Harlequin RIP SDK

Error structures and names for the Scalable RIP. More...

#include "rf_types.h"

Data Structures

struct  RF_ERROR
 Error structure common to reply and notification messages. More...


#define RF_ERROR_INIT   { NULL, NULL, 0 }
 Static/auto initializer for RF_ERROR. Errors should be initialised using this value, and then individual fields modified as desired.
#define RF_ERR_ALL_BLADES_HAVE_EXITED   "AllBladesHaveExited"
 Internal error, all the blades have exited, so no farm RIPs will ever be launched to do work.
#define RF_ERR_BLADE_NOT_USABLE   "BladeNotUsable"
 Issued if there is a problem identifying a blade, or too many blades.
#define RF_ERR_FARM_ALREADY_ACTIVE   "FarmAlreadyActive"
 Farm Start issued when a farm controller is already active.
#define RF_ERR_FARM_NOT_ACTIVE   "FarmNotActive"
 Farm Stop issued when a farm controller is not active.
#define RF_ERR_GET_METADATA_FAILED   "GetMetadataFailed"
 Metadata extraction failed for job that was accepted.
#define RF_ERR_INVALID_BLADE_ID   "InvalidBladeID"
 Invalid blade ID when stopping a blade.
#define RF_ERR_JOB_CANCELLED   "JobCancelled"
 Job was cancelled before completion (e.g., by a Farm Stop or an interrupt).
#define RF_ERR_JOB_INVALID   "JobInvalid"
 Invalid Job ID for this operation.
#define RF_ERR_JOB_NOT_PAUSED   "JobNotPaused"
 Job cannot be paused (e.g., non-splittable jobs).
#define RF_ERR_JOB_NOT_RESUMED   "JobNotResumed"
 Job cannot be resumed (e.g., job was not paused).
#define RF_ERR_JOB_START_FAILED   "JobStartFailed"
 Job start failed for unknown internal reason.
#define RF_ERR_PAGE_INVALID   "PageInvalid"
 Invalid page ID for raster manager operation.
#define RF_ERR_PAGE_RANGE_UPDATE   "PageRangeUpdate"
 Internal error tracking pages in raster manager.
#define RF_ERR_RASTER_CONNECTION_INVALID   "RasterConnectionInvalid"
 Invalid connection for raster manager request.
#define RF_ERR_RASTER_CONNECTION_MISMATCH   "RasterConnectionMismatch"
 Connection mismatch for raster manager request.
#define RF_ERR_RASTER_INVALID   "RasterInvalid"
 Internal raster error in raster manager operation.
#define RF_ERR_RASTER_MANAGER_DISABLED   "RasterManagerDisabled"
 Raster manager request with raster manager disabled.
#define RF_ERR_RASTER_OUTPUT_REPLY   "RasterOutputReply"
 Internal failure in reply to raster backend output message.
#define RF_ERR_RASTER_OUTPUT_SEND   "RasterOutputSend"
 Internal failure in raster backend output message.
#define RF_ERR_RASTER_OUTPUT_PARAMS   "RasterOutputParams"
 Incorrect parameters for raster ready call from raster backend.
#define RF_ERR_RASTER_REQUEST   "RasterRequest"
 Internal error in raster delivery request.
#define RF_ERR_RIP_ERROR   "RIPError"
 RIP error processing job.


typedef struct RF_ERROR RF_ERROR
 Error structure common to reply and notification messages.

Detailed Description

Error structures and names for the Scalable RIP.

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