Harlequin RIP SDK

Contains functions which can be shared between multiple devices. More...

#include <string.h>
#include "skinkit.h"
#include "swdevice.h"
#include "hqmemcmp.h"
#include "devutils.h"
#include "skindevs.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "file.h"


DEVICE_result KMapPlatformError (int32 pkError)
 Provides a mapping from the skin platform error codes to their nearest equivalent RIP device code. More...
HqBool SubDeviceMount (DEVICELIST *dev, DEVICELIST **pSub, const char *subname, DEVICETYPE *subdevtype)
 Mount ram or disk sub-device for the hybrid device. Note that the mount is different from the standard "mount" in that the device is not added to the global device list. It remains local to this device and cannot be found by name outside. More...
HqBool SubDeviceDismount (DEVICELIST *dev, DEVICELIST **pSub)
 Dismount and free a private instance of a devicetype. More...
HqBool param_match_name (const DEVICEPARAM *param, const uint8 *name, int32 namelen)
 Utility function for device implementations to match incoming parameter name to a string. More...
HqBool param_match_cname (const DEVICEPARAM *param, const char *name, size_t namelen)
 Utility function for device implementations to match incoming parameter name to a C string. More...
void param_store_name (DEVICEPARAM *param, uint8 *name, int32 length)
 Utility function for device implementations to store a parameter name in a DEVICEPARAM. This function exists mainly for clients to use STRING_AND_NAME() to set parameter names to constant strings. More...
void param_store_string (DEVICEPARAM *param, uint8 *str, int32 length)
 Utility function for device implementations to store a string value in a DEVICEPARAM. This function exists mainly for clients to use STRING_AND_NAME() to set parameter values to constant strings. More...
HqBool SwLeGetIntDevParam (DEVICELIST *pDev, uint8 *pszParamName, int32 *pInt)
 A convenience function to get the current value of an integer device parameter. More...
HqBool SwLeGetBoolDevParam (DEVICELIST *pDev, uint8 *pszParamName, HqBool *pBool)
 A convenience function to get the current value of a boolean device parameter. More...
HqBool SwLeGetFloatDevParam (DEVICELIST *pDev, uint8 *pszParamName, float *pFloat)
 A convenience function to get the current value of a floating-point (real) device parameter. More...
HqBool SwLeGetStringDevParam (DEVICELIST *pDev, uint8 *pszParamName, uint8 **ppStr, int32 *pStrLen)
 A convenience function to get the current value of a string device parameter. More...

Detailed Description

Contains functions which can be shared between multiple devices.