Harlequin RIP SDK

Implements a RIP Farm Test Tool as an example usage of the RIP Farm. More...

#include "rf_library.h"
#include "rf_mem.h"


HqBool send_farm_start (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt)
 A veneer of rf_send_farm_start(). Send a Farm Start message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_farm_stop (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt)
 A veneer of rf_send_farm_stop(). Send a Farm Stop message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_job_start (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt, int job_id, const char *filename, const char *setupname, const char *overrideps, int priority)
 A veneer of rf_send_job_start(). Send a Job Start message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_job_cancel (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt, int job_id)
 A veneer of rf_send_job_cancel(). Send a Job Cancel message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_job_pause (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt, int job_id)
 A veneer of rf_send_job_pause(). Send a Job Pause message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_job_resume (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt, int job_id)
 A veneer of rf_send_job_resume(). Send a Job Resume message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_job_status_request (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt, int job_id)
 A veneer of rf_send_job_status_request(). Send a Job Status message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_raster_status_request (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt, int job_id, RF_RASTERS_STATE page_state)
 A veneer of rf_send_raster_status_request(). Send a Raster Status message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_raster_request (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt, int connection_id, int job_id, int page_count)
 A veneer of rf_send_raster_request(). Send a Raster Request message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_rasters_handled (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt, int connection_id, int job_id, int page_count)
 A veneer of rf_send_rasters_handled(). Send a Rasters Handled message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_rip_status_request (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt)
 A veneer of rf_send_rip_status_request(). Send a Rip Status Request message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_raster_connect (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt, const char *name)
 A veneer of rf_send_raster_connect(). Send a Raster Connect message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_raster_disconnect (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt, int connection_id)
 A veneer of rf_send_raster_disconnect(). Send a Raster Disconnect message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_blade_status_request (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt)
 A veneer of rf_send_blade_status_request(). Send a Blade Status Request message to the rip farm. More...
HqBool send_blade_stop (RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt, int blade_id, HqBool stop_controller, HqBool force)
 A veneer of rf_send_blade_stop(). Send a Blade Stop message to the rip farm. More...
void process_farm_reply (RF_FARM_REPLY *farm_reply)
 Handles messages from the farm, which have been relayed via message_callback(). More...
HqBool testtool_run (const char *cfg_dir, const char *bcip_str)
 Start the libripfarm interface and run the application's reactor. Stop the libripfarm interface when the application exits. More...
HqBool set_alloc_funcs (rf_alloc_t alloc_fn, rf_free_t free_fn)
 A veneer of rf_set_alloc_funcs(). Set the allocation and deallocation functions for the library to use. If this function is not called the system will default to using malloc and free. More...
void process_farm_starting (RF_REPLY_FARM_STARTING *farm_starting, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Farm Starting message from the rip farm. More...
void process_farm_started (void)
 Application's handling of a Farm Started message from the rip farm. More...
void process_farm_stopping (RF_REPLY_FARM_STOPPING *farm_stopping, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Farm Stopping message from the rip farm. More...
void process_farm_stopped (RF_REPLY_FARM_STOPPED *farm_stopped, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Farm Stopped message from the rip farm. More...
void process_farm_stop_progress (RF_REPLY_FARM_STOP_PROGRESS *farm_stop_progress, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Farm Stop Progress message from the rip farm. More...
void process_job_starting (RF_REPLY_JOB_STARTING *job_starting, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Job Starting message from the rip farm. More...
void process_job_started (RF_REPLY_JOB_STARTED *job_started, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Job Started message from the rip farm. More...
void process_job_completed (RF_REPLY_JOB_COMPLETED *job_completed, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Job Completed message from the rip farm. More...
void process_job_cancelling (RF_REPLY_JOB_CANCELLING *job_cancelling, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Job Cancelling message from the rip farm. More...
void process_job_pausing (RF_REPLY_JOB_PAUSING *job_pausing, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Job Pausing message from the rip farm. More...
void process_job_resuming (RF_REPLY_JOB_RESUMING *job_resuming, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Job Resuming message from the rip farm. More...
void process_job_paused (RF_REPLY_JOB_PAUSED *job_paused, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Job Paused message from the rip farm. More...
void process_job_resumed (RF_REPLY_JOB_RESUMED *job_resumed, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Job Resumed message from the rip farm. More...
void process_job_status (RF_REPLY_JOB_STATUS *job_status, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Job Status message from the rip farm. More...
void process_rip_status (RF_REPLY_RIP_STATUS *rip_status, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Rip Status message from the rip farm. More...
void process_blade_status (RF_REPLY_BLADE_STATUS *blade_status, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Blade Status message from the rip farm. More...
void process_rasters_available (RF_REPLY_RASTERS_AVAILABLE *rasters_available, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Rasters Available message from the rip farm. More...
void process_raster_deliver (RF_REPLY_RASTER_DELIVER *raster_deliver, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Raster Deliver message from the rip farm. More...
void process_raster_status (RF_REPLY_RASTER_STATUS *raster_status, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Raster Status message from the rip farm. More...
void process_raster_connected (RF_REPLY_RASTER_CONNECTED *raster_connected, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Raster Connected message from the rip farm. More...
void process_raster_disconnected (RF_REPLY_RASTER_DISCONNECTED *raster_disconnected, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Raster Disconnected message from the rip farm. More...
void process_raster_progress (RF_REPLY_RASTER_PROGRESS *raster_progress, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Raster Progress message from the rip farm. More...
void process_blade_stopping (RF_REPLY_BLADE_STOPPING *blade_stopping, HqBool *free_rf_struct)
 Application's handling of a Blade Stopping message from the rip farm. More...
void process_unhandled_farm_reply (RF_MSG_TYPE msg_type)
 Handles an unrecognised or unhandled message from the rip farm. It updates the UI with a warning message. More...
void process_rf_extract_failure (RF_MSG_TYPE msg_type)
 Handles an internal error of a missing or badly constructed message from the rip farm. It updates the UI with status info. More...
HqBool relay_message_callback (FARM_REPLY_CTXT *farm_reply_ctxt, RF_FARM_REPLY *farm_reply)
 Relay a message received from the farm to farm_reply_handler() in the main UI thread via a ZeroMQ pipe. More...
void destroy_farm_reply_ctxt (FARM_REPLY_CTXT **p_farm_reply_ctxt)
 Free resources allocated by create_farm_reply_ctxt(). More...
FARM_REPLY_CTXTcreate_farm_reply_ctxt (void)
 Create a context that is used for ZeroMQ messaging from the DFE Interface thread to farm_reply_handler(). The context is passed back by the libripfarm interface as a handle in message_callback(). More...
HqBool testtool_reactor (struct RF_IFACE_CTXT *iface_ctxt)
 Runs the test tool reactor which monitors ZeroMQ messages from both keyboard_worker() and message_callback(). More...

