This is the complete list of members for JawsMako::IPageLayout, including all inherited members.
addRef() const =0 | IRCObject | pure virtual |
analyze(ePageAnalysis analysisToPerform=ePAAll)=0 | JawsMako::IPageLayout | pure virtual |
create(IEDLClassFactory *factory, const IDOMFixedPagePtr &page) | JawsMako::IPageLayout | static |
create(IEDLClassFactory *factory, const CTextRunVect &runs) | JawsMako::IPageLayout | static |
decRef() const =0 | IRCObject | pure virtual |
getFixedPage() const =0 | JawsMako::IPageLayout | pure virtual |
getLayoutData() const =0 | JawsMako::IPageLayout | pure virtual |
getLayoutInfo() const =0 | JawsMako::IPageLayout | pure virtual |
getLayoutNodeCollection() const =0 | JawsMako::IPageLayout | pure virtual |
getPageText() const =0 | JawsMako::IPageLayout | pure virtual |
getRefCount() const =0 | IRCObject | pure virtual |
setLineSpacingThreshold(double threshold)=0 | JawsMako::IPageLayout | pure virtual |
setMultipleSpaceMode(bool multipleSpaces)=0 | JawsMako::IPageLayout | pure virtual |
setVirtualSpaceThreshold(double virtualSpaceThreshold)=0 | JawsMako::IPageLayout | pure virtual |
~IRCObject() | IRCObject | inlineprotectedvirtual |