Mako 7.4.0 API
No Matches
JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation Class Referenceabstract

An interface class for a widget annotation It is intended that future releases of JawsMako will extend this interface. More...

#include <interactive.h>

Inheritance diagram for JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation:

Public Types

enum  eHighlightMode
 The highlight mode for a Widget annotation.
enum  eFontEncoding
 Encoding scheme used for form fonts.
- Public Types inherited from JawsMako::IAnnotation
enum  eAnnotationType {
  eAT3D , eATCaret , eATCircle , eATFileAttachment ,
  eATFreeText , eATHighlight , eATInk , eATLine ,
  eATLink , eATMovie , eATPolygon , eATPolyLine ,
  eATPopup , eATPrinterMark , eATProjection , eATRedact ,
  eATRichMedia , eATScreen , eATSound , eATSquare ,
  eATSquiggly , eATStamp , eATStrikeOut , eATText ,
  eATTrapNet , eATUnderline , eATWatermark , eATWidget ,
 Types of annotations, listed with the earliest version of PDF that supported them. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void createBasicAppearances (const IFormPtr &form, const U8String &onStateName=U8String(), const IDOMFontPtr &font=IDOMFontPtr(), uint32 fontIndex=0, float captionSize=10.0f)=0
 Create a set of very basic appearances given the current annotation's parameters. Replaces any already present. Not yet supported for all widget types. An IError with error code JM_ERR_UNSUPPORTED will be thrown for such appearances.
virtual eFieldType getFieldType () const =0
 Get the field type.
virtual U8String getPartialName () const =0
 Get the partial name of the widget.
virtual void setPartialName (const U8String &name)=0
 Set the partial name of the widget.
virtual eHighlightMode getHighlightMode () const =0
 Get the highlight mode.
virtual void setHighlightMode (eHighlightMode highlightMode)=0
 Set the hightlight mode.
virtual bool getFieldFlags (uint32 &flags) const =0
 Get the field flags. Please see the PDF specification for the definition of the flags. See also eFieldFlags. Note that the significance of of the flags changes depending on type, and that the value may be inheritable.
virtual void setFieldFlags (uint32 flags)=0
 Set the field flags. Refer to the PDF specification 1.7 table 8.70 for details.
virtual IWidgetAppearanceCharacteristicsPtr getAppearanceCharacteristics () const =0
 Get the appearance characteristics of this Widget.
virtual void setAppearanceCharacteristics (const IWidgetAppearanceCharacteristicsPtr &appearanceCharacteristics)=0
 Set the appearance characteristics.
virtual bool getValue (CU8StringVect &value) const =0
 Get the value of the field, as an array of strings.
virtual void setValue (const CU8StringVect &value)=0
 Set the value of the field, as an array of strings. For fields that can take multiple values, eg radio buttons, there will be multiple entries. For fields requiring only a single value, a single entry will be returned. If the field has no value an empty array will be returned.
virtual void setValue (const U8String &value)
 Convenience form for fields that only need a single value.
virtual bool getDefaultValue (CU8StringVect &value) const =0
 Get the default value of the field, as an array of strings.
virtual void setDefaultValue (const CU8StringVect &value)=0
 Set the value of the field, as an array of strings.
virtual void setDefaultValue (const U8String &value)
 Convenience form for fields that only need a single value.
virtual bool getDefaultAppearanceString (U8String &defaultAppearanceString) const =0
 Get the default appearance string for variable text, if set.
virtual void setDefaultAppearanceString (const U8String &defaultAppearanceString)=0
 Set the default appearance string for variable text.
virtual eQuadding getQuadding () const =0
 Get the Quadding (Justification) for variable text.
virtual void setQuadding (eQuadding quadding)=0
 Set the quadding (Justification) for variable text.
virtual bool getOptions (CFieldOptionVect &options) const =0
 Get the options for this field.
virtual void setOptions (const CFieldOptionVect &options)=0
 Set the options for this field.
virtual uint32 getFirstVisibleOption () const =0
 Get the index of the first item visible in the list from the options.
virtual void setFirstVisibleOption (uint32 option)=0
 Set the index of the first item visible in the list from the options.