Detailed Description

Implements a RIP Farm Test Tool as an example usage of the RIP Farm.

This header file declares an interface layered on top of the libripfarm interface. It is expected tha customer applications will use this largely as boilerplate in libripfarm applications.

Copyright (C) 2023 Global Graphics Software Ltd. All rights reserved. Global Graphics Software Ltd. Confidential Information.

Function Documentation

◆ create_farm_reply_ctxt()

FARM_REPLY_CTXT* create_farm_reply_ctxt ( void  )

Create a context that is used for ZeroMQ messaging from the DFE Interface thread to farm_reply_handler(). The context is passed back by the libripfarm interface as a handle in message_callback().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

The context used in relay_message_callback().

◆ destroy_farm_reply_ctxt()

void destroy_farm_reply_ctxt ( FARM_REPLY_CTXT **  p_farm_reply_ctxt)

Free resources allocated by create_farm_reply_ctxt().

Safe against a NULL value of p_farm_reply_ctxt, which is always set to NULL on exit.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

p_farm_reply_ctxtThe pointer to the context returned by create_farm_reply_ctxt().

◆ process_blade_status()

void process_blade_status ( RF_REPLY_BLADE_STATUS blade_status,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Blade Status message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of blade_status. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_blade_status().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]blade_statusThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of blade_status.

Application's handling of a Blade Status message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_blade_stopping()

void process_blade_stopping ( RF_REPLY_BLADE_STOPPING blade_stopping,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Blade Stopping message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of blade_stopping. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_blade_stopping().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]blade_stoppingThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of blade_stopping.

Application's handling of a Blade Stopping message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_farm_reply()

void process_farm_reply ( RF_FARM_REPLY farm_reply)

Handles messages from the farm, which have been relayed via message_callback().

For each message type, there is a callout to the process_*() functions which have been layered to provide application specific behaviour and to retain the direct interactions with the libripfarm in simple functions.

This function takes ownership of farm_reply->payload, so it must destroy it by calling rf_free_payload().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]farm_replyA message from the rip farm for processing.

◆ process_farm_started()

void process_farm_started ( void  )

Application's handling of a Farm Started message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

Application's handling of a Farm Started message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_farm_starting()

void process_farm_starting ( RF_REPLY_FARM_STARTING farm_starting,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Farm Starting message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of farm_starting. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_farm_starting().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]farm_startingThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of farm_starting.

Application's handling of a Farm Starting message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_farm_stop_progress()

void process_farm_stop_progress ( RF_REPLY_FARM_STOP_PROGRESS farm_stop_progress,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Farm Stop Progress message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of farm_stopping. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_farm_stop_progress().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]farm_stop_progressThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of farm_stop_progress.

Application's handling of a Farm Stop Progress message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_farm_stopped()

void process_farm_stopped ( RF_REPLY_FARM_STOPPED farm_stopped,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Farm Stopped message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of farm_stopped. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_farm_stopped().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]farm_stoppedThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of farm_stopped.

Application's handling of a Farm Stopped message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_farm_stopping()

void process_farm_stopping ( RF_REPLY_FARM_STOPPING farm_stopping,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Farm Stopping message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of farm_stopping. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_farm_stopping().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]farm_stoppingThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of farm_stopping.

Application's handling of a Farm Stopping message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_job_cancelling()

void process_job_cancelling ( RF_REPLY_JOB_CANCELLING job_cancelling,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Job Cancelling message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of job_cancelling. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_job_cancelling().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]job_cancellingThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of job_cancelling.

Application's handling of a Job Cancelling message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_job_completed()

void process_job_completed ( RF_REPLY_JOB_COMPLETED job_completed,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Job Completed message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of job_completed. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_job_completed().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]job_completedThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of job_completed.

Application's handling of a Job Completed message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_job_paused()

void process_job_paused ( RF_REPLY_JOB_PAUSED job_paused,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Job Paused message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of job_paused. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_job_paused().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]job_pausedThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of job_paused.

Application's handling of a Job Paused message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_job_pausing()

void process_job_pausing ( RF_REPLY_JOB_PAUSING job_pausing,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Job Pausing message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of job_pausing. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_job_pausing().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]job_pausingThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of job_pausing.

Application's handling of a Job Pausing message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_job_resumed()

void process_job_resumed ( RF_REPLY_JOB_RESUMED job_resumed,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Job Resumed message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of job_resumed. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_job_resumed().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]job_resumedThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of job_resumed.

Application's handling of a Job Resumed message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_job_resuming()

void process_job_resuming ( RF_REPLY_JOB_RESUMING job_resuming,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Job Resuming message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of job_resuming. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_job_resuming().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]job_resumingThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of job_resuming.

Application's handling of a Job Resuming message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_job_started()

void process_job_started ( RF_REPLY_JOB_STARTED job_started,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Job Started message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of job_starting. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_job_started().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]job_startedThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of job_started.

Application's handling of a Job Started message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_job_starting()

void process_job_starting ( RF_REPLY_JOB_STARTING job_starting,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Job Starting message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of job_starting. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_job_starting().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]job_startingThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of job_starting.

Application's handling of a Job Starting message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_job_status()

void process_job_status ( RF_REPLY_JOB_STATUS job_status,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Job Status message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of job_status. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_job_status().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]job_statusThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of job_status.

Application's handling of a Job Status message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_raster_connected()

void process_raster_connected ( RF_REPLY_RASTER_CONNECTED raster_connected,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Raster Connected message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of raster_connected. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_raster_connected().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]raster_connectedThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of raster_connected.

Application's handling of a Raster Connected message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_raster_deliver()

void process_raster_deliver ( RF_REPLY_RASTER_DELIVER raster_deliver,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Raster Deliver message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of raster_deliver. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_raster_deliver().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]raster_deliverThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of raster_deliver.

Application's handling of a Raster Deliver message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_raster_disconnected()

void process_raster_disconnected ( RF_REPLY_RASTER_DISCONNECTED raster_disconnected,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Raster Disconnected message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of raster_disconnected. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_raster_disconnected().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]raster_disconnectedThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of raster_disconnected.

Application's handling of a Raster Disconnected message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_raster_progress()

void process_raster_progress ( RF_REPLY_RASTER_PROGRESS raster_progress,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Raster Progress message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of raster_progress. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_raster_progress().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]raster_progressThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of raster_progress.

Application's handling of a Raster Progress message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_raster_status()

void process_raster_status ( RF_REPLY_RASTER_STATUS raster_status,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Raster Status message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of raster_status. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_raster_status().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]raster_statusThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of raster_status.

Application's handling of a Raster Status message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_rasters_available()

void process_rasters_available ( RF_REPLY_RASTERS_AVAILABLE rasters_available,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Rasters Available message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of rasters_available. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_rasters_available().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]rasters_availableThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of rasters_available.

Application's handling of a Rasters Available message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_rf_extract_failure()

void process_rf_extract_failure ( RF_MSG_TYPE  msg_type)

Handles an internal error of a missing or badly constructed message from the rip farm. It updates the UI with status info.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_rip_status()

void process_rip_status ( RF_REPLY_RIP_STATUS rip_status,
HqBool free_rf_struct 

Application's handling of a Rip Status message from the rip farm.

This function may take ownership of rip_status. If so it must clear free_rf_struct and explicitly destroy it by calling rf_free_rip_status().

