Mako 7.4.0 API
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IDOMJobTkGenericNode Class Referenceabstract

Interface to the IDOMJobTkGenericNode node. More...

#include <idomjobtk.h>

Inheritance diagram for IDOMJobTkGenericNode:


class  Data
 Initialization data. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual EDLQName getQName () const =0
 Retrieves the node qname.
virtual void addAttribute (const EDLQName &qname, const EDLSysString &value)=0
 Adds an attribute.
virtual uint32 getNumAttributes () const =0
 Gets the number of attributes.
virtual EDLSysString getAttributeAtIndex (uint32 index, EDLQName &qname) const =0
 Get an attribute at the given index.
- Public Member Functions inherited from IDOMNode
virtual ~IDOMNode ()
 virtual destructor
virtual DOMid getDOMid () const =0
 Retrieves the node ID.
virtual void setDOMid (DOMid id)=0
 Sets the node ID.
virtual eDOMNodeType getNodeType () const =0
 Retrieves the DOM node type.
virtual bool getProperty (const EDLSysString &propertyName, PValue &propertyValue) const =0
 Retrieves the value of a property. The EDL DOM node can store non-content or relationship information through the use of the "properties" feature of the node. The data is represented as key-value pairs; the key being a string and the value being an abstract container called a PValue. PValues can represent integers, strings, DOM nodes, and so on.
virtual void setProperty (const EDLSysString &propertyName, const PValue &propertyValue)=0
 Sets the value of a property. The EDL DOM node can store non-content or relationship information through the use of the "properties" feature of the node. The data is represented as key-value pairs; the key being a string and the value being an abstract container called a PValue. PValues can represent integers, strings, DOM nodes, and so on.
virtual void removeProperty (const EDLSysString &propertyName)=0
 Removes property.
virtual IEDLSysStringCollectionEnumPtr getPropertyCollectionEnum ()=0
 Retrieves a navigable list of the property names stored on this node.
virtual bool hasChildNodes () const =0
 Function that indicates whether this node is a parent to other nodes.
virtual IDOMNodePtr getParentNode () const =0
 Gets the parent node of this node.
virtual IDOMNodePtr getFirstChild () const =0
 Gets the first child node of this node.
virtual IDOMNodePtr getLastChild () const =0
 Gets the last child node of this node.
virtual IDOMNodePtr getNextChild (const IDOMNodePtr &child) const =0
 Gets the child node which follows the node passed in.
virtual IDOMNodePtr getPreviousChild (const IDOMNodePtr &child) const =0
 Gets the child node which precedes the node passed in.
virtual IDOMNodePtr getPreviousSibling () const =0
 Retrieves the node's previous sibling node.
virtual IDOMNodePtr getNextSibling () const =0
 Retrieves node's next sibling node.
virtual void appendChild (const IDOMNodePtr &child)=0
 Appends a node to the end of the node's child list.
virtual void insertChild (const IDOMNodePtr &ptrPreviousSibling, const IDOMNodePtr &child, bool bCheckComplete=true)=0
 Insert a child node after ptrPreviousSibling.
virtual IDOMNodePtr extractChild (const IDOMNodePtr &child)=0
 Extracts (that is, finds and removes) a child node from the node children. After extraction the child node is no longer a part of the DOM. If no node is specified, the first available node will be extracted from the node's children.
virtual void replaceChild (const IDOMNodePtr &oldChild, const IDOMNodePtr &newChild)=0
 Replaces the child node with another.
virtual bool isComplete () const =0
 Signals the completeness of the node.
A complete node is one that has no more children to be added to it.
virtual void setComplete ()=0
 Sets the node's completeness status to "true".
virtual IDOMNodeFlagsgetFlags ()=0
 Retrieves the node's flags property.
virtual void setParentNode (const IDOMNodePtr &ptrParent)=0
 Sets the parent node.
virtual void setPreviousSibling (const IDOMNodePtr &ptrPreviousSibling)=0
 Sets the previous sibling node.
virtual void setNextSibling (const IDOMNodePtr &ptrNextSibling)=0
 Sets the next sibling node.
virtual bool isAncestor (const IDOMNodePtr &ptrCandidate)=0
 Function tests whether a candidate node is a descendant of the node.
virtual FRect getBounds (bool applyTransform=true, bool applyClip=true)
 Find the conservative bounding box of the marking content of the node.
virtual bool copyNodeData (IDOMNode *pSourceNode)=0
 Copy the properties collection, the flags and the DOM ID from the given source node to this one.
virtual IDOMNodePtr cloneNode (IEDLClassFactory *pFactory) const =0
 Simpified node cloning. An exception of type IEDLError will be thrown on failure.
virtual IDOMNodePtr cloneTree (IEDLClassFactory *pFactory) const =0
 Clone the tree of nodes beginning at this node. An exception of type IEDLError will be thrown on failure.
virtual void cloneTreeAndAppend (IEDLClassFactory *pFactory, const IDOMNodePtr &dest) const =0
 Clone the tree of nodes beginning at this node, and append the result to the destination tree.
virtual void completeTree ()=0
 Mark the entire tree from this point as complete. You should not ordinarily need to call this function.
virtual void removeCompleteFlagFromTree ()=0
 Mark the entire tree from this point as complete.
virtual void findChildrenOfType (eDOMNodeType type, CDOMNodeVect &nodes, bool searchForms=false)=0
 Find all children of this node with the given type, appending to the given vector. Does not descend into brushes.
virtual void walkTree (WalkTreeFunc func, void *priv, bool descendIntoBrushes=false, bool descendIntoForms=false)=0
 Walk through the DOM calling a given function on each node. The function is allowed to:
virtual void notifyOnDestruct (NodeDeleteFunc func, void *priv)=0
 Register interest in being told when this node is about to be destroyed.
virtual void unregisterNotify (NodeDeleteFunc func, void *priv)=0
 Unregister interest in being told when this node is about to be destroyed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from IEDLObject
virtual const CClassIDgetClassID () const =0
 Returns class ID of IEDLObject.
virtual bool init (CClassParams *pData)
 The init() method is called to perform any post-construction initialization of an IEDLObject that has been created by the EDL class factory, before it is actually returned by the factory.
virtual bool clone (IEDLObjectPtr &ptrObject, IEDLClassFactory *pFactory)
 Create a copy of EDLObject.
- Public Member Functions inherited from IRCObject
virtual void addRef () const =0
 Increases the reference count of the actual object pointed to. This would take place during an assignment or copying.
virtual bool decRef () const =0
 Decreases the reference count of the actual object pointed to. When the reference count falls to Zero, it deletes the actual object pointed to.
virtual int32 getRefCount () const =0
 Retrieve the current reference count of the actual object pointed to.

