Mako 7.5.0 API
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 edlmath.h(very thin) portability layer around operating system provided math functionality but also includes a definition of "pi" and functions to interconvert between (angular) degrees and radians
 edlnamespaces.hEDL C++ namespace(s)
 edlproperty.hEDL uses the concept of a "property" that can store a value that has one of a number of different types (integer, string, pointer, time etc.)
 edlqname.hIEDLNamespace and EDLQName classes
 edlquartz.hA renderer that allows painting of EDL DOM into a Quartz2D Core Graphics context. Currently only XPS-compatible DOM is supported. The renderer is reentrant and can be used on multiple threads, providing that the destination context supports this. The renderer also caches certain objects to improve performance of repeat renders
 edlstring.hEDLString and EDLSysString classes and associated EDL string manipulation functions
 edltime.hIEDLTime class that represents the EDL date-time
 edltypes.hEDL "standard" types including known bit-length signed and unsigned integer type[def]s and definitions of EDL_TRUE and EDL_FALSE
 edlvector.hSimple buffer class which preserves the allocation context where the buffers were created
 edlversion.hDefines Mako version numbers
 idomfontpcl.hIDOMFont PCL generation interfaces
 idomresources.hIDOMResources interface
 iedlcollection.hEDL "collection" interface
 iedlenum.hEDL iterator template classes designed to allow iteration over the contents of a collection. Then a set of typedefs that provide collections of doubles, FPoints, FRects, EDLStrings and EDLSysStrings that can then be iterated over
 iedltree.hEDL "tree" interface
 ifilespec.hInterface to File specification
 ircobject.hInterface for Reference Counted Object
 memutils.hEDL portability wrappers around memset(), memcpy() and memcmp() to allow EDL to use alternate implementations where necessary
 objclassid.hAn object class ID is a 128-bit globally unique ID (i.e. a GUID). In EDL it is abstracted within a CClassID class that provides methods for constructing GUIDs from 4 unsigned 32-bit integers or a string or even another CClassID and a method for comparing GUIDs
 platform.hPlatform-dependent defines, enumerations, types etc. that are visible through the EDL API
 smartptr.hEDL smart pointers which, in conjunction with the IRCOject class provide reference-counted and automatically garbage-collected IEDLObjects which are typically returned by one of the EDL class factories
 customtransform.hA framework to allow transforms to be written externally of Mako
 distiller.hPostScript to PDF conversion
 ijpdsinput.hIJPDS Input-Specific Features
 interactive.hJawsMako interactive features
 pcl5input.hPCL5 Input-Specific Features
 pcl5output.hJawsMako PCL5 Output
 pclxlinput.hPCL/XL Input-Specific Features
 pclxloutput.hJawsMako PCLXL Output
 pdfinput.hPDF Input-Specific Features
 pdfoutput.hJawsMako PDF Output
 pdfpage.hPDF Page Management Features
 ppmlinput.hPpml Input-Specific Features
 prninput.hPRN Input-Specific Features
 psinput.hPostScript Input-Specific Features
 transforms.hTransforms for JawsMako, allowing direct modification of individual brushes, nodes, or entire pages
 xpsoutput.hJawsMako XPS Output