)


eJQLow is equivalent to a QFactor of 0.1


eJQMedium is equivalent to a QFactor of 0.5


eJQHigh is equivalent to a QFactor of 1.3


Compress using the QFactor set by setColorQFactor()

◆ ePDFVersion

Supported PDF versions.


PDF 1.3.


PDF 1.4.


PDF 1.5.


PDF 1.6.


PDF 1.7.

◆ eThumbnailType

PDF Thumbnail types.


No thumbnails.


Color thumbnails.


Monochrome thumbnails.

◆ eTransferFunctionMethod

Enumeration for transfer function methods.


The effect of a transfer function is applied to the page content before being stored in the PDF file.


Transfer functions are ignored.


Transfer functions are stored in the PDF file.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addFont()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::addFont ( const U8String & font)
pure virtual

Adds a font.

Adds a font to the list of fonts for use when distilling with in-memory devices. Both the PostScript font name and the full name will be added to the list.

When using font or resource devices on disk, addFont() will add the font to the list of fonts on disk. Any existing font with the same name will be removed.

Only TrueType, TrueType collections or OpenType/CFF fonts are supported.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "AddFont" the file name of the font.

fontThe input font file name.

◆ addFonts()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::addFonts ( const CU8StringVect & fonts)
pure virtual

Adds fonts.

Convenience function to add fonts to the list of fonts for use when distilling with in-memory devices. Equivalent to calling addFont() for each font in the fonts vector.

fontsThe fonts to add.

◆ create()

static JAWSMAKO_API IDistillerPtr JawsMako::IDistiller::create ( const IJawsMakoPtr & jawsMako)

Create an IDistiller interface.

The IDistiller interface allows PostScript to be converted (distilled) to PDF.

jawsMakoThe IJawsMako object.
IDistillerPtr A smart pointer to the IDistiller object.

◆ distill()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::distill ( const IInputStreamPtr & inputStream,
const IOutputStreamPtr & outputStream,
const IProgressMonitorPtr & progressMonitor = IProgressMonitorPtr() )
pure virtual

Convert (distill) an input PostScript stream to PDF.

The input and output streams will be both opened and closed, and will not be cloned.

inputStreamThe input PostScript stream.
outputStreamThe output stream to write the PDF to.
progressMonitorA smart pointer to an IProgressMonitor object which can be NULL if no such object was passed in.

◆ getFontNames()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::getFontNames ( const U8String & font,
CU8StringVect & names )
pure virtual

Gets a list of font names from a given file.

Both the PostScript font name and the full name will be retrieved from the file. Only TrueType, TrueType collections or OpenType/CFF fonts are supported.

If the font argument is an empty string, names will be populated with the names of all known fonts added with addFont().

fontThe input font file name.
namesA list of font names

◆ removeFont()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::removeFont ( const U8String & fontName)
pure virtual

Removes a named font.

Removes a font from the list of fonts to use when distilling.

Only font names added with addFont() will be removed.

fontNameThe name of the font to remove.

◆ setAscii85EncodePages()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setAscii85EncodePages ( bool ascii85EncodePages)
pure virtual

Set whether to ASCII85-encode streams. The default is false.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "ASCII85Encode" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

ascii85EncodePagesUse ASCII85 encoding?

◆ setAutoRotatePages()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setAutoRotatePages ( bool autoRotatePages)
pure virtual

Set whether pages should be automatically rotated. The default is false.

If true, pages are automatically rotated based on the prevalent text direction on the page.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "AutoRotatePages" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

    @param  autoRotatePages Auto-rotate pages?

◆ setColorImageCompression()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setColorImageCompression ( eImageCompression compression)
pure virtual

Set the image compression for color images. The default is eICFlate.
CCITT is not allowed for color images.

This is advisory only and may not be honored in all cases.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "ColorImageCompression" with appropriate values.

compressionThe desired compression.

◆ setColorImageDownsampling()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setColorImageDownsampling ( eImageDownsamplingMethod method)
pure virtual

Set the desired downsampling method for color images. The default method is eIDNone (no downsampling).

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "ColorImageDownsampling".

methodThe method to use when downsampling.

