Mako 7.4.0 API
No Matches

Classes to manage images. More...


file  iimagecodec.h


class  IDOMImageProperties
 The IDOMImageProperties interface provides access to an underlying implementation which stores miscellaneous information about the associated image. More...
class  IDOMImage
 The base class describing an image. This class is subclassed to create a number of more specific image types. Instances of these objects may throw IEDLError exceptions on failure. More...
class  IDOMJPEGImage
 Interface to a class representing a JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) image. More...
class  IDOMPNGImage
 Interface to a class representing a PNG (.png) image. More...
class  IDOMTIFFImage
 IDOMTIFFImage interface. More...
class  IDOMPSDImage
 IDOMPSDImage interface. More...
class  IDOMWMPImage
 IDOMWMPImage interface. More...
class  IDOMRawImage
 Interface to a class representing a raw image. More...
class  IDOMTrivialImage
 Interface for a "trivial" image. More...
class  IDOMPDFAlternateImage
 An encapsulation of a PDF alternate image, which may be referenced from an image or mask brush. More...
class  IDOMPDFImage
 Interface to a class representing an image extracted from a PDF file. Intended to be only used with the JawsMako APIs. More...
class  IDOMPCLImage
 Interface to a class representing an image extracted from a PCLXL file. More...
class  IDOMRecombineImage
 Interface to a class representing a image made up of separate single channel images (each with the same bps, dimensions and resolution) each representing a single component of the entire image, or a mask channel. More...
class  IDOMRecombineAlphaImage
 Similar to IDOMRecombineImage, but instead combines an image comprising the color components of the image, with a single-channel image that represents the mask or alpha channel. The images must have the same, dimensions, but may have different dimensions. The resolution information will be taken from the color image. Images with Indexed color spaces will be converted to the base spaces. More...
class  IDOMCompositeImage
 Interface to a class representing a image made up of separate images joined together vertically, appearing as a single image. All images must use the same color space, depth, width, and the same number of channels. More...
class  IDOMCachedImage
 Interface to a class that when overlayed over an image will cache portions of its output. Useful for cases where images are repeatedly and are relatively expensive to process, and where the source image is certain to never change. More...
class  IDOMImageChannelSelectorFilter
 An image filter that presents optionally an image stripped of alpha, or alternatively a Gray image representing the extra channel (ie Alpha or Mask) or a device color space channel. More...
class  IDOMImageColorSpaceSubstitutionFilter
 An image filter that presents an identical image, just with the colorspace substituted. More...
class  IDOMImageColorConverterFilter
 An image filter that presents a color converted version of an image. More...
class  IDOMImageBleederFilter
 An image filter that presents an image with the edge pixels repeated. Useful for cases where consumers may interpolate pixels at the edge, creating unwanted artifacts. More...
class  IDOMImageDownsamplerFilter
 An image filter that presents a downsampled version of an image. More...
class  IDOMImageMaskExpanderFilter
 An image filter that presents a image source and color combination as a plain image with an alpha channel, with all pixels colored with the given color. Useful for simplifying an IDOMMaskedBrush where the brush masked by the image is a solid color. More...
class  IDOMImageDeindexerFilter
 An image filter that presents an image with an Indexed color space as a simple eight bit image. More...
class  IDOMImageDeviceNToBaseFilter
 An image filter that presents an image with a DeviceN color space as a simple image in the alternate space. More...
class  IDOMImageSpotMergerFilter
 An image filter that merges selected spot components into the process components of an image. This is conceptually similar to IDOMImageDeviceNToBaseFilter, but: More...
class  IDOMImageInverterFilter
 An image filter that presents a bitwise inverted form of the source image. More...
class  IDOMDePremultiplyFilter
 An image filter that presents an image with premultiplied alpha as a plain image with plain alpha. It can be applied to any source image, and will do nothing if not required. More...
class  IDOMMatteRemoverFilter
 An image filter that removes a Matte and undoes premultiplication for a PDF Matte'd image and soft mask. The resulting image does not have alpha, and can be used with the mask to generate the desired result. More...
class  IDOMImageBitScalerFilter
 An image filter that presents an image as an image with a different bits per sample. More...
class  IDOMImageColorKeyFilter
 An image filter that presents a masked image where colors within a given range are masked out, analogous to a green screen. The source image must not have a mask or alpha channel. More...
class  IDOMImageDecodeFilter
 An image filter that applies a PDF/PS style Decode array to the image contents. For details on decode arrays, please see "Decode Arrays" on page 344 of the PDF Reference, version 1.7. The bit depth of the result may be promoted to eight or 16 bits per component depending on the situation. More...
class  IDOMFilteredImage
 IDOMFilteredImage interface. Provides a method for filtering of an underlying image without requiring converted image data to be stored. It maintains a list of filters that are successively applied. More...
class  IImageFrame
 IImageFrame encapsulates an EDL image with its details. More...
class  IImageFrameWriter
 IImageFrameWriter writes an image from an imageframe. More...
class  IImageDecoder
 IImageDecoder returns IImageFrame objects as requested by the client. This object knows about the imageformat internals and knows how to unpack the image. More...
class  IImageEncoder
 IImageEncoder accepts IImageFrame objects and streams it out to an image format. More...


enum  eDOMImageType {
  eDITUnknown = 0 , eDITJPEG , eDITJBIG2 , eDITJPEG2000 ,
  eDITRunLength , eDITRendered
 Image type enumeration.
enum  eImageExtraChannelType
 Type used to uniquely identify the type of extra image channel.

Detailed Description

Classes to manage images.