virtual CUInt32Vect getSelectedOptions () const =0
 Get a vector of 0-indexed indexes into the options for this field that represent the currently selected options.
virtual void setSelectedOptions (const CUInt32Vect &selectedOptions)=0
 Set the currently selected options by 0-indexed indexes into the options.
virtual IPDFDictionaryConstPtr getActionsDictionary () const =0
 Get the actions dictionary (if present) associated with this widget.
virtual void setActionsDictionary (const IPDFDictionaryPtr &actions)=0
 Set the actions dictionary associated with this widget.
virtual IPDFDictionaryConstPtr getAdditionalActionsDictionary () const =0
 Get the additional actions dictionary (if present) associated with this widget.
virtual void setAdditionalActionsDictionary (const IPDFDictionaryPtr &actions)=0
 Set the additional actions dictionary associated with this widget.
- Public Member Functions inherited from JawsMako::IAnnotation
virtual eAnnotationType getType () const =0
 Get the type of the annotation.
virtual const FRect & getRect () const =0
 Get the rect in which the appearances should be displayed.
virtual void setRect (const FRect &rect)=0
 Set the rect in which the appearances should be displayed.
virtual U8String getContents () const =0
 Get the Contents entry in UTF-8.
virtual void setContents (const U8String &contents)=0
 Set the Contents entry in UTF-8.
virtual IDOMColorPtr getColor () const =0
 Get the color. The use of this color depends on the annotation type. See the PDF 1.7 specification for details.
virtual void setColor (const IDOMColorPtr &color)=0
 Set the color. The use of this color depends on the annotation type. See the PDF 1.7 specification for details.
virtual IEDLTimePtr getModificationTime () const =0
 Get the Modification date and time of the annotation, if present.
virtual void setModificationTime (const IEDLTimePtr &modificationTime)=0
 Set the Modification date and time of the annotation.
virtual CAnnotationBorder getBorder () const =0
 Get the annotation's border. See CAnnotationBorder for details.
virtual void setBorder (const CAnnotationBorder &border)=0
 Set the annotation's border.
virtual uint32 getFlags () const =0
 Get the annotation flags. To interpret these flags please see section 8.4.2 "Annotation Flags" in the PDF 1.7 specification.
virtual void setFlags (uint32 flags)=0
 Set the annotation flags. Please see section 8.4.2 "Annotation Flags" for details about these flags.
virtual void rotate (uint16 rotate, double pageWidth, double pageHeight)=0
 Rotate the annotation clockwise as if the page was rotated by the same amount.
virtual CAnnotationAppearanceVect getAppearances () const =0
 Return all the annotation appearances in a vector.
virtual void removeAppearances ()=0
 Remove all annotation appearances.
virtual U8String getState () const =0
 Get the current annotation state.
virtual void setState (const U8String &state)=0
 Set the current annotation state.
virtual IAnnotationAppearancePtr getAppearance (eAppearanceUsage usage, const U8String &state=U8String()) const =0
 Fetch the annotation appearance that should be used for the given annotation usage and state according to the following rules:
virtual void addAppearance (const IAnnotationAppearancePtr &appearance)=0
 Add or replace an appearance.
virtual bool hasNormalAppearance () const =0
 Does the annotation have a normal appearance? Convenience utility function.
virtual IAnnotationPtr clone () const =0
 Clone the annotation. This is a deep clone. The annotation reference will remain the same.
virtual bool matchesReference (const IAnnotationReferencePtr &reference) const =0
 Does this annotation match the given IAnnotationReference?
virtual IAnnotationReferencePtr getReference () const =0
 Get a reference that can be used to refer to this annotation.
- Public Member Functions inherited from IRCObject
virtual void addRef () const =0
 Increases the reference count of the actual object pointed to. This would take place during an assignment or copying.
virtual bool decRef () const =0
 Decreases the reference count of the actual object pointed to. When the reference count falls to Zero, it deletes the actual object pointed to.
virtual int32 getRefCount () const =0
 Retrieve the current reference count of the actual object pointed to.