◆ setColorImageResolution()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setColorImageResolution ( float resolution)
pure virtual

Set the desired resolution for color images when downsampling. The default is 72.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "ColorImageResolution".

resolutionThe desired output resolution, in dpi. Pass 0 to leave images unchanged.

◆ setColorJPEGQuality()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setColorJPEGQuality ( eJpegQuality quality)
pure virtual

Set the JPEG quality to use when compressing color images in DCT format. Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "ColorJPEGQuality" enumeration value as a string ("Low", "Medium", "High" or "User"). The default is eJQLow.

When set to eJQUser, color images will be compressed using the QFactor set with setColorQFactor(). eJQLow is equivalent to a QFactor of 0.1, eJQMedium to 0.5 and eJQHigh to 1.3.

qualityThe desired quality level.

◆ setColorQFactor()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setColorQFactor ( float qfactor)
pure virtual

Set the QFactor to use when compressing color images in DCT format. Applies only when setting the JPEG quality to eJQUser with setColorJPEGQuality().

The valid range of this field is from 0 to 1000000. Large numbers give better compression; small numbers give better quality.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "ColorQFactor" with appropriate values.

qfactorThe QFactor to use when compressing with eJQUser.

◆ setCommentMonitor()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setCommentMonitor ( IPSCommentMonitor * commentMonitor)
pure virtual

Set a comment monitor.

Sets a IPSCommentMonitor instance that can be used to monitor PostScript comments.

Note that this routine does not take ownership of the passed pointer, which must remain allocated while IDistiller is in use.

commentMonitorThe comment monitor.

◆ setCompressObjects()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setCompressObjects ( bool compressObjects)
pure virtual

Set whether or not to compress individual objects.

In addition to the compression of individual objects, setting this to true allows the creation of cross reference streams, which allow the generation of PDF files larger than 9999999999 (~9.3GB).

This setting is advisory only. In particular if writing to PDF 1.4 or earlier, object compression will not be used at all.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "CompressObjects" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

The default is false.

compressObjectsWhether to compress individual objects.

◆ setCompressPages()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setCompressPages ( bool compressPages)
pure virtual

Set whether or not compression should be applied to page content. The default is true.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "CompressPages" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

compressPagesCompress pages?

◆ setConvertCMYKImagesToRGB()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setConvertCMYKImagesToRGB ( bool convert)
pure virtual

Set whether to convert CMYK images to RGB. The default is false.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "ConvertCMYKImagesToRGB" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

convertConvert CMYK images to RGB?

◆ setCropToBBox()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setCropToBBox ( bool cropToBBox)
pure virtual

Set whether to use the BoundingBox DSC comment for the PDF CropBox. The default is false.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "CropToBBox" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

cropToBBoxWhether to use the BoundingBox DSC comment for the PDF CropBox.

◆ setDefaultPanoseStyle()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setDefaultPanoseStyle ( const U8String & defaultPanoseStyle)
pure virtual

Sets the default Panose style to be used when emitting a CID font that is not in the Panose list, or NULL to clear. The Panose style must be a 12-byte hexadecimal string as described in the PDF reference, for example "010502020300000000000000".

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "DefaultPanoseStyle" with appropriate values.

defaultPanoseStyleThe default Panose style to use.

◆ setDocumentInformationString()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setDocumentInformationString ( eDocumentInfo key,
const U8String & value )
pure virtual

Set PDF Document Information string.

Sets the Document Information string for the given key.

setParameter() may also be used to set documentation information types, where the names are equivalent to eDocumentInfo keys. For example:

setParameter("Author", "John Smith");

◆ setEmbedBase14Fonts()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setEmbedBase14Fonts ( bool embed)
pure virtual

Set whether the base 14 PDF fonts should be forcibly embedded. Only the standard 14 fonts are not affected by this; use setEmbedFonts() to affect other fonts. The default is false.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "EmbedBase14Fonts" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

embedEmbed 'Base 14' fonts?

