Mako 7.4.0 API
No Matches

Interfaces to DOM brush objects. More...


class  IDOMBrush
 Interface to the brush element. More...
class  IDOMTransformableBrush
 Abstract interface for a brush to which a render transform may be applied. More...
class  IDOMGradientStop
 IDOMGradientStop defines the ramp of colors to use on a gradient. More...
class  IDOMSolidColorBrush
 A solid color brush is used to fill defined geometric regions with a solid color. If there is an alpha component of the color, it is combined in a multiplicative way with the corresponding opacity attribute. More...
class  IDOMGradientBrush
 A common interface for both IDOMLinearGradient and IDOMRadialGradient. Provides straightforward access to common attributes. More...
class  IDOMLinearGradientBrush
 IDOMLinearGradientBrush interface. A linear gradient brush is used to specify a gradient along a vector. More...
class  IDOMRadialGradientBrush
 IDOMRadialGradientBrush interface. A radial gradient brush defines an ellipse to be filled with the gradient. The ellipse is defined by its center, x radius, and y radius. Independently, a gradient origin is specified for the brush. The gradient origin defines the center of the gradient; a gradient stop with an offset at 0.0 defines the color at the gradient origin. The outer bound of the ellipse defines the end "point" of the gradient; that is, a gradient stop with an offset at 1.0 defines the color at the circumference of the ellipse, and all other gradient stops define their offsets relative to the radial distance between the gradient origin and the circumference. More...
class  IDOMImageBrush
 Provides an interface to a DOM image brush object. More...
class  IDOMMaskedBrush
 IDOMMaskedBrush interface, this describes a generalization of a masked image. The sub-brush (set by getBrush()/setBrush()) is painted through a mask specified by the image. Importantly, the sub-brush is not subject to the IDOMImageBrush render transform. Tiling is not supported for this brush type. More...
class  IDOMVisualBrush
 A visual brush is used to fill a region with a vector drawing. More...
class  IDOMVisualRoot
 IDOMVisualRoot interface. More...
class  IDOMSoftMaskBrush
 IDOMSoftMaskBrush provides a way of representing a PDF style soft mask in it's entirity. The soft mask brush contains a suitable IDOMTransparency group, as well as the necessary soft mask details. See section 7.5.4 of the PDF 1.7 specification. These are only allowed for OpacityMask entries. More...
class  IDOMTilingPatternBrush
 IDOMTilingPatternBrush provides a way of representing a PS style tiling pattern. More...
class  IDOMShadingPatternBrush
 IDOMShadingBrush provides a way of representing a PS style shading pattern. More...
class  IDOMShadingPatternType1Brush
 IDOMShadingBrush provides a way of representing a PS style type 1 shading pattern. More...
class  IDOMShadingPatternType2Brush
 IDOMShadingBrush provides a way of representing a PS style type 2 shading pattern. More...
class  IDOMShadingPatternType3Brush
 IDOMShadingPatternType3Brush provides a way of representing a PS style type 2 shading pattern. More...
class  IDOMShadingPatternType4567Brush
 IDOMShadingPatternType4567Brush provides a way of representing a PS style type 4 shading pattern. More...
class  IDOMNullBrush
 IDOMNullBrush provides a way of representing the default marking brush in a Type3 postscript glyph definition or a tiling pattern with paintType 2. This is more of a placeholder that gets replaced when the Type3 glyph or paintType 2 tiling pattern is actually invoked. More...


enum  IDOMBrush::eBrushType {
  IDOMBrush::eSolidColor , IDOMBrush::eLinearGradient , IDOMBrush::eRadialGradient , IDOMBrush::eImage ,
  IDOMBrush::eMasked , IDOMBrush::eVisual , IDOMBrush::eSoftMask , IDOMBrush::eTilingPattern ,
  IDOMBrush::eType1ShadingPattern , IDOMBrush::eType2ShadingPattern , IDOMBrush::eType3ShadingPattern , IDOMBrush::eType4567ShadingPattern ,
 Brush type enumeration. More...
enum  eColorInterpolationMode { eSRgbLinearInterpolation , eSCRgbLinearInterpolation }
 Color interpolation mode type enumeration. More...
enum  eSpreadMethod { ePad , eReflect , eRepeat , eNoSpread }
 Spread Method type enumeration. More...
enum  eViewUnits { eAbsolute }
 View units type enumeration. More...
enum  eTilingMode {
  eNoTile , eTile , eFlipX , eFlipY ,
 Tiling mode type enumeration. More...

Detailed Description

Interfaces to DOM brush objects.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ eBrushType

Brush type enumeration.


Solid color brush.


Linear gradient brush.


Radial gradient brush.


Image brush.


Masked brush.


Visual brush.


Softmask brush.


Tiling pattern brush.


Type 1 shading pattern brush.


Type 2 shading pattern brush.


Type 3 shading pattern brush.


Type 4, 5, 6 or 7 shading pattern brush.


Null brush.

◆ eColorInterpolationMode

Color interpolation mode type enumeration.


Linear interpolation for sRGB color space.


Linear interpolation for scRGB color space.

◆ eSpreadMethod

Spread Method type enumeration.


Fill the remaining area with the color specified by the final gradient stop.


Fill the remaining area by reflecting the gradient, such that the finish point becomes the start of the reflected gradient and the gradient is calculated by stepping back down through the original gradient points.


Fill the remaining area by repeating the gradient from its first gradient stop, starting at the point defined by the last gradient stop.


Do not fill the remaining area, but allow it to remain transparent.

◆ eTilingMode

Tiling mode type enumeration.


No tiling. If the area to be painted is larger than the image, just paint the image once (in the location specified by the brush's viewport), and leave the remaining area transparent.


Tile image without any flipping or rotating of the image. A square image consisting of a single diagonal line between opposite corners would produce diagonal lines when tiled in this mode.


Tile image such that alternate columns of tiles are flipped horizontally. A square image consisting of a single diagonal line between opposite corners would produce chevrons running horizontally across the area when tiled in this mode.


Tile image such that alternate rows of tiles are flipped vertically. A square image consisting of a single diagonal line between opposite corners would produce chevrons running vertically across the area when tiled in this mode.


Tile image such that alternate columns of tiles are flipped horizontally AND alternate rows of tiles are flipped vertically. A square image consisting of a single diagonal line between opposite corners would produce a grid of squares balanced on their points when tiled in this mode.

◆ eViewUnits

enum eViewUnits

View units type enumeration.


Absolute units.