Static Public Member Functions

static JAWSMAKO_API IWidgetAnnotationPtr createTextField (const IJawsMakoPtr &jawsMako, const IFormPtr &form, const IPagePtr &page, const FRect &rect, const U8String &partialName, const U8String &text, float textSize, const IDOMFontOpenTypePtr &font, uint32 fontIndex=0, eFontEncoding encodingHint=eFELatin, const IDOMColorPtr &color=IDOMColorPtr(), bool multiLine=false, eQuadding quadding=eQLeftJustified)
 Creator for a simple text annotation, including a basic appearance stream, inserts it into the form, and places it on the given page.
static JAWSMAKO_API IWidgetAnnotationPtr createCheckButton (const IJawsMakoPtr &jawsMako, const IFormPtr &form, const IPagePtr &page, const FRect &rect, const U8String &partialName, const U8String &onValue, bool on=false)
 Creator for a check button annotation, including basic appearance streams, inserts it into the form, and places it on the given page.
static JAWSMAKO_API IFormFieldPtr createRadioButtons (const IJawsMakoPtr &jawsMako, const IFormPtr &form, const IPagePtr &page, const U8String &partialName, const U8String &value, const CRadioButtonInfoVect &buttonDetails)
 Creator for a set of radio buttons, including basic appearance streams, inserts them into the form inside a new subfield, and places them on the given page.
static JAWSMAKO_API IWidgetAnnotationPtr createChoiceField (const IJawsMakoPtr &jawsMako, const IFormPtr &form, const IPagePtr &page, const FRect &rect, const U8String &partialName, bool combo, bool editable, bool multiSelect, const CFieldOptionVect &options, const CU8StringVect &selectedOptions, float textSize, const IDOMFontOpenTypePtr &font, uint32 fontIndex=0, eFontEncoding encodingHint=eFELatin, const IDOMColorPtr &color=IDOMColorPtr())
 Creator for a choice annotation, including basic appearance streams, inserts it into the form, and places it on the given page. Can create either menus, combo boxes, or selection boxes.
static JAWSMAKO_API IWidgetAnnotationPtr createButton (const IJawsMakoPtr &jawsMako, const IFormPtr &form, const IPagePtr &page, const FRect &rect, const U8String &partialName, const U8String &caption, float textSize, const IDOMFontOpenTypePtr &font, uint32 fontIndex=0, eFontEncoding encodingHint=eFELatin, const IDOMColorPtr &color=IDOMColorPtr(), const IDOMColorPtr &backgroundColor=IDOMColorPtr(), const IPDFDictionaryPtr &actions=IPDFDictionaryPtr())
 Convenience creator for a push button annotation, including basic appearance streams, inserts it into the form, and places it on the given page. Makes use of the above APIs to do its work. Can create either menus or selection boxes.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from IRCObject
virtual ~IRCObject ()
 Virtual destructor.

Detailed Description

An interface class for a widget annotation It is intended that future releases of JawsMako will extend this interface.

Member Function Documentation

◆ createBasicAppearances()

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::createBasicAppearances ( const IFormPtr & form,
const U8String & onStateName = U8String(),
const IDOMFontPtr & font = IDOMFontPtr(),
uint32 fontIndex = 0,
float captionSize = 10.0f )
pure virtual

Create a set of very basic appearances given the current annotation's parameters. Replaces any already present. Not yet supported for all widget types. An IError with error code JM_ERR_UNSUPPORTED will be thrown for such appearances.

Supported for:

  • Variable text
  • Choice fields
  • Check boxes
  • Radio Buttons
  • Push Buttons (no icons)
formThe form in which this widget appears. Necessary if field information is inherited from its parent in the tree. If form is NULL and the widget does not know its own details, an exception will result. If in doubt, always pass the form.
onStateNameThe name of the appearance state to use for the "on" appearance. Required for button fields. Ignored for other field types. The name "Off" is used for all off appearance states.
fontThe font to use when we need to create a caption or variable text appearance. If not provided and it is needed, an exception will result.
fontIndexThe index of the font to use.
captionSizeThe size of the font to use when we need to create a caption.

