Harlequin RIP SDK
src Directory Reference


file  ggsthreads.c
 Platform dependent parts of the threads API implementation for Windows.
file  pfile.c
 Implementation of the skinkit file I/O interfaces, in terms of the Microsoft Windows API.
file  phvdshmfb.c
 Platform functions to support shared memory framebuffers for eHVD elements.
file  pmem.c
 Platform-specific implementations of memory-related functions.
file  pnotify.c
 Implementation of the skinkit file change notification interfaces, in terms of the Microsoft Windows API.
file  ppaths.c
 Path-related utility functions for pc.
file  pprobelog.c
 Capture profiling information from RIP.
file  psanitize_path.c
 Utilities for sanitizing paths.
file  psock.c
 Socket related utility functions for Windows. See psock.h.