Mako 7.4.0 API
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Classes and methods for dealing with color spaces and values. More...


 Color value
 A single color value. The color values themselves are held as floating point values for all color spaces. For some spaces (such as indexed color spaces) the values will be integral, but still stored as floats.
 Color space
 A color space describes a range of colors appropriate to a given context.
A device color space describes the range of colors that a camera can see, a printer can print, or a monitor can display, and is tied to the device it describes.
Editing color spaces, on the other hand, such as Adobe RGB or sRGB, are device-independent, determining a color range you can work in. They are designed to be gray balanced, such that colors with equal amounts of red, green, and blue appear neutral, and allow you to edit images in a controlled, consistent manner. Editing spaces also are perceptually uniform; that is, changes to lightness, hue, or saturation are applied equally to all the colors in the image.
 Color profiles
 A color profile provides an accurate description of the characteristics of a digital device or working color space.

Detailed Description

Classes and methods for dealing with color spaces and values.