◆ createButton()

static JAWSMAKO_API IWidgetAnnotationPtr JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::createButton ( const IJawsMakoPtr & jawsMako,
const IFormPtr & form,
const IPagePtr & page,
const FRect & rect,
const U8String & partialName,
const U8String & caption,
float textSize,
const IDOMFontOpenTypePtr & font,
uint32 fontIndex = 0,
eFontEncoding encodingHint = eFELatin,
const IDOMColorPtr & color = IDOMColorPtr(),
const IDOMColorPtr & backgroundColor = IDOMColorPtr(),
const IPDFDictionaryPtr & actions = IPDFDictionaryPtr() )

Convenience creator for a push button annotation, including basic appearance streams, inserts it into the form, and places it on the given page. Makes use of the above APIs to do its work. Can create either menus or selection boxes.

jawsMakoThe Mako instance
formThe form to receive the button field
pageThe page to attach the annotation to
rectThe annotation area
partialNameThe desired partial name of the field. If an empty string is passed, no partial name will be set.
captionThe string to use as the caption
textSizeThe text size for the caption
fontThe OpenType font to use for the field text
fontIndexIf font is a TrueType collection, the index of the font within the collection
encodingHintA hint of the encoding to use for the font, if an encoding cannot be unambigously detected from the font itself. Not usually critical for buttons. Must be consistent with other form users of this font.
colorThe color to use for the caption. Must use a DeviceGray, DeviceRGB or DeviceCMYK colorspace. Default is black.
backgroundColorThe background color for the button
actionsThe action(s) to be performed when the button is clicked
IWidgetAnnotationPtr The widget. May be edited after creation for further customisation.

◆ createCheckButton()

static JAWSMAKO_API IWidgetAnnotationPtr JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::createCheckButton ( const IJawsMakoPtr & jawsMako,
const IFormPtr & form,
const IPagePtr & page,
const FRect & rect,
const U8String & partialName,
const U8String & onValue,
bool on = false )

Creator for a check button annotation, including basic appearance streams, inserts it into the form, and places it on the given page.

jawsMakoThe Mako instance
formThe form to receive the button field
pageThe page to attach the annotation to
rectThe annotation area
partialNameThe desired partial name of the field. If an empty string is passed, no partial name will be set.
onValueThe name used by the form to specify an on value. Must be supplied.
onIf true, the button will be checked by default
IWidgetAnnotationPtr The widget. May be edited after creation for further customisation.

◆ createChoiceField()

static JAWSMAKO_API IWidgetAnnotationPtr JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::createChoiceField ( const IJawsMakoPtr & jawsMako,
const IFormPtr & form,
const IPagePtr & page,
const FRect & rect,
const U8String & partialName,
bool combo,
bool editable,
bool multiSelect,
const CFieldOptionVect & options,
const CU8StringVect & selectedOptions,
float textSize,
const IDOMFontOpenTypePtr & font,
uint32 fontIndex = 0,
eFontEncoding encodingHint = eFELatin,
const IDOMColorPtr & color = IDOMColorPtr() )

Creator for a choice annotation, including basic appearance streams, inserts it into the form, and places it on the given page. Can create either menus, combo boxes, or selection boxes.

jawsMakoThe Mako instance
formThe form to receive the button field
pageThe page to attach the annotation to
rectThe annotation area
partialNameThe desired partial name of the field. If an empty string is passed, no partial name will be set.
comboIf true, a combo box/popup will be created. If false, a selectable field will be created.
editableIf true, and combo is set, the combo box text will be editable
multiSelectIf true, and combo is not set, the choice field will allow multiple selections
optionsThe options present in the choice field
selectedOptionsThe options that are initially selected
textSizeThe text size
fontThe OpenType font to use for the field text
fontIndexIf font is a TrueType collection, the index of the font within the collection
encodingHintA hint of the encoding to use for the font, if an encoding cannot be unambigously detected from the font itself. Must be consistent with other form users of this font.
colorThe color to use for the text. Must use a DeviceGray, DeviceRGB or DeviceCMYK colorspace. Default is black.
IWidgetAnnotationPtr The widget. May be edited after creation for further customisation.