◆ setEmbedDiskBasedCidFonts()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setEmbedDiskBasedCidFonts ( bool embed)
pure virtual

Set whether CID fonts obtained from resources (i.e, disk based CID fonts) can be embedded. This setting is only effective if the "EmbedFonts" parameter is set to true.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "EmbedDiskBasedCidFonts" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

embedEmbed disk-based CID fonts?

◆ setEmbedFonts()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setEmbedFonts ( bool embed)
pure virtual

Set whether fonts should be forcibly embedded. The standard 14 fonts are not affected by this. The default is true.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "EmbedFonts" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

embedEmbed fonts?

◆ setEncryption()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setEncryption ( const U8String & ownerPassword,
const U8String & userPassword = "",
uint32 permissions = 0 )
pure virtual

Set the encryption for the output PDF.

The default is no encryption.

Please note:

  • Setting both a zero length user and owner password disables encryption.
  • If encryption is enabled, the encryption algorithm will be chosen based on the output PDF version. If only a user password is supplied, it will also be used for the owner password.
  • Permissions are only used if encryption is enabled. That is, permissions information is only stored if the PDF is to be encrypted. For 40 bit output, permissionseFillFormAllowed, eExtractionAllowed, eAssemblyAllowed and eHighQualityPrintAllowed are ignored.

Equivalent to calling setParameter with the parameter names "OwnerPassword", "UserPassword" and "Permissions".

ownerPasswordThe owner password to use.
userPasswordThe user password to use.
permissionsThe permissions bit mask for the output PDF. (see IDOMStandardPDFSecurityInfo::ePermissionsFlags).

◆ setEpilog()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setEpilog ( const IInputStreamPtr & epilog)
pure virtual

Set a epilog stream to be consumed by the PostScript interpreter after the input stream is processed, or NULL to clear.

This stream will be both opened and closed, and will not be cloned; take care when opening multiple PostScript inputs with the same epilog simultaneously.

A epilog stream may also be set with setParameter() using either the "EpilogFile" for an epilog file name value, or "EpilogCommand" for epilog PostScript data.

epilogThe epilog stream to use.

◆ setFontDevicePath()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setFontDevicePath ( const U8String & path)
pure virtual

Sets the font device path.

Provides a method of using a custom PostScript font device in place of the usual in-memory device used by IDistiller. A fully qualified directory path must be provided, and the directory must already exist, IDistiller will not create it automatically. The font path must contain all the fonts required for distilling, and additional fonts may be added when using addFont().

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "FontDevice" with the name of the path.

pathThe path name to use for the font device.

◆ setGrayImageCompression()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setGrayImageCompression ( eImageCompression compression)
pure virtual

Set the image compression for gray images. The default is eICFlate.
CCITT is not allowed for gray images.

This is advisory only and may not be honored in all cases.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "GrayImageCompression" with appropriate values.

compressionThe desired compression.

◆ setGrayImageDownsampling()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setGrayImageDownsampling ( eImageDownsamplingMethod method)
pure virtual

Set the desired downsampling method for gray images. The default method is eIDNone (no downsampling).

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "GrayImageDownsampling".

methodThe method to use when downsampling.

◆ setGrayImageResolution()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setGrayImageResolution ( float resolution)
pure virtual

Set the desired resolution for gray images when downsampling. The default is 72.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "GrayImageResolution".

resolutionThe desired output resolution, in dpi. Pass 0 to leave images unchanged.

◆ setGrayJPEGQuality()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setGrayJPEGQuality ( eJpegQuality quality)
pure virtual

Set the JPEG quality to use when compressing gray images in DCT format. Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "GrayJPEGQuality" enumeration value as a string ("Low", "Medium", "High" or "User"). The default is eJQLow.

When set to eJQUser, gray images will be compressed using the QFactor set with setGrayQFactor(). eJQLow is equivalent to a QFactor of 0.1, eJQMedium to 0.5 and eJQHigh to 1.3.

qualityThe desired quality level.

◆ setGrayQFactor()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setGrayQFactor ( float qfactor)
pure virtual

Set the QFactor to use when compressing gray images in DCT format. Applies only when setting the JPEG quality to eJQUser with setColorJPEGQuality().