Static Public Member Functions

static const CClassIDclassID ()
 Retrieves the class id of IDOMJobTkGenericNode.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IDOMNode
static EDL_API FMatrix effectiveTransformationOfNode (const IDOMNodePtr &node)
 Attempt to find the effective transformation matrix external to the specified node relative to either a containing page or ultimate parent.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from IRCObject
virtual ~IRCObject ()
 Virtual destructor.

Detailed Description

Interface to the IDOMJobTkGenericNode node.

IDOMJobTkGenericNode is a print ticket node designed to represent unhandled XML data in a print ticket. This allows such markup to be retained, interrogated, modified and subsequently written faithfully in a output print ticket. During XPS input processing, a node of this type is created for each tag that is not natively understood by EDL. The QName is the name of the tag (including namespace information) and the attributes are stored within the object.

Nodes of this type may have IDOMJobTkGenericCharacterData children which represent CDATA owned by the tag.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAttribute()

virtual void IDOMJobTkGenericNode::addAttribute ( const EDLQName & qname,
const EDLSysString & value )
pure virtual

Adds an attribute.

qnameQualified name of the attribute
valueThe value of the attribute as a string

◆ classID()

static const CClassID & IDOMJobTkGenericNode::classID ( )

Retrieves the class id of IDOMJobTkGenericNode.

CClassID. Class id of the element.

◆ getAttributeAtIndex()

virtual EDLSysString IDOMJobTkGenericNode::getAttributeAtIndex ( uint32 index,
EDLQName & qname ) const
pure virtual

Get an attribute at the given index.

indexThe index of the attribute, with 0 representing the first attribute
qnameReference to receive the qualified name of the attribute
EDLSysString The attribute as a string

◆ getNumAttributes()

virtual uint32 IDOMJobTkGenericNode::getNumAttributes ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the number of attributes.

uint32 The number of attributes

◆ getQName()

virtual EDLQName IDOMJobTkGenericNode::getQName ( ) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the node qname.

EDLQName Qualified name value

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