◆ createRadioButtons()

static JAWSMAKO_API IFormFieldPtr JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::createRadioButtons ( const IJawsMakoPtr & jawsMako,
const IFormPtr & form,
const IPagePtr & page,
const U8String & partialName,
const U8String & value,
const CRadioButtonInfoVect & buttonDetails )

Creator for a set of radio buttons, including basic appearance streams, inserts them into the form inside a new subfield, and places them on the given page.

jawsMakoThe Mako instance
formThe form to receive the fields
pageThe page to attach the annotation to
partialNameThe desired partial name of the field that represents the group of radio buttons. If an empty string is passed, no partial name will be set.
valueThe value of the field; that is, the name of the radio button that is checked. Pass an empty string if none are selected.
buttonDetailsA vector containing the details of the radio buttons
IFormFieldPtr The field that contains the widgets

◆ createTextField()

static JAWSMAKO_API IWidgetAnnotationPtr JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::createTextField ( const IJawsMakoPtr & jawsMako,
const IFormPtr & form,
const IPagePtr & page,
const FRect & rect,
const U8String & partialName,
const U8String & text,
float textSize,
const IDOMFontOpenTypePtr & font,
uint32 fontIndex = 0,
eFontEncoding encodingHint = eFELatin,
const IDOMColorPtr & color = IDOMColorPtr(),
bool multiLine = false,
eQuadding quadding = eQLeftJustified )

Creator for a simple text annotation, including a basic appearance stream, inserts it into the form, and places it on the given page.

jawsMakoThe Mako instance
formThe form to receive the text field
pageThe page to attach the annotation to
rectThe annotation area
partialNameThe desired partial name of the field. If an empty string is passed, no partial name will be set.
textThe text present in the field (the field's value)
textSizeThe text size
fontThe OpenType font to use for the field text
fontIndexIf font is a TrueType collection, the index of the font within the collection
encodingHintA hint of the encoding to use for the font, if an encoding cannot be unambigously detected from the font itself. Must be consistent with other form users of this font.
colorThe color to use for the text. Must use a DeviceGray, DeviceRGB or DeviceCMYK colorspace
multiLineTrue if the text should wrap within the field, false otherwise
quaddingThe desired justification mode for the text within the field
IWidgetAnnotationPtr The widget. May be edited after creation for further customisation.

◆ getActionsDictionary()

virtual IPDFDictionaryConstPtr JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getActionsDictionary ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the actions dictionary (if present) associated with this widget.

IPDFDictionaryConstPtr the actions dictionary, or NULL if not present.

◆ getAdditionalActionsDictionary()

virtual IPDFDictionaryConstPtr JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getAdditionalActionsDictionary ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the additional actions dictionary (if present) associated with this widget.

IPDFDictionaryConstPtr the actions dictionary, or NULL if not present.

◆ getAppearanceCharacteristics()

virtual IWidgetAppearanceCharacteristicsPtr JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getAppearanceCharacteristics ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the appearance characteristics of this Widget.

IAppearanceCharacteristicsPtr The appearance characteristics, or NULL if appearance characteristics are not present. Note that if you edit the returned object, the edits will not take effect in the widget until setAppearanceCharacteristics() is called.

◆ getDefaultAppearanceString()

virtual bool JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getDefaultAppearanceString ( U8String & defaultAppearanceString) const
pure virtual

Get the default appearance string for variable text, if set.

defaultAppearanceStringA reference to receive the default appearance string
bool true if the field defines a default appearance. If false, the value may be inherited from a parent field

◆ getDefaultValue()

virtual bool JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getDefaultValue ( CU8StringVect & value) const
pure virtual

Get the default value of the field, as an array of strings.

valueA vector to receive the value. For fields that can take multiple values, such as radio buttons or choices, there may be multiple entries. For fields requiring only a single entry.
bool True if the field has a value. If false, the value may be stored in a parent field

◆ getFieldFlags()

virtual bool JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getFieldFlags ( uint32 & flags) const
pure virtual

Get the field flags. Please see the PDF specification for the definition of the flags. See also eFieldFlags. Note that the significance of of the flags changes depending on type, and that the value may be inheritable.

flagsReference to receive the field flags
bool False if the flags have not been set for this widget, otherwise true

◆ getFieldType()

virtual eFieldType JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getFieldType ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the field type.

eFieldType The field type

◆ getFirstVisibleOption()

virtual uint32 JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getFirstVisibleOption ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the index of the first item visible in the list from the options.

uint32 The index of the first option visible in a list

◆ getHighlightMode()

virtual eHighlightMode JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getHighlightMode ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the highlight mode.

eHightlightMode The highlight mode

◆ getOptions()

virtual bool JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getOptions ( CFieldOptionVect & options) const
pure virtual

Get the options for this field.

optionsReference to receive the options
bool true if the option is present. If false, the options may be inherited and the parent field should be consulted.

