Mako 7.4.0 API
No Matches
JawsMako::IOptionalContentConfiguration Class Referenceabstract

A configuration for optional content. More...

#include <optionalcontent.h>

Inheritance diagram for JawsMako::IOptionalContentConfiguration:


class  COrderEntry
 Class for presenting the order that groups should be displayed in a user interface. May be arranged in a tree. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual IOptionalContentConfigurationPtr clone () const =0
 Clone the configuration.
virtual void setName (const U8String &name)=0
 Set the name of the configuration. May be an empty string.
virtual U8String getName () const =0
 Get the name of the configuration. An empty string is returned if no name is present.
virtual void setCreator (const U8String &creator)=0
 Set the "creator" of the configuration. May be an empty string.
virtual U8String getCreator () const =0
 Get the "creator" of the configuration. An empty string is returned if no name is present.
virtual void setBaseState (eOptionalContentVisibility visibility)=0
 Get the base visibility state of the optional content groups in the document.
virtual eOptionalContentVisibility getBaseState () const =0
 Get the base visibility state of the optional content groups in the document.
virtual void setDefaultVisibleGroups (const COptionalContentGroupReferenceVect &groups)=0
 Set the vector of optional content group references that should be visible by default.
virtual COptionalContentGroupReferenceVect getDefaultVisibleGroups () const =0
 Get the vector of optional content groups references that should be visible by default.
virtual bool groupInVisibleGroups (const IOptionalContentGroupReferencePtr &groupRef) const =0
 Is the given group present in the visible groups?
virtual void setDefaultInvisibleGroups (const COptionalContentGroupReferenceVect &groups)=0
 Set the vector of optional content group references that should be invisible by default.
virtual COptionalContentGroupReferenceVect getDefaultInvisibleGroups () const =0
 Get the vector of optional content groups references that should be invisible by default.
virtual bool groupInInvisibleGroups (const IOptionalContentGroupReferencePtr &groupRef) const =0
 Is the given group present in the invisible groups?
virtual void setIntent (const U8String &intent)=0
 Set the intent for this configuration Pass an empty string to remove the intent.
virtual void setIntents (const CU8StringVect &intents)=0
 Set an array of intents for this configuration. If set to an empty array, all groups will be considered visible, regardless of any other status information. To remove the intents entry, use setIntent above with an empty string.
virtual CU8StringVect getIntents () const =0
 Get the intents for this configuration. Usually this will be a single entry for most real world cases. A default of "View" will be returned if the entry is not present.
virtual bool intentInIntents (const U8String &intent) const =0
 Determine if the given intent is present in the list of intents. If the intents specify All then all intents will match. intent must not be an empty string.
virtual void setAutoStates (const COptionalContentGroupUsageApplicationVect &applications)=0
 Set the usage applications that apply to this configuration.
virtual COptionalContentGroupUsageApplicationVect getAutoStates () const =0
 Get the usage applications that apply to this configuraiton.
virtual void setOrder (const COrderEntryVect &order)=0
 Set the order that groups should be shown in a user interface.
virtual COrderEntryVect getOrder () const =0
 Get the order that groups should be shown in a user interface. An independent copy will be returned.
virtual void setListMode (eListMode listMode)=0
 Set which optional content groups should be shown in the consuming application's user interface.
virtual eListMode getListMode () const =0
 Get which optional content groups should be shown in the consuming application's user interface.
virtual void setRadioButtonGroups (const CEDLVector< COptionalContentGroupReferenceVect > &rbGroups)=0
 Set the "Radio Button" optional content groups for this configuration. This is a vector of vectors of group references. For each of the vectors of references, setting a group to Visible should result in all of the others to become invisible. Pass an empty vector to remove this feature.
virtual CEDLVector< COptionalContentGroupReferenceVect > getRadioButtonGroups () const =0
 Get the "Radio Button" optional content groups for this configuration. This is a vector of vectors of group references. For each of the vectors of references, setting a group to Visible should result in all of the others to become invisible.
virtual void setLockedGroups (const COptionalContentGroupReferenceVect &lockedGroups)=0
 Set the optional content groups that should be locked in the user interface.
virtual COptionalContentGroupReferenceVect getLockedGroups () const =0
 Get the optional content groups that should be locked in the user interface.
- Public Member Functions inherited from IRCObject
virtual void addRef () const =0
 Increases the reference count of the actual object pointed to. This would take place during an assignment or copying.
virtual bool decRef () const =0
 Decreases the reference count of the actual object pointed to. When the reference count falls to Zero, it deletes the actual object pointed to.
virtual int32 getRefCount () const =0
 Retrieve the current reference count of the actual object pointed to.

Static Public Member Functions

static JAWSMAKO_API IOptionalContentConfigurationPtr create (const IJawsMakoPtr &jawsMako)
 Create a new configuration.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from IRCObject
virtual ~IRCObject ()
 Virtual destructor.

Detailed Description

A configuration for optional content.

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