The valid range of this field is from 0 to 1000000. Large numbers give better compression; small numbers give better quality.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "GrayQFactor" with appropriate values.

qfactorThe QFactor to use when compressing with eJQUser.

◆ setHalftone()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setHalftone ( bool halftone)
pure virtual

Set whether halftone information should be preserved. The default is false.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "Halftone" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

halftonePreserve halftones?

◆ setHiResBBox()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setHiResBBox ( bool hiResBBox)
pure virtual

Set whether to use the HiResBoundingBox DSC comment if present.

     When set to true, and "TrimToBBox" or "CropToBBox" are set to true
     the HiResBoundingBox DSC comment will be used for the page size or
     CropBox instead of the BoundingBox DSC comment if it is defined in the
     input job.
     If the job defines no HiResBoundingBox DSC comment the BoundingBox is

     The default is false.

     Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name
     "HiResBBox" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").
hiResBBoxWhether to use the HiResBoundingBox DSC comment.

◆ setJobTicket()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setJobTicket ( bool jobTicket)
pure virtual

Set whether to add a job ticket object to the output. The default is false.

If this flag is set, Portable Job Ticket information is added to the generated PDF file.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "JobTicket" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

jobTicketAdd job ticket?

◆ setLinearize()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setLinearize ( bool linearize)
pure virtual

Set whether the output should be linearized. The default is false.

When true, a PDF optimized for byte serving (for example from a web server) will be produced. This will generally be a slow operation.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "Linearize" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").


◆ setMonoImageCompression()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setMonoImageCompression ( eImageCompression compression)
pure virtual

Set the image compression for monochrome images. The default is eICCCITT.
JPEG/DCT and auto are not allowed for mono images.

This is advisory only and may not be honored in all cases.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "MonoImageCompression" with appropriate values.

compressionThe desired compression.

◆ setMonoImageDownsampling()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setMonoImageDownsampling ( eImageDownsamplingMethod method)
pure virtual

Set the desired downsampling method for monochrome images. The default method is eIDNone (no downsampling).

Bicubic downsampling is not supported for monochrome images and average downsampling will be used when setting the method to eIDBicubic.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "MonoImageDownsampling".

methodThe method to use when downsampling.

◆ setMonoImageResolution()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setMonoImageResolution ( float resolution)
pure virtual

Set the desired resolution for monochrome images when downsampling. The default is 72.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "MonoImageResolution".

resolutionThe desired output resolution, in dpi. Pass 0 to leave images unchanged.

◆ setOPI()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setOPI ( bool opi)
pure virtual

Set whether OPI comments should be preserved. The default is false.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "OPI" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

opiPreserve OPI comments?

◆ setOverprint()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setOverprint ( bool overprint)
pure virtual

Set whether overprinting should be preserved. The default is false.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "Overprint" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

overprintPreserve overprinting?

◆ setOverprintMode()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setOverprintMode ( bool overprintMode)
pure virtual

Set the overprint mode. The default is true, which sets non-zero overprint mode (/OPM 1).

When set to false /OPM 0 is used when overprinting.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "OverprintMode" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

overprintModeUse non-zero overprint mode?

◆ setPageFilterHigh()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setPageFilterHigh ( uint64 pageHigh)
pure virtual

Set upper page limit.

Sets the upper limit of pages to be included in the output. Pages are numbered starting with page 1. If set to a non-zero value, all input data following that page will be silently discarded. If set to 0, no upper page limit is set.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "PageFilterHigh" with the page number as a string.

The default is 0.

pageHighThe upper page limit.

◆ setPageFilterLow()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setPageFilterLow ( uint64 pageLow)
pure virtual

Set lower page limit.

Sets the lower limit of pages to be included in the output. Pages are numbered starting with page 1. If set to 0, no lower page limit is set.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "PageFilterLow" with the page number as a string.

The default is 0.

pageLowThe lower page limit.

◆ setPageFilterRange()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setPageFilterRange ( uint64 pageLow,
uint64 pageHigh )
pure virtual

Set page range.

Convenience function to set the pages to be included in the output. Equivalent to calling setPageFilterLow() and setPageFilterHigh() with lower and upper page limits.

The default for each parameter is 0.

pageLowThe lower page limit.
pageHighThe upper page limit.

◆ setPanose()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setPanose ( const IInputStreamPtr & panose)
pure virtual

Sets a stream that refers to a list of CID font names and their associated Panose styles.

Each line of the list must consist of two fields that are tab delimited. The first field is the font name. The second field is the complete string representing the Panose Style entry. For example:

GothicBBBPr6-Medium<tab>0801020b0500000000000000 GothicBBB-Medium<tab>0801020b0500000000000000

If set, the default Panose style will be used when Jaws emits a CID font that is not in the list.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "Panose" with appropriate values.

panoseThe Panose stream.

◆ setParameter()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setParameter ( const U8String & param,
const U8String & value )
pure virtual

Apply a key-value pair output parameter with a string value. The parameter name is case insensitive. Please refer to the supplied documentation for the details of the available parameters and their ranges.

paramThe parameter to change
valueThe value to set

◆ setPdfVersion()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setPdfVersion ( ePDFVersion version)
pure virtual

Set the PDF version to generate.

Valid versions supported are:

  • 1.3
  • 1.4
  • 1.5
  • 1.6
  • 1.7

Equivalent to calling setParameter with the parameter name "PDFVersion" with the value of the version as a string (e.g. "1.6"). The default is 1.3.

versionThe PDF version to generate.

◆ setProlog()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setProlog ( const IInputStreamPtr & prolog)
pure virtual

Set a prolog stream to be consumed by the PostScript interpreter before the input stream is processed, or NULL to clear.

This stream will be both opened and closed, and will not be cloned; take care when opening multiple PostScript inputs with the same prolog simultaneously.

A prolog stream may also be set with setParameter() using either the "PrologFile" for a prolog file name value, or "PrologCommand" for prolog PostScript data.

prologThe prolog stream to use.

◆ setResolution()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setResolution ( float resolution)
pure virtual

Set the target resolution for the output, in dots per inch. The default is 288. Equivalent to calling setParameter with the parameter name "Resolution".

resolutionThe desired resolution.

◆ setResourceDevicePath()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setResourceDevicePath ( const U8String & path)
pure virtual

Sets the resource device path.

Provides a method of using a custom PostScript resource device in place of the usual in-memory device used by IDistiller. A fully qualified directory path must be provided, and the directory must already exist, IDistiller will not create it automatically. The resource path must contain all the PostScript required for distilling, and additional fonts may be added when using addFont().

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "ResourceDevice" with the name of the path.

pathThe path name to use for the resource device.

◆ setSubsetFonts()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setSubsetFonts ( bool subset)
pure virtual

Set whether embedded fonts should be subset or not. The default is true.

This is a preference only. Some font types may require subsetting based on context.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "SubsetFonts" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

subsetSubset fonts?

◆ setThumbnails()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setThumbnails ( eThumbnailType thumbnails)
pure virtual

Set the PDF thumbnail type.

   Equivalent to calling setParameter with the parameter
   name "thumbnails" with the enumeration value as a string
   ("None", "Color" or "Mono").  The default is eTHNone.
thumbnailsThe desired thumbnail type.

◆ setTransfers()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setTransfers ( eTransferFunctionMethod transfers)
pure virtual

Set the desired method to for controlling transfer functions.

    Equivalent to calling setParameter with the parameter
    name "Transfers" with the enumeration value as a string
    ("Apply", "Remove" or "Preserve"). The default is eTRApply.
transfersThe desired transfer method.

◆ setTrimToBBox()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setTrimToBBox ( bool trimToBBox)
pure virtual

Set whether to use the BoundingBox DSC comment for the page size. The default is false.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "TrimToBBox" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

trimToBBoxWhether to use the BoundingBox DSC comment for the page size.

◆ setUseDeviceDependentColor()

virtual void JawsMako::IDistiller::setUseDeviceDependentColor ( bool useDeviceDependentColor)
pure virtual

Set whether to convert device independent colors to device dependent colors The default is false.

Equivalent to calling setParameter() with the parameter name "UseDeviceDependentColor" with a boolean string ("true" or "false").

useDeviceDependentColorUse convert?

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