Harlequin RIP SDK

This file declares various utility functions used to form the example command-line RIP application. More...

#include <stdarg.h>
#include "skinkit.h"
#include "rasthand.h"


 Name used for file output target.
#define OUTPUT_TARGET_NONE   "None"
 Name used for data sink output target.
 Name used for RAW output target.
 Name used for socket output target.
 Name used for printer output target.




void ListSetupsAndConfigs (SwLeDoParams *params)
 This function runs RIP to list available output types and configuration names. More...
int32 ProcessJobs (SwLeDoParams *params)
 Boot the Harlequin RIP core and process jobs from input queues. More...
void FileFormat (uint8 *format)
 This function allows you to override the default output format. Supported output format names can be found in skintest.c. More...
HqBool GenerateFilename (const char *format, const RasterDescription *pRasterDescription, uint8 *pFilename, int32 length)
 Generates a filename or message for this job / page / sep. More...
HqBool GeneratePSFilename (const char *fileformat, const RasterDescription *pRasterDescription, uint8 *pFilename)
 Generates a PS filename for this job / page / sep. More...
void OverridePGBType (uint8 *type)
 Called in response to the example command-line application's -o (output) switch, this function is used to override any value of /PageBufferType from the page device. If the existing value is "LE", then the override will be performed silently; for other values, a warning will be issued.
uint8GetPageBufferType (int32 *pLen)
 Obtain the PageBufferType in use, taking into account any override value. More...
void OverrideOutputTarget (uint8 *target)
 Called in response to the example command-line application's -s (output target) switch, this function is used to override any value of /OutputTarget from the page device.
HqBool PTNextDrive (int32 index, uint8 *pDrivename)
 Called by MountAllDrives() to get the next (first if index == 0) drive that is on the machine. More...
HqBool RasterFilename (RasterDescription *pRasterDescription, const char *fileformat, const char *const valid_targets[], uint8 *rasterFilename, uint8 *rasterPSFilename)
 Raster filename function, used to generate filenames for raster backends from a template and raster description. More...
RASTER_PLANERasterPlaneFromDescription (const RasterDescription *pRD, uint32 pindex)
void PrintCopyright (void)
 Output the content of COPYRIGHT.txt to the monitor.
HqBool monitorFileStart (SwLeMONITORCALLBACK *monitorCallback)
 Initialise the monitorFile() output. More...
void monitorFileEnd (void)
void monitorFile (uint32 buflen, const uint8 *buffer)
intptr_t monitorFileOptions (intptr_t options)
HqBool monitorFileHandleEvents (HqBool monitorCompatible)
 Register event handlers to contextualise monitor events, sending them to an appropriate monitor file stream. More...
void jsonSavePS (void)
 Enable saving of PostScript representation of JSON config files.
void * CurrentJobContext (void)
 Return the job context attached to the currently processing job. This is the job context pointer provided to raster callbacks, initially created by the input queue job submission.
void HqCustomAssertMon (const char *pszFilename, int nLine, const char *pszFormat, va_list vlist, int assertflag)
 Wrapper for HqCustomAssert() to ensure output goes to the stderr channel, rather than the stdout channel, when using the monitor file callback.
void HqCustomTraceMon (const char *pszFilename, int nLine, const char *pszFormat, va_list vlist)
 Wrapper for HqCustomTrace() to ensure output goes to the stderr channel, rather than the stdout channel, when using the monitor file callback.
void init_C_runtime_skintest (void)
 Re-initialize all global state in the clrip application layer. More...

Detailed Description

This file declares various utility functions used to form the example command-line RIP application.

Copyright (C) 2023 Global Graphics Software Ltd. All rights reserved.

This example is provided on an "as is" basis and without warranty of any kind. Global Graphics Software Ltd. does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or results of use of this example.