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]rip_statusThe payload of the message.
[in,out]free_rf_structSet to FALSE if this function will take ownership of rip_status.

Application's handling of a Rip Status message from the rip farm.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ process_unhandled_farm_reply()

void process_unhandled_farm_reply ( RF_MSG_TYPE  msg_type)

Handles an unrecognised or unhandled message from the rip farm. It updates the UI with a warning message.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

◆ relay_message_callback()

HqBool relay_message_callback ( FARM_REPLY_CTXT farm_reply_ctxt,
RF_FARM_REPLY farm_reply 

Relay a message received from the farm to farm_reply_handler() in the main UI thread via a ZeroMQ pipe.

This function runs in the DFE Interface thread.

[in]farm_reply_ctxtContains the ZeroMQ socket for comms with farm_reply_handler().
[in]farm_replyA message sent by the rip farm.
Return values
TRUENormal value.
FALSEcatastrophic error in sending the message. Results in

◆ send_blade_status_request()

HqBool send_blade_status_request ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt)

A veneer of rf_send_blade_status_request(). Send a Blade Status Request message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_blade_stop()

HqBool send_blade_stop ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt,
int  blade_id,
HqBool  stop_controller,
HqBool  force 

A veneer of rf_send_blade_stop(). Send a Blade Stop message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_farm_start()

HqBool send_farm_start ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt)

A veneer of rf_send_farm_start(). Send a Farm Start message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_farm_stop()

HqBool send_farm_stop ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt)

A veneer of rf_send_farm_stop(). Send a Farm Stop message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_job_cancel()

HqBool send_job_cancel ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt,
int  job_id 

A veneer of rf_send_job_cancel(). Send a Job Cancel message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_job_pause()

HqBool send_job_pause ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt,
int  job_id 

A veneer of rf_send_job_pause(). Send a Job Pause message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_job_resume()

HqBool send_job_resume ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt,
int  job_id 

A veneer of rf_send_job_resume(). Send a Job Resume message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_job_start()

HqBool send_job_start ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt,
int  job_id,
const char *  filename,
const char *  setupname,
const char *  overrideps,
int  priority 

A veneer of rf_send_job_start(). Send a Job Start message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_job_status_request()

HqBool send_job_status_request ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt,
int  job_id 

A veneer of rf_send_job_status_request(). Send a Job Status message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_raster_connect()

HqBool send_raster_connect ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt,
const char *  name 

A veneer of rf_send_raster_connect(). Send a Raster Connect message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_raster_disconnect()

HqBool send_raster_disconnect ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt,
int  connection_id 

A veneer of rf_send_raster_disconnect(). Send a Raster Disconnect message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_raster_request()

HqBool send_raster_request ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt,
int  connection_id,
int  job_id,
int  page_count 

A veneer of rf_send_raster_request(). Send a Raster Request message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_raster_status_request()

HqBool send_raster_status_request ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt,
int  job_id,
RF_RASTERS_STATE  page_state 

A veneer of rf_send_raster_status_request(). Send a Raster Status message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_rasters_handled()

HqBool send_rasters_handled ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt,
int  connection_id,
int  job_id,
int  page_count 

A veneer of rf_send_rasters_handled(). Send a Rasters Handled message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ send_rip_status_request()

HqBool send_rip_status_request ( RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt)

A veneer of rf_send_rip_status_request(). Send a Rip Status Request message to the rip farm.

This function runs in the UI thread.

◆ set_alloc_funcs()

HqBool set_alloc_funcs ( rf_alloc_t  alloc_fn,
rf_free_t  free_fn 

A veneer of rf_set_alloc_funcs(). Set the allocation and deallocation functions for the library to use. If this function is not called the system will default to using malloc and free.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

This should be called before any other functions from the library.

◆ testtool_reactor()

HqBool testtool_reactor ( struct RF_IFACE_CTXT iface_ctxt)

Runs the test tool reactor which monitors ZeroMQ messages from both keyboard_worker() and message_callback().

Simple commands are input via the keyboard and the responses from the farm are displayed on the monitor.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]iface_ctxtThe libripfarm interface context for use in keyboard_event().

◆ testtool_run()

HqBool testtool_run ( const char *  cfg_dir,
const char *  bcip_str 

Start the libripfarm interface and run the application's reactor. Stop the libripfarm interface when the application exits.

This function runs in the main UI thread.

[in]cfg_dirIf present, contains the directory of the rip farm's global config file. If not present, the global config file is assumed to be in the current working directory. If not found there, default params will be assumed.
[in]bcip_strIf present, contains the IP address of the rip farm's central blade. If not present, the localhost will be assumed.
Return values
TRUEIf the test tool exited normally after the exit command was entered.
FALSEIf the test tool exited for any other reason.