◆ getPartialName()

virtual U8String JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getPartialName ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the partial name of the widget.

U8String The partial name. If no partial name is present, an empty string is returned

◆ getQuadding()

virtual eQuadding JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getQuadding ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the Quadding (Justification) for variable text.

eQuadding The quadding to use, or eQInherited if it is inherited from a parent field

◆ getSelectedOptions()

virtual CUInt32Vect JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getSelectedOptions ( ) const
pure virtual

Get a vector of 0-indexed indexes into the options for this field that represent the currently selected options.

CUint32Vect The selected option indexes

◆ getValue()

virtual bool JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::getValue ( CU8StringVect & value) const
pure virtual

Get the value of the field, as an array of strings.

valueA vector to receive the value. For fields that can take multiple values, such as radio buttons or choices, there may be multiple entries. For fields requiring only a single entry.
bool True if the field has a value. If false, the value may be stored in a parent field

◆ setActionsDictionary()

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setActionsDictionary ( const IPDFDictionaryPtr & actions)
pure virtual

Set the actions dictionary associated with this widget.

actionsEither an actions dictionary or NULL to clear

◆ setAdditionalActionsDictionary()

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setAdditionalActionsDictionary ( const IPDFDictionaryPtr & actions)
pure virtual

Set the additional actions dictionary associated with this widget.

actionsEither an actions dictionary or NULL to clear

◆ setAppearanceCharacteristics()

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setAppearanceCharacteristics ( const IWidgetAppearanceCharacteristicsPtr & appearanceCharacteristics)
pure virtual

Set the appearance characteristics.

appearanceCharacteristicsThe desired appearance characteristics, or NULL to clear.

◆ setDefaultAppearanceString()

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setDefaultAppearanceString ( const U8String & defaultAppearanceString)
pure virtual

Set the default appearance string for variable text.

defaultAppearanceStringThe desired default appearance string

◆ setDefaultValue() [1/2]

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setDefaultValue ( const CU8StringVect & value)
pure virtual

Set the value of the field, as an array of strings.

For fields that can take multiple values, eg radio buttons, there will be multiple entries. For fields requiring only a single value, a single entry must be specified. Pass an empty vector to clear the value.

valueThe value.

◆ setDefaultValue() [2/2]

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setDefaultValue ( const U8String & value)

Convenience form for fields that only need a single value.

valueThe string value for the field.

◆ setFieldFlags()

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setFieldFlags ( uint32 flags)
pure virtual

Set the field flags. Refer to the PDF specification 1.7 table 8.70 for details.

flagsThe desired flags.

◆ setFirstVisibleOption()

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setFirstVisibleOption ( uint32 option)
pure virtual

Set the index of the first item visible in the list from the options.

optionThe desired index of the first option visible in a list

◆ setHighlightMode()

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setHighlightMode ( eHighlightMode highlightMode)
pure virtual

Set the hightlight mode.

highlightModeThe highlight mode to set.

◆ setOptions()

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setOptions ( const CFieldOptionVect & options)
pure virtual

Set the options for this field.


options The desired options

◆ setPartialName()

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setPartialName ( const U8String & name)
pure virtual

Set the partial name of the widget.

nameThe partial name to be set

◆ setQuadding()

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setQuadding ( eQuadding quadding)
pure virtual

Set the quadding (Justification) for variable text.

quaddingThe desired quadding

◆ setSelectedOptions()

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setSelectedOptions ( const CUInt32Vect & selectedOptions)
pure virtual

Set the currently selected options by 0-indexed indexes into the options.

selectedOptionsThe selected option indexes

◆ setValue() [1/2]

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setValue ( const CU8StringVect & value)
pure virtual

Set the value of the field, as an array of strings. For fields that can take multiple values, eg radio buttons, there will be multiple entries. For fields requiring only a single value, a single entry will be returned. If the field has no value an empty array will be returned.

valueThe value.

◆ setValue() [2/2]

virtual void JawsMako::IWidgetAnnotation::setValue ( const U8String & value)

Convenience form for fields that only need a single value.

valueThe string